Sistersue, good morning to you.
Again you asked another great question by asking how long this other mosquito virus has been here?
I do know that Sometime around Christmas i knew a few people who were sick with dengue like symptoms but were being treated and released from our hospitals and clinics without really knowing what gave them those similar symptoms. Maybe This other mosquito carrying virus also doesn't regularly get tested for, like the Zika or dengue? Or maybe it only severely affects 1 out of 5 who contact it like the dengue, this way we really don't know how many cases we truly have had? Jmo.
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treated and released from our hospitals and clinics without really knowing what
Our depressed local economy doesn't support first-class healthcare. What this place needs is technology investment to create high-paying jobs, so there's enough tax base for better healthcare options.
Oh, I forgot -- growth is bad, technology is worse. Maybe those "few people" should have flown to Oahu for diagnosis instead of putting all of us at risk?
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This thread is utterly confusing. Is there a new strain of dengue? No answer. Is the case that allegedly was found in HPP this new strain or regular dengue? No answer.
According to grumpycosmos he/she was infected by this new strain five months ago and civil defense knew about it - so they supplied bug spray, which would be pointless after someone is infected. They wouldn't have the ability to tell what strain of dengue the affected person would have anyway, even if there is a different strain which no-one seems to know about.
I'm at the point of calling this bull**** unless someone can actually post something that makes sense.
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YUP...unless the hawaii's standard of waiting around till more people get sick... you know keep quiet game, you do remember how they handled it last time. I doubt the procedure will change.
None the less, I will be waiting it out, for a real link and more people getting sick, hopefully it's a hoax and no one or no one else starts getting sick. All we need now is a second outbreak of this crap. That and a the state dragging their feet once again, hoping it will go away on it's own.
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There are four strains of Dengue. When you get one type you are immune to that type only, if bitten by another of the four strains you have much more serious symptoms. Last year, we had one type only, but since the recent one was imported, it was another type, so a real threat to to those who were sick last year.
Info about Dengue:
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Yes, there are 4 strains. The first infection with one strain can be mild or awful but exposure to second strain very likely deadly. Exposure to one strain only gives immunity to that strain. Exposure to second strain is very risky.
Tom, the opening post of this thread looks like an official media release to me, informing us there is a new imported case.
On the same date grumpyscosmos says he/she was contacted by CD BECAUSE it was a different strain (which puts he/she at higher risk for Dengue hemmoragic Fever, which people who get a second infection with a different strain are prone to ) AND it was very near he/she, so they loaded he/she up with mosquito repellent to assist in preventing a second , possibly deadly infection.
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Afterthought Tom. Supplying a person with mosquito repellent after they were already infected is not pointless. True, it wouldn't help the person infected per se, but it would prevent the infected person from getting bit by another mosquito which could then bite another person, infecting them. That is why DOH/CD recommend isolating the infected person.
In the case of grumpyscosmos, the repellent was provided to prevent him/ her from getting a second infection from a different strain.
Clear as mud?
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Oxitec applied to FDA for permission in 2011, still waiting.
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Just off FB (for what it is worth) since all the names and dates are there, verification is possible. this is not the same East side (HPP) infection:
#8206;Bryan Costanich#8206; to Hawaii Dengue/Zika Awareness
3 mins ยท
Folks, I'm posting this because I'm fed up with the BS around this. My wife contracted Dengue and Chikingunya on the west side. Likely inoculation was Keauhou harbor area (likely on Saturday the 14th). She tested positive for the antibodies to both at a hospital here in Oregon on Wednesday the 18th. CDC had the blood labs expedited and gave us a call from Atlanta two days ago. They said both were 100% positive. They also said not to tell anyone because they didn't want to cause a panic and that they would go public yesterday. They also insinuated that if she had gone to the hospital in Hawaii, they would have quarantined her.
They didn't do that. They didn't go public. And they have no right to keep this information from folks. We do not live in a fascist state and we're not all children who should be shielded from the facts. It also seems that they're not disclosing this to Hawaii DOH.
I see Larry O'Brien's posts have been deleted, and I see a lot of speculation and misinformation here, so I'm setting the record straight.
We believe my wife is passed the worst of the Dengue (yes, I realize it's biphasic, but do the math). She's now battling the actue stage of Chikingunya. I hope and expect she'll make a full recovery.
We're adults and we realize **** happens. I've traveled the world over and have gotten interesting diseases before. It comes with the territory. I have serious issues, however, with the handling of this. The suppression of information because the CDC thinks we're not adult enough to make decisions is frustrating and wrong. Everyone has the right to know, so that they can stay vigilant and not think that Dengue is over, and the appearance of Chikingunya is new and should be treated appropriately.
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I just contacted CD (nobody answered at either Hlo or Oahu DOH, surprise surprise) and was told that they are aware of this reported case of dual infection. They had a meeting about it yesterday . There is apparently some confusion regarding who contacted who about what between here and Oregon's DOH and CDC. It was recommended that I contact Jason Dela Cruz at Hilo DOH, as he is involved in the investigation, however that is impossible since DOH is too understaffed to answer the phone.
Meantime, we remain vigilant and use precautions to prevent mosquito bites.
God only knows how long it will take HI. DOH to investigate and report this.