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Oahu about-face on ohana units
The official name for them is Accessory Dwelling Unit or ohana house. After decades of being against them, Oahu has pivoted to enthusiastically encouraging them. It is being sold as a solution for homelessness, but also quietly sold as the only way their keiki can stay on the island plus the ohana house has been known to be the mother-in-law house. Living in interesting times.
Accessory Dwelling Units and Ohana Units

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
State wide or just on Oahu?

-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
I read it was just Oahu. There just isn't any affordable housing there and since the politicians aren't fixing it, they're passing the buck to residents. I wish they would reinstate Ohana building here. We could use more Living space for family. I think part of the problem was that most people rented out their Ohana buildings instead of using them as intended, for Ohana. The State wasn't getting their "cut" so they put an end to it. When the housing/homeless problems get too overwhelming here, they will probably decide to allow it again.
The instructions don't specify Oahu, but says the ordinance was signed into law by Mayor Kirk Caldwell, and all the agencies and contacts are on Oahu, so it sounds like Oahu-only.

But if the County of Oahu or City of Honolulu can change the law for themselves, we should be able to change it for the Big Island.

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Do we truly want Ohana units? With more people comes....
It would be good for Hawaii County to allow Ohana units on Ag land for the following reasons:

1. Small housing favors the elderly, young marrieds and single people with affordable housing. We are way overbuilt with unoccupied 3+2's.
2. It would be a boon to the local construction industry (economic development).
3. It would assist local family's in meeting their mortgage obligations resulting in fewer foreclosures (economic development).
4. It would bring some degree of equity to owners of the 80,000 false "AG" lots created by the county in 1959.
5. It would boost appraised values of properties with ohanas benefiting the long term tax base of the county.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
More people are already here. Families grow. Kids grow up and need their own space. Parents age and need their own little place. Multi generational homes are common here.
Rob, it was a rhetorical question on my behalf. I too support Ohana units. But along with what you shared, I do not see anything related to improved roads, public services, schools, etc. To simply flip the switch and say "Ohanas are now permitted!" would put a strain on an already overburdened public infrastructure. Current Puna infrastructure is barely handling the population we have now. You and I both know that Politicians and decision makers will keep the Ohana and highway discussions separate.

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