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Ohia trees are dying rapidly, Why?
before they are too hard to skin or start to rot

Ohia gets harder to peel within a few days of being cut; the rot will take much longer, unless helped along by carpenter bees.

Friends of mine have had good results using a pressure washer to get the bark off of Ohias. I don't know whether that makes the job less time critical.

Thankfully We are watching a few less dying ohia in our back yard these days, unfortunately most have already died.

P.S. Anyone know the name of the suspected vine mentioned at the end of that article, that may have caused this treebola(ROD)?
I still believe lower puna may have been part of a geothermal or electricity saving experiment that went terribly wrong. It may be just a coincidence that this Rod disease started around the geothermal power plant? Approximately the same year (2009) that another push for more geothermal energy was made as well.
Could Ormat in the year 2009, unknowingly have brought the rappid oak disease, now ROD, with any drilling equipment, vehicles,tools ect, from its power plants near the oak disease outbreak in California?
Here is a recent meeting regarding and including legal representatives from our good neighbor's. Please skip to the bottom video in the article to get the entire puna related meeting. Ormats Lawyer is really good (smooth) he does not give two cents about the surrounding community or those living in it, jmo. The dude representing the DLNR should be fired as he was needing saved by the good attorney behind him,jmo.

I sure don't like the sound of lower property values, or a possible 16-18 more new wells that have already been permited or allowed to be drilled soon(if needed)?. Would they see a greater need to reach 60 MW worth of production if the TMT was needing to be seeing its first light?. Why no mention of the dire ohia tree situation around its current power plant? Also concerned about its past polluted power plant above leilani( they just buried those unlined waste ponds with soil) could be leaking or contaminating under ground water or soils with toxins or heavy metal's.
The sun, moon, mercury and neptune are all in pisces at the moment. That likely has a big effect on stuff like this so you might want to look into that as well.
Now Tom, Pam must have told you the sun went into Aries a few days ago. That must be the problem. Further research needed.
Well, perhaps Mercury is retrograde or something is in a grand cross with something else. Surely some planetary event can explain what's happening. Haven't been keeping up-to-date with current astrological news these days I'm afraid...
Here is an updated article on how our Ohia forests are doing, pretty sad to watch the last 6-8 years. Looks like it has continued to spread quickly from lower puna to most parts of the island.

Its looking like we may never know what caused this (ROD) to start, although they do think leilani is ground zero.
Maybe a coincidence that helco and ormat were expanding a multi million dollar business that required (drilling, dozing, driving, adding power lines, and tree cutting,) in lower puna when this ohia wilt started. Also another coincidence is that Ormat owns and operates the very large geothermal plant near Mammoth lake in California. Where they have been battling the black oak wilt fungus for some time now. Concern here, Could This ROD fungus hitch a ride or stay alive long enough on a truck, tool, or on some drilling equipment from that Mammoth lake area? Wondering if the two deadly strains of fungus have been looked at for similarities, or if by chance one or the other has any effects on the others host tree oak or ohia?.
I don't know who/what to blame for the Ohias that have died at our place. I just keep planting new ones and lots a Keiki (volunteers) are coming up in dead Ohia and Hapu'u stumps and they're growing fast and looking healthy. Fingers crossed. They are such precious trees.
I keep hoping we'll be able to assist their survival.
O.K. found it ... My stock reply to Gypsy when he going trolling ...

O.K. I'll bite .. Gypsy, please, you keep saying the same thing over and over ... Its like you have never read all the info provided to you BC you keep repeating the same thing + asking the same questions ... Congrats on your sublime trolling.

Good evening Pog.
Not trying to troll, just can't help it, i have to write down some thoughts at times. I was fortunate to go golfing today with two of my sons, up at the volcano golf course(75). The drive up or down the mountain today was shocking or stunning to see the many burnt orange or grey Ohia colors everywhere. Through ppark, ainaloa, Hawaiian acres, even higher into mountain view, fern forest, or eden rock. It really Won't be long until it (ROD) starts killing thousands of ohia in the long iconic volcano national parks Ohia rain forest,jmo. What a shame because we (state) can't seem to stop it, especially if we don't know where or what has started or continues it. The ohia trees are everywhere in puna, they would usually be in full bloom with red flowers this time of year.

Anyway pog, many ideas I have or decide to write down here are not intended as trolling on my part. Im use to keeping a regular journal or two since I was younger, always loved to write and still do(albeit poorly). Found out years ago that writing in a notebook and calling places like the dlnr or mayor office about these dying ohia wasn't working (circles). Here on Robs forum I have seen great amounts of information regarding puna's dying ohia trees on just a few made threads. Hoping that some of the info if saved on this forum may be helpful someday to someone.


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