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Ohia trees are dying rapidly, Why?
do they (Hawaii) allow the use of fracking fluids?
unexplained boom was felt throughout Puna

Yes! What is going on down there anyway?
Is PGV drilling a well, which is so loud and disturbing that neighboring residents can't sleep at night, or even at times when they imagine PGV is drilling, but they're not?

Or, is PGV fracking a well, which is quieter, even stealth-like, sneaking up when you least expect it in the water table or drawn up into tree roots?

Or, are they dropping dynamite down small shafts detonating unexplained explosions, because, you know, a geothermal plant can eventually figure out something to do with a hole in the ground which goes off in random directions?

What is going on anyway? And have they considered using atom bombs?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Coincidence here.

Puna Geothermal Power plant increases production 8 megawatts in 2011 without having to drill another well by using the Brine component of geothermal fluid "originally unused". How again Exactly did the Puna Geothermal electrical power plant "FINISH enhancing" their production 8MW in 2011 if they did not drill new wells?

Ground Zero for The "ROD" surrounds the Puna Geothermal plant with first reports of dead or dying Ohia trees sometime between 2010-2011. The coincidence I see is that during the same time, at the same location, a new method of geothermal enhancement was coinciding with the devastating "ROD".

Maybe the Puna Geothermal water, brine fluid, and enhanced proprietary concoctions should be sampled and experimented on Foilage in the Volcano National Park Forest like they did in WV to study it's possible or unexpected environmental effects? Jmo.
first reports of dead or dying Ohia trees sometime between 2010-2011

Locals tell me they've seen ROD-like ohia death since 2000 or earlier, up mauka, many miles away from PGV.

Bottom line: it doesn't matter who's responsible, what the contamination is, or how it spreads, because the political will (or funding) is not available (or sufficient) to undo the damage.

ROD is a product of evolution; the same process will also eventually create ROD-resistant Ohia. In the meantime, we need to protect the ecosystem balance by planting more trees and increasing biodiversity. Assigning blame and creating scapegoats is not productive. Studying ROD might provide some useful knowledge, but only if we're also willing to accept trees that have been GMO'd for ROD resistance.
Gypsy, I will give it to you. Once you get a thought in your head nothing and I mean nothing including any scientific evidence or lack there of will ever convince you otherwise.
NOT so funny that many in the Pueo group main members who are now pushing hard for the TMT project also were Pushing hard 7 years ago for more enhanced Geothermal.
These cronies or hand picked so-called island scientists and farmers are "all in" for the profits that the TMT or ENHANCED Geothermal can bring our politicians, Unfortunately, if you called any of them with a concern that your Ohia Tree's are dying, They don't care and won't spend time or have any available resources that could help with your concern. I happen to feel This way because I did call some of these same cronies or island scientists several times about the Ohia's that were dead, dying, or next just after that enhanced Geothermal project had been finished and they did nothing for years.

Take a close look at the forest being shown next to the Puna Geothermal power plant in that picture from 2010, Notice anything? That's right Kalakoa, No signs of ROD around Ground Zero as of that photo.

cronies or hand picked so-called island scientists and farmers are "all in" for the profits that the TMT or ENHANCED Geothermal can bring our politicians

Yes, it's far better to burn petroleum products so that Big Oil can keep all those profits off-shore where they're not taxable.

concern that your Ohia Tree's are dying

I'm sure this is ONLY caused by geothermal, it can't possibly be climate change, or viruses evolving to cross the species barrier.

Again: does "fault and blame" solve any of these problems? ROD is already part of our enivronment, it's not going away. The endless litany of "all problems could or should be caused by geothermal, JMO" is really really tiresome.
first reports of dead or dying Ohia trees sometime between 2010-2011.

I think you might have overlooked another recent event that is far more likely to have been the source of ROD than incidents at PGV, the Kalapana Star Sanctuary.
Opihikaobob saw a large spike in space-based activity over the Big Island, in the Kapoho area in particular with videos posted to prove it, right around 2010-2011. It's not a coincidence that several years later, after intense negotiation with the aliens, Uncle Robert was finally able to announce the opening of the Star Sanctuary Spaceport.

Don't you think ROD is more likely to come from outside planet earth, as it had never been detected before 2010? Aliens most likely buzzed Leilani Estates and at a high rate of speed, perhaps opened their trashports to dump alien fungus, which jmo, is what I believe they "eat" for dinner, and their trajectory carried the leftovers several miles away to ground zero, in the forests around the PGV plant.

It's a theory that I would say requires more study.

The moon kind of surprises me sometimes. I’ll be out at night and I’ll see a nice moon, and say, “Hey, that looks good.” Then I’ll say, “Oh sh-t, I went up there one time!” Kind of surprises me. It’s like there are two Moons, you know—the one that’s usually around, and then that one. - Michael Collins, Apollo 11 astronaut
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"Again: does "fault and blame" solve any of these problems? ROD is already part of our enivronment, it's not going away. The endless litany of "all problems could or should be caused by geothermal, JMO" is really really tiresome."
- Kalakoa.

Apologies but I just can't stop laughing at this considering the source..

Sounds like Gypsy got himself a sock puppet. What fun!
It's too bad that Gyp either deleted his comments, it got archived or it is too old to find but a few years ago he was putting out a theory that PGV was responsible for only boys being born in Leilani .Then his family was blessed with a little girl !

He also posted that his property was ground zero for ROD.

Fricking Fracking idiot !

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