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ISS, Tiangong, Satellites Over Puna
My neighbor and I watched the ISS this evening - beautiful! The times for the ISS visibility are precise and accurate, so anything seen outside those times would not have been the ISS, plus the ISS does not blink. I suspect Gypsy saw an aircraft at high altitude.

There is a bright Iridium flare this Monday evening. Times and brightness for Kaloli Point:

Monday 22nd August at 19:30:49;

Location: elevation 60 degrees above the horizon, azimuth 135 degrees (SE). For anyone who saw the ISS tonight, the flare will happen very close to where the ISS disappeared in the Earth's shadow;

Magnitude: -7.4 which is extremely bright. It will only last for a few seconds though;

The center of the flare path is slightly east of Kaloli Point and heads south almost directly over Pahoa.
Originally posted by Lodestone

Hi Gypsy (and aloha Opihikao) - maybe... I didn't see any blinking, it was just VERY bright, and headed southeast in a hurry. For me, it was visible for about two minutes before fading into the mist and dark. I suppose if there was some mist or clouds in your line of sight it may have made it appear to blink.

Aloha ahiahi, Lodestone. So exciting! I think we got to see it (Southeast, yes, "in a hurry"). The clouds around the moon inhibited the clarity, but we think we saw! Or, it was something headed for the Kalapana landing zone. [Wink]

Aloha ahiahi, Mr. Tom, and mahalo for the coordinates. Trust all is well, and, as always, warmest aloha to Pam (beepbeep).


P.S. Perhaps of interest, the link to ISS Interactive 3D Visualization link
Thanks, Opihikao!

If you saw the object after the moon rose above the horizon, then it wasn't the ISS. If you saw it just before the moon rose, then it's likely you saw the ISS. The pass occurred just before the moon rose above the horizon.
Originally posted by TomK

Thanks, Opihikao!

If you saw the object after the moon rose above the horizon, then it wasn't the ISS. If you saw it just before the moon rose, then it's likely you saw the ISS. The pass occurred just before the moon rose above the horizon.

Mahalo, Mr. Tom. I "think" we saw it (the mo'opuna agreed! lol)...between the third and fourth chocolate [Big Grin] (OMG, burnt marshmallows don't jive; bronzed/browned is better...sorry, OT.)

It is quite a sight; all of the sky, including ISS (knowing it's out there). The moon is phenomenal! In our culture, there is additional significance (apologies again, OT). One day, Pam will be here again to see this, too...

Enjoy the evening, all. Mahalo again.

The moon had not risen quite yet when we saw our UFO fly across the sky. What we saw last night did blink or flash several times. It came from the west heading east and never changed its speed or direction during the minute or two that we watched it.
The other night while star watching I saw 4 UFO's in less than an hour, not one of them was blinking or flashing as it went across the sky. They all traveled what appeared to be about the same speed while holding a very straight course throughout, quite boring really. We saw some UFO's a few months ago that actually changed directions and speeds while they moved across the sky(no flashing or blinking). The speeds and direction changes were incredible to watch because we hadn't seen anything like it before or since.
The moon is due to be setting for the night close to the same time the sun will be rising this morning. We like to watch events like these from either the Kapoho lighthouse or sometimes Kalapana now that the Lava is back. Got to go now.

P.S. Sorry Tink, No cell phone here.
Use your cell phone and give us video!!

Community begins with Aloha
Use your cell phone and give us video!!

UFOs (and Green Harvest choppers) use a jamming field that interferes with any kind of digital camera. You need an old-fashioned film camera and really good lenses.
Space walk to install international docking adapter completed.

Next is installaton of a platinum ray that can be focused on a certain house in Pohoiki, the source of rapid ohia death and the center of GMO marijuana operations. The GMO marijuana apparently is causing brains to shrink the more it is smoked. NASA is working with NED to eradicate this scourge.

*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Just a reminder. Timings are for Kaloli Pt. You can use if you want to check details for your own location. (The flare is now predicted to be magnitude -7.5 for Kaloli Pt., so slightly brighter than the previous prediction):


Monday 22nd August at 19:30:49;

Location: elevation 60 degrees above the horizon, azimuth 135 degrees (SE). For anyone who saw the ISS tonight, the flare will happen very close to where the ISS disappeared in the Earth's shadow;

Magnitude: -7.4 which is extremely bright. It will only last for a few seconds though;

The center of the flare path is slightly east of Kaloli Point and heads south almost directly over Pahoa.
PS. Another exceptionally bright flare is forecast for the evening of Monday, August 29th. Details a little nearer the time but should be even brighter than tomorrow's flare. All subject to weather of course.

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