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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
maybe you should reexamine your thought process.

I'm willing to do that. My main difficulty with Billy's pCard discrepancies is not what he charged (since he paid it back) but the amount of time between the charge and reimbursement. As you stated, the HTH and it's reporter have played fast and easy with the facts, so do you know what those time periods were? My understanding is that it was greater than the two or three months which Crawford suggested was a reasonable span.

The moon kind of surprises me sometimes. I’ll be out at night and I’ll see a nice moon, and say, “Hey, that looks good.” Then I’ll say, “Oh sh-t, I went up there one time!” Kind of surprises me. It’s like there are two Moons, you know—the one that’s usually around, and then that one. - Michael Collins, Apollo 11 astronaut
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Hmmmm....wonder if I can skip my taxes on a "technicality" that I don't have enough saved? JK! Would be nice if he just owned up to it, instead of now abusing "Hawaiian time" on the filing, which somehow leads me to believe that was planned...

Community begins with Aloha
No personal charges should be ever be considered acceptable on a government card. Period. The ONLY reason some of those charges were paid back was because he GOT CAUGHT!
"Why he chose not to argue his case from day one I have no idea. Silence is frequently inferred to represent guilt, and more frequently in our local culture, shame. That decision is on him, and I consider it to have been a poor one."

I assumed Kenoi had been advised by his attorney not to speak publicly on the subject. Attorneys want to control what is presented in court. I never took his silence as an admission of anything, just that he'd been advised not to make any public statements.
When i worked in a Fortune 10 company that had extremely strict corporate credit card policies, even they understood that sometimes its acceptable/advantageous/unavoidable to have personal (but reimbursed) charges on a corporate card. For example, when on a business trip staying over on a Saturday night sometimes resulted in lower airfares. I'd bill my entire hotel stay, rental car etc. on corporate card and then reimburse the prorated personal charges for the extra Saturday night vacation day. Or when entertaining clients over dinner, I'd charge the entire bill to corporate card then reimburse my spouse's meal (rather than make a scene asking for separate checks in front of a stakeholder). And then there are the times when employee's personal expenses were accidentally charged to corporate card (like when rental car companies pulled up the wrong card from the driver's profile, or when an employee honestly mistakenly swiped the wrong card).

I'm not saying that Billy's charges were legitimate or paid back in a timely fashion, but in the real world there are times when personal charges and business charges get intermingled on a corporate card and so most corporate financial practices have processes for the reimbursement of any personal expenses incurred.
sometimes its acceptable/advantageous/unavoidable to have personal (but reimbursed) charges on a corporate card

Yes, and then you document these on an expense report, typically not more than 30 days later, not after the media reports on it several months afterwards.
Hilo Puna,
I would like to thank you in advance for upholding the spirit of Punaweb and its Owner by not interjecting the presidential candidates into your replies here. Your points are well spoken and succinct enuf. mahalo, AP
JohnDW, why did you delete your post ? You were making a good point.
It's pretty funny that Kenoi was a protege of Harry Kim, and it was Harry that groomed him, despite the bar fights and coke sniffing. In 2012, Harry didn't run against Kenoi for his record, he ran against him because he thought Kenoi was allowing too much development. Then, Wally Lau was skewered because he works under Kenoi, so that poisoned him by association. Somehow, Kim being the mentor of Kenoi was completely glossed over. A lot of self righteousness on PW comes across like the same mentality of the people that stone women to death for adultery.

*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

FYI, it was not "...too much development ...." that motivated Harry's losing efforts in 2012. It was wholly personal, which is why during that campaign they were so nice to each other. They were both gritting their teeth and biting their tongues. Local style. No make A, no talk stink, respect your kupuna.

Andy Levin, Harry's other senior aide and much older and more experienced than Billy, was also seeking Harry's blessing. Harry's whole life was civil service, seniority matters, wait your turn. Billy didn't wait for Harry to choose, he jumped early quashing Andys hopes. Then he came from essentially nowhere in a 3 way race to win with major support from his association with Sen Inouye.

Harry and Billy have never resolved the issue and one could argue thats why Harrys now our Mayor again. Revenge served hot (2012) and cold (2016).

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