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Nope, all the roads suck now
Really? The corner of Makaala and Pookela looks pretty good, and the recent paving through downtown Pahoa seems to be holding up nicely...
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quote: Originally posted by kalakoa
Nope, all the roads suck now
Really? The corner of Makaala and Pookela looks pretty good, and the recent paving through downtown Pahoa seems to be holding up nicely...
Now you are just playing stupid. None of those roads you mentioned are in HPP, and clearly, neither are you.
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None of those roads you mentioned are in HPP, and clearly, neither are you
At least it's a pointless waste of time on stupid arguments, so not a total loss.
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mermaid53 - With all of the complaining you do, why aren't you running for a position on the board?
You're obviously out of touch w/what's going on here in HPP. I guess you don't live here???? 1st my district isn't open for election. Second, we not only have a lawsuit still going on caused by reckless board members, but we now have an arbitration on top of that, caused by remnants of the same board. Does that answer your question leilanidude?
At least it's a pointless waste of time on stupid arguments, so not a total loss.
If it's pointless, why do you keep coming back wasting your time on stupid arguments?
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The board rep who often spoke up for the membership has been kicked off the board. The vacancy has been posted. Apparently his common sense, professionalism and desire to follow the bylaws and state laws didn't fit into their agenda. They can't legally make policies that don't align with the bylaws and state laws but are proceeding nevertheless.
The board discussed more business out in the open than they have in many many months. That's a big step in the right direction. Some things discussed at the last board meeting:
The Pres announced that all committees will be assessed to ensure they're fulfilling their duty and obligations as they're supposed to. He also stated that our main roads cannot be dedicated to the county until the bond is paid off. There are members who are knowledgeable with the bond and disagree with his statement.
The Treasurer motioned that the rates for rental of the hui be increased by almost 50% effective March 16th. The motion passed. The Treasurer will be gone for 2 mos but it wasn't discussed openly how her business will be conducted while she's gone.
The HRC reported that they are interviewing road crew this week. There are 2 openings apparently and we don't know how many road crew we have currently employed. Are they adding more or filling vacancies? They are rewriting portions of the employee handbook and this is outside of their scope of knowledge and experience. They weren't tasked by the board to do this. They need to be in compliance with our bylaws and state law and there's serious concern that this isn't happening.
Mailboxes in HPP. The post office has 4,000 boxes to donate. The GM said there are 35 clusters and 16 boxes in each cluster. The board approved to prep 1 acre on 15th and Kaloli and 1 acre on 16th and Makuu on our 20 acre parcels. This is just a beginning phase as funds are available. There is no real plan yet on the layout of the mailboxes.
Some members are concerned over whether those who already have boxes in HPP will still have boxes in HPP once the transition is made from the current mailbox locations to the new locations. If the board is handling the assignments, there is concern.
The Emergency Action Committee will be having a meeting on 13 April at 2PM in the library with the civil defense. All are welcome to attend.
During the Feb Membership mtg, someone announced that Judy Houle was honored by the Governor for her volunteer work in combatting invasive species and won Hawaii Island's MVP award for her volunteer community work in controlling albizias and fire ants in HPP. Congratulations to Judy! There are ongoing workshops for both and members can check with the office for work shop dates and times. She has now volunteered to assess the problems of albizias w/knowledgeable people around the hui area and advise the board and mgmt.
The consensus among the membership at the Feb membership mtg was that the GM as a paid employee should take on a proactive role w/the albizia problems in the park. It's a monumental job but baby steps rather than none was advised by members. HPP's easements are the GM and board's responsibility. i.e. Eliminating the keiki and juveniles now before they get bigger and more expensive and laborious to kill and remove.
The next Park Committee meeting is on 12 April. They've already discussed what the 1st phase of the project should be. Paths, pavilions, lighting.....
The chip seal is moving full steam ahead. Still no word on whether they have the proper permits or contractor's license to be doing a project this size. There's no engineer involved. 23rd is next and I heard something about RR on the Kaloli side is another road planned. Coincidentally 2 of the fugitive dust committee members own property on these 2 roads. A lot of big trucks travel on RR so it'll be interesting to see how the chip seal performs at that location.
It's costing the association $50,000 for emulsion, rental of the equipment and operator per mile. They will be spending approx. $350,000 to finish 6-8 miles. The board only got one bid, not in compliance with our corporate policy requiring at least 3. The board is using the same company they had chosen from the beginning who had chip seal problems in Orchidland.
As previously thought and now confirmed, there is NO test road planned, never was. 32nd and 33rd were "training roads". So all the chip seal will be laid down before we can see how it performs with traffic and wet climate. IMO, the board should be accountable financially if the product fails since they don't want to take this slowly and do a test road first on a busy road for 1 yr. The VP is alluding that the damage at the very end of 32nd already was due to troublemakers instead of normal wear and tear and wants cameras and/or lights installed by NW. Some members consider this a deflection, and say the chip seal's been laid awfully thin so the damage may be normal wear and tear from cars turning around at the end of the road.
Reflectors and striping roads: The board was hard pressed in coming up w/the monies and the discussion went round and round. The GM found reflectors in the warehouse. A motion was made to start prepping the roads by clearing the sides. Their plan is to stripe the main roads' edges also. Money will be budgeted for the next fiscal year.
The main feeder roads (Beach, K & L Rd and paved 1st) aren't included in the plan even though it was brought to their attention awhile back. If the road crew doesn't keep up w/maintaining the road's edge and keeping the weeds off the sides of the roads, it will ruin the integrity of the paint, or completely cover it up, and end up being a waste of our monies. Otherwise the stripes on the side would be great. This puts more pressure on the GM to maintain the road's edges.
During owner input an owner said they were disappointed that public safety appears to be lower priority than chip seal. They have lots of money for chip seal but not for striping our roads and putting reflectors down. Also mentioned was that the stop bars all over HPP are faded or completely gone. That stop signs and stop bars should be a priority for public safety as well as striping our roads. There was a terrible 3 car accident on 25th and Kaloli very recently that occurred before 6:45 AM. The badly damaged cars were pushed to the side of the road by this time and the injured taken by ambulance. It appeared that someone may have run a stop sign on 25th and collided w/cars traveling on Kaloli. The stop sign is partially obscured by bushes and there's no stop bar. A member saw people taking photos and measurements of the area later in the week.
Unfortunately the board minutes aren't accurate. Two owners asked why the board minutes are being altered. Extra statements are being added to boost the board's objective. Replies to questions are added when there was none. This caused contention and the board was silent when questioned who was altering the minutes.
Two owners asked when the last Finance Committee mtg was and the board refused to answer. The members were upset at their lack of transparency. Members are allowed to attend FC mtgs and if they're being held secretively, members can't attend. The Pres told the owners that it was a board mtg and that allowing us to speak during owner input was a courtesy. Shortly after, he closed owner input for the night while an owner asked the question again when the last FC mtg was. Meeting was adjourned.
The arbitration is progressing. The board has hired an atty.
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Thanks for the update Mermaid. What utter nonsense to vote off a board member with just a few months left until elections. Of course since that person was appointed they can and did. Show us all they are all ON BOARD the wrecking train. I am sure one particular numbskull poster will defend their actions but it just shows us all that they have a wicked agenda of destruction of HPP... I'd just like to know the reason, it must just be power. One ring leader has plenty of weak minded followers. I also heard that the treasurer is going to be off island for a couple months and wants to appoint someone to fill her shoes while gone. Absurd!She isn't an employee or suppose to be doing the books, just over site. They have their grubby mitts in everything. I saw the road crew working on the 2 dead end(you know... roads with little to no traffic) doing chip seal. Our roads are being neglected. They are in awful disrepair which will take more $ and time just to get them semi decent as well as the hiring out to do other shoulder maintenance. These all need to be factored in expenses. The deal they present is far from the actual expense. We will be repairing chip seal forever. People will wish we had our gravel roads back and had spent the money taking care of them.
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Mailboxes in HPP. The post office has 4,000 boxes to donate.
Some members are concerned over whether those who already have boxes in HPP will still have boxes in HPP once the transition is made from the current mailbox locations to the new locations.
Several years ago after a few acts of vandalism on mailbox clusters, the PO told us they would not pay to replace any more boxes. They had no funds. If that was true, why would they install new boxes to replace perfectly functioning boxes already in place? The existing boxes cost nothing, and there is no labor cost to install them.
Has someone said the PO would shut existing boxes down? Who?
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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The un appointed Board Member was an honest, open minded person who wanted to follow the rules . He was the only one who listened to the Members and didn't go along with the gang of bullies who run the show here. Naturally, he had to go.
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So, everything is OK in HPP land? Everyone can carry on laughing then, in the merry old HPP way. HPP, known as the Happy People Place.
"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
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Kenney posts,
"The un appointed Board Member was an honest, open minded person who wanted to follow the rules . He was the only one who listened to the Members and didn't go along with the gang of bullies who run the show here. Naturally, he had to go."----------------
Kenney, I don't understand,
How was this board member removed from the board? You say that he was "unappointed", so I assume that he was voted into office by his district, am I right? Then how was he "removed" ? Thanks