05-13-2016, 09:00 PM
No Tomk, I was writing that I would prefer someone who supports GMO(Ha) over Human trafficking (brothers in article). Good one though tomk. I can see why Mr. Ha may have wanted a change of direction.
Richard Ha - Cannabis Conniseur?
05-13-2016, 09:00 PM
No Tomk, I was writing that I would prefer someone who supports GMO(Ha) over Human trafficking (brothers in article). Good one though tomk. I can see why Mr. Ha may have wanted a change of direction.
05-13-2016, 09:05 PM
No, Gypsy, you brought up human trafficking to muddy the waters and associate Hawaii farmers with human trafficking. You are one disgraceful and shameless individual.
05-13-2016, 09:27 PM
I know the logic about muddy waters tomk, Just because mark mcquire and José canseco used PED's to enhance their abilities and increase their baseball contracts, doesn't mean the other competitive players in that era like Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, or Sammy Sosa would do them to compete or be on the same levels.
I also know not to hold the players in the business accountable for the tainting or black eye it has received, I hold folks like Bush(former owner of texas rangers)responsible for the public's fooling and product over paying,jmo.
05-14-2016, 12:02 AM
Because Richard publicly supported GMOs and pesticide use (+ the corporations appeared to be supporting him), his local-familiar name stirs anger + negative emotions to environmentalists (as myself).
---------- @ChicEco - Mr Ha on numerous occasions, mentioned that although he did not grow GMO products himself, he believed that taking the option of growing them, from local farmers who might want to, was a bad idea. How does that make him in bed with evel corporations? It certainly appeared to me that he was honest and completely supportive of a farmers' right to grow what the farmer felt best for their situation.
05-14-2016, 04:40 AM
quote: Poor examples Gyp, as Bonds and Sosa were both on the juice (maybe Roger too)!
05-14-2016, 04:56 AM
Just wait until these licensed dispensary owners call "foul" because off the widespread backyard growers eating into the dispensary profits. I expect to see a huge wave of law enforcement cracking down to protect the dispensaries. Hawaii did this all wrong, made it into another protectionism scheme. Lots of folks are going to get tossed into the meat grinder. JMO.
05-14-2016, 09:16 AM
What next, the TMT?
Clearly the TMT high-altitude laser project is actually designed to induce genetic mutations into our MMJ so that it creates false positives for PEDs. That way, everyone can get busted ... except for the executive management who "had no idea" that rogue engineers had been "faking the results". Just wait until these licensed dispensary owners call "foul" because off the widespread backyard growers eating into the dispensary profits. State and HELCO have already eaten all the potential dispensary profits. The only way licensees can make money is by reselling seized weed which they will be able to buy at the special "licensees only" police auction.
05-14-2016, 10:36 AM
As an FYI...and based on public records:
- Lau Ola LLC is the business that was awarded the license. - However, from what I understand, Richard Ha is the individual person who is the dispensary "license holder". - Lau Ola LLC was organized in October of 2015 under the name Greenfield Solutions LLC by Dylan Shropshire and Eric Chen Zerlo listing a Hilo PO Box as their place of business. - In December 2015 (prior to the January 29, 2016 dispensary application deadline) Greenfield Solutions LLC changed their business name to Lau Ola LLC. - Richard Ha is not listed as an organizer nor as a member of Lau Ola LLC. My thoughts: I am not sure that Richard is the one financing this operation, beyond his land, buildings and infrastructure. I will almost certainly assure you that there is mainland medical marijuana industry expertise that will be utilized in this operation. ---
05-14-2016, 11:58 AM
Looks like this is the business behind Dylan Shropshire, and a real estate operation too. Doesn't seem ominous. |
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