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Coqui Frog Eradication
Anyway what about the caffeine?

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

Ironman, you might do the same, your previous post says the fungus IS present in Hawaii. The article you quote says a "possibility" - not an actuality.

Does the caffine hurt the gecko?

Aloha, Mella L

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

Back in the 1970's I worked for the Smithsonian Institution and was doing research at the National Zoo. Before the development of disoccuative drugs for large animal immobilizations there was a company that developed the first dart guns to imobolize large animals (elephants, lions, rhinos, etc). The company name was "Caputre" for their Capture Gun System. The first drugs used in the testing of their equipment were nicotine and caffene. Both drugs are lethal at various concentrations depending on the target species. For example, in one day when the Capture folks were testing their dosages they killed 18 African Lions because the dosage was to high. They were asked to leave the premises. There is always a fine line between what is termed the theraputic dose of a drug or the lethal dose 50(LD-50). The good news is that all amphibians are VERY sensitive to environmental toxins so a dose that would be effective against the Coqui would not be determental to other fauna and or plants. I agree that this should be continued to be explored as part of an integrated approach.

Will Peratino
Will Peratino
The coqui problem would be resolved in a heartbeat if some lawbreaking vigilante group saw to it that a box of frogs was delivered and released at the homes of every elected official in Hawall, guaranteed.

Did you read the letter to the editor, in the Hilo Hearald Tribune, from the guy who has been visiting the Big Island for many years? He says the Coqui are so loud and out of control, that he is never coming back, and he thinks lots of others will soon be doing the same.

I read that too. He made some valid points. Given the option of a coqui /no-coqui vacation, many people will relax and enjoy somewhere else. Maybe that's what it's going to take to wake up our knuckleheaded leadership. Aint it funny how money motivates?

I was in the feed store in Pahoa the other day, and asked the clerk about their cost for a bag of hydrated lime. He responded by asking, "Why bother?".

Maybe this will be our salvation! It will keep the people away and we'll keep our paradise to ourselves.Coquis are much better than the darn boom boom boxes!
Don & Lek
"Living the Dream"

Hello, New to this site but just thought I'd give some information. This has worked for me, try it, it may work for you.

Personal Observations/Information on Coqui Control

The male is the easiest to exterminate along with the young.
The female is next with the pregnant females(PF) being the hardest.
The PF can go into a hibernation state and recover from a 6% spray of hydrated lime if they have access to water.
Also the PF will retain water for her eggs, giving her an immediate source when sprayed/dusted.
If the seat patch isnot red then the chances of recovery are pretty good.
Rain or access to water will greatly lower your treatment results, so if raining"don't bother".
Baking Soda dusting of an area is so far the safest/best treatment I've found.
I use a Ryobi Leaf Blower with the mulch attachment ($130 at HomeDepot)
The Baking Soda will clog the filter so some modification/cleaning maybe needed.
Individuals with high blood pressure should wear protective clothing because of the sodium exposure.
Plants that are not salt tolerant (soil or wind born) should be tested first and/or rinsed after dusting the morning after.
Another treatment is hot sauce and ammonia. The brand I use is Crystal from Safeway, it's the cheapest brand that works.
I put a third of the bottle(approx. 3-4 oz) to approx. 1/4 of a half gallon of the unscented ammonia (Wal-Mart) into a 3 gal sprayer.
To this I add some dish soap or a spredder/sticker. Again do a test spray on plants you care about.
Eye protection with this treatment and a respirator maybe needed by sensitive individuals.
The frogs go wild with this one.
Here's a link to the company that has a process to impregnate capsaicin into paint/plastics ect.

Don't shoot the messenger.
Don't shoot the messenger.
Don't shoot the messenger!! This is a great message, non toxic solution to the frogez problem! Glad it works for you and thank you for the indepth information!

My last trip over I heard a rumor that the County has pulled away from the lime solution. Does anyone know if this rumor has legs?

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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