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Lava Flow - toward ocean now
So the road they just punched through as a secondary escape route will no longer be usable... that was a nice waste of money.

..What would King Kamehameha do..
the road they just punched through ... will no longer be usable...

That's one possibility.
It could also provide a front row view of the lava, from two different directions.
Choose wisely, county, state, and federal authorities.

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”
-Joseph Brodsky
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
As long as they allow food trucks and such out there ... if life gives you lava ... make lavanade.

..What would King Kamehameha do..
"So the road they just punched through as a secondary escape route will no longer be usable... that was a nice waste of money"

Alaskyn66..I agree! And I'm also appalled we pay firefighters to sit around the station house on days when there are no fires to fight. What a waste of money that is! Ditto for the time EMTs are on duty but not driving around picking up patients. And do we really need a civil defense department when we only have an impending disaster every 8 months or so?

Even though that road may never be usable, its construction during the frightening days of the eruption helped calm local residents who were under threat, so it had value.

We can't predict the future, we can only prepare for it. Lava may cross that road again, rendering it unusable. Or lava might suddenly break out near Pahoa or Leilani again and threaten to isolate lower Puna - in which case we'll be glad the toad is there. The only thing we can predict with certainty is that there will always be people who will make cynical comments no matter what decision is made.

Not really being cynical..but they could of at least let people use the road that we payed for. is public land it Not?

Their excuse... we don't want invasive species brought into the park.. (from the back gate ).. you can only do that from the front gate..
..What would King Kamehameha do..
Just my opinion here but That road has been cursed for years. Just wasted money, If it's been there for 60 years its only been usable for 15 of those years at most.
She is building a shield - as in shield volcano - layers upon layers of lava ,slowly elevating the entire area.
When she gets tired of going south or east,she heads north north east,then another break out on Pu'u O'o and she travels a new path a top older paths,on her way to the ocean .
On days like today with passing down pours ,less airplane tours and far less noisy overhead helicopter tours.
Prior to 1983 very large earth quakes as her plumbing was opening up for what today is a shield volcano in the making .
She travels where she will,when she is tired of this particular jaunt,she will collapse another section of her Pu'u O'o vent and head elsewhere.In geologic time a blip - in our lifespans several decades .
If she stops erupting do expect more frequent LARGE earth quakes .As were regular events in the late 1970s.
The rest is a mute point .


SBH said July 30th. Knieft said July 22nd. I said July 21st.
Answer is: July 26th! It's a tie!

The self-appointed lava expert was sadly way off.
FYI: (*Snipped - More at link incl. picture)

HAWAII VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK, Hawaii – The 61g lava flow has reached the Pacific Ocean on Hawaii Island.

The lava flow began a new ocean entry at 1:30 a.m. this morning, lava tour guides report.

Yesterday, the lava crossed the coastal emergency road that connects the Chain of Craters Road in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to Kalapana. From that point it was only a matter of hours before the lava reached the sea.

Aloha mai, E Tutu Pele!

ETA: typo, sorry.
Flow going across Chain Of Craters Rescue Road.

The county has said they aren't going to clear CoC if lava goes over it. The flow isn't strong but it looks pretty steady. That is a beautiful shot of the flow entering the ocean. The tour boat operators must be chanting Mahalo Nui Pele right now.

*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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