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Matson woes...
Ditto the good service from Pasha. We appropriated our daughter's car from college and sent it over in April 05. I drove it to San Diego, they did an inspection (about an hour), it sat for a week until the next sailing, and my uncle picked it up for us a week later with no problems.

Linda in CO
I just got off the phone with Matson, again, and after being told last time that my vehicle was already in transit from Honolulu to Hilo and should arrive on the 8th, now I was just told that my van is still setting in Honolulu and might make it onto the next barge on Monday night...I had to use great restraint with the guy on the phone, because I know it's not his fault, but I really wanted to say some things... Instead I said "thank you" and hung up, and now you guys have to hear about it...sorry.

Chin up Mark! Don't apologize that is why we are hear to give each other an ear and keep an eye out, no? Will keep my fingers crossed for you and your vehicle! Our turn is coming! Yikes and LOL. So hang in there, they can't sell it can they? Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Just talked to Matson again...and guess van missed the barge... again. Still sittin' there in Honolulu...So I guess maybe next week...or the next...or...well you get the picture...Well, I guess they have only had my van for 40 days... what am I complaining about???

Hey Mark, perhaps it is time to talkie to the big cheeze and tell them all the free advertising they are accumulating on the forums here there and everywhere? Just an idea.

Better yet get an email address and perhaps some of your friends (MOI) could send some pointed questions to them about customer service, and scheduling? I don't know!! Something needs to happen here it has been a little too long and I'm sure costing some extra $$$'s. Good luck and maybe someone else has some better ideas or knows someone with connections. Half tongue in cheek!!

We will be shipping 3 autos 2 motorcycles and one travel trailer in June and not sure we will want to use the Matson time-line know what I mean!!

Good luck, good Karma, good night! Mella

PS. I loved your post about the glutenous appetites and the limited supplies.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Mella, slightly off topic, what are the quotes like on your trailer? Last summer we were getting ridicules quotes for a very small cover trailer (6.5'x11'x6'height total dimensions) of $2500, because it was a trailer. (Oh, and it had to be empty at that price!) We didn't ship it, but sure do miss it here (great for hauling so much stuff!) I now shipping prices have shifted downwards on vehicles, just interested if trailers have come down in price (Quotes were from Matson & Autologic, Pasha did not handle anything but autos for private consumers then)
Aloha, Carey

Hi Mark, I read your Matson post on the KW. As I no longer have privileges there and refuse to pay the reinstatement extortion fee for something I did not do or Participate in, I just wanted to say this regarding your Matson woes. If you have to go to Honolulu to check on your truck, I would be very bold and ask Matson to pay for this little trip, as you are worried about the physical condition and location of your truck. Good luck, and keep us informed. Mella L

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
A bit of good news today, and no my van isn't here yet. When I called Matson this morning and found out that my van missed the barge again, I lucked out and got a cs rep that actually helped me out. She notified her manager about the situation and ended up getting my van unpacked from the container it was in and put in line for next Monday's barge. Also she made sure that I got hooked up with a rental vehicle(Chevy Trailblazer) for the next coulpe of weeks on them. So at least I got some wheels while I'm still waiting for my van.

Time to stop lurking and get working. I (Jim) have turned in my resignation (as a journeyman electrician) here at the Ronald Reagan Missle Defence Range site in the Marshall Islands. Carol and I will be flying out on April 24th. We are going to Clackamas Oregon where we will be loading a container we bought with tools (tractor/loader, cement mixer, power tools), some building supplies, and household items and shipping it to Hilo. WE WERE GOING TO USE MATSON. WHO DO YOU RECCOMEND? As soon as it leaves we will fly to Hilo and begin getting the land ready to build on. We will probably be "kinda" camping out on the property on Hilo Street in Nanawale and begin building there. Because we own the container we will be using it as a storage shed as we progress. We already have all the necessary permits so things should move along fairly well after we get the land cleared and the temporary power in. We are looking forward to posting the pictures and news of our building experience on this forum. We are also inviting anyone who sees potential problems with our plan to let us know what they are. Thanks - Jim and Carol.

Moving to Puna (Nanawale) from Kwajalien, R.M.I. Will be constructing an owner-built house. Looking forward to arriving there in May 2006.
Home of the "Just for Keiki" Luau show.
I worked for Lockheed Martin for 20 years as a electrician at the Skunkworks in Burbank /Palmdale,Calif. Also worked on foreign assignment for the last 13 years before moving to Puna in 2004. Just moved into our owner builder home. Best wishes on
your new Life in Hawaii.
Aloha Lee & Ana


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