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Ohia trees are dying rapidly, Why?
found yet another interesting article that tries to explain the hidden or not yet known dangers and risks that waste re-injection wells may pose to our environments in the near future.

So in Chico Texas, re-injected waste was making its way back to the surface from thousands of feet below the ground. The result was stands of dead or dying trees, the leaves would fry and turn orange first. This reads very familiar to what we have been experiencing here in Puna, jmo.

If this re-injected waste can make its way back to the surface through Texas soil or rock and kill trees. Why wouldn't it be possible for re-injected waste to make it's way back to the surface through our porous rock here in Puna?

P.S. Good morning Leilanidude. Again Do you work for a bank?

It's important to keep your story consistent. Is it geothermal or a fungus? You go on about a fungus and in the next post you go on about geothermal. If you hadn't already lost me with your first few posts (many moons ago) you would lose me when you asked me to overlook such an inconsistency.

In other words pumping up one argument then following it up with another hyped argument does not compound the veracity of the arguments. If the arguments are incompatible or require a huge coincidence then hyping both arguments at once reveals your bias and lets the air out of both.
A few years back Gyp claimed that geothermal was causing nothing but baby boys to be born in Leilani. Then he and his wife had a baby girl.

He doesn't bring up that theory any more.
At this point, I going to have to nominate Mister 69 for "Troll of the Decade" and discontinue any further involvement. Ha ha Gypsy you got me good, well done.
Again Do you work for a bank?

We all work for the banks in one way or the other following the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Except in our case we paid them. If leilanidude can get the banks to send him a check, more power to him.

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”
-Joseph Brodsky
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
If leilanidude can get the banks to send him a check, more power to him.

LOL ! ! ! They do pay better than the State of Hawaii.. or the County. The best deals are the retailers in bankruptcy and you are guaranteed to get paid!
Had a recent conversation regarding our ROD and wanted to share here on PW with those who may be interested.

Just got off the phone with a gentleman from the California forest division. He was open minded about the ROD because he has been heavily involved with the recent sudden oak wilt that is spreading in California. I did hit him with a couple of "SPECULATIONS" as to how this ROD could have mutated or been introduced here.

I asked him if it would be possible that the ROD could have hitched a ride over to Puna on geothermal drilling equipment, or vehicles from say California, where the Sudden oak wilt is? His answer was yes, he thought that would be possibility and should be looked into. He thought that agencies should do a better job inspecting or be put in place to do the inspecting of equipment being moved in from other parts of the world.

I also asked him if it would be possible to have a mutation of a fungus already here? He said yes. So I asked him if a layer of geothermal ground substance caused from an underground leaking production well could possibly cause a fungus mutation? He thought that was a great question and really should be looked into further. This was funny, He thinks I should try and educate my local politicians to this train of thought.

Before we can figure out what to grow in place of the Ohia, or how to start the reforestation process, it may be very important to understand the cause in the first place. This gentleman I had on the phone did mention to me that some fungi do eventually move to other crops or trees. So before we invest hundreds of millions to reforest areas only to have those trees or crops also succumb to the fungus it may be wise to understand the fungi better and figure out what started it, or where it came from?

He mentioned to me that this ROD was a serious environmental problem and that nobody was going to want to admit or take the fall for it, especially politicians. I mentioned my community and family health concerns due to being surrounded by these hundreds and now thousands of dead or dying Ohia trees. Again he felt my concerns were valid and also thought it was possible for increased human health issues to arise in areas that experience mass tree death.

Makes me wonder if any of those long overdue or promised geothermal health studies ever really began or if any past "DATA" could be compared With?

If you are trying to blame geothermal for shipping equipment here, realize that about 500-1000 cars arrive on the islands each week from the West coast. Any of them could have been the cause. Used heavy equipment is also shipped here, weekly.
Do the birds rinse their little feet with bleach before they land on another tree?

What about the pigs?

some fungi do eventually move to other crops or trees

This is easily avoided by not planting more than 10% of any one species.

this ROD was a serious environmental problem and that nobody was going to want to admit or take the fall for it, especially politicians.

They've managed to avoid responsibility for LFA, coqui, CBB, etc, but that's not the point: assignment of blame does not replace the trees.
Hey Gyp Dip !
You have posted on here for several years that your property is ground zero for the ROD.
You have also posted that you travel around the island, hike out to the lava flows and etc !


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