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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
As I recall from a much earlier forum thread on this same subject, besides the Mayor other senior staff were granted exceptions.

If that's the case, wouldn't it make it even harder for Billy to explain his actions? That is, if other officials with an exemption did not make "improper" purchases beyond the boundaries set down by the pCard manual, Billy couldn't claim it was a likely, even expected consequence of a pCard exemption in normal everyday use.

I would think a good prosecutor would ask him why those other officials were able to use their pCard even with an exemption, within the framework of the agreement they signed, and he couldn't.

- Be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. - Work slowly. - Refer all matters to committees for "further study and consideration. - Hold conferences. - Make travel as inconvenient as possible. - Haggle over precise wordings of communications. - Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and avoid haste. (Excerpts from the WWII OSS Simple Sabotage Manual)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
That is what the law calls for.

"The law" calls for lots of things.
This issue was taken up at Council (Reference links below), and Kenoi spoke to the Council regarding this matter (with no formal move being made, save Margaret Willie's position)

That is because the County Council members are 1) inexperienced and 2) they like Billy.

The County Council should have read the pCard manual - it would have told them very clearly termination for workers and impeachment for elected officials. It was the duty of the County Council to start impeachment proceedings against the Mayor for misusing his pCard. I believe in court the technicality will be exactly that...abuse of the pcard is not a felony. So perhaps Billy will face the misdemeanour’s but the felony charges will be dropped leaving him to practice again. Maybe next time he'll do right.

What say all of you?
they like Billy.

I'm sure Billy's allocation of a per-district "special projects fund" had nothing to do with it.
This whole incident could not have happened if it wasn't for the managing director who is the Mayor's pCard administrator. They get over $100,000 per year to do that job. Part of what that job entails is reconciling the Mayor's pCard every month. This means making sure to have all the receipts for that month to check against the bank statement to make sure there was no unauthorized purchases...“the pCard shall be used to charge only official government purchases.”-pCard manual.

Then the pCard administrator makes his monthly report and turns it over to the Finance Director's office. I think an audit is suppose to be done on the pCard account every six months. There is even a third party pCard administrator to make sure that everything flows correctly. That's why I say I know there are many people holding their breath hoping to not get sucked up into this scandal.

The First Hawaiian bank has to be involved in all this. It goes all the way up the line. Everybody hid a little piece. The Hostess bar should have been declined right at the point of payment. Why was it not? It serves food, alcohol and personal services. After the Mayor has had the good time with the unknown partiers (or he can explain who he was doing business with) he should have come back to Wally Lau with a receipt and if he used his pCard he should have paid it right then and there. That is what it says in the manual. You can make a mistake but you pay it back immediately. You let your pCard administrator know that you were at a hostess bar and got all excited and used the wrong card and here's the money. Then it is nobodies business.

BUT even if the Mayor didn't do that we are still not in felony territory and none of this has anything to do with the police. So if the Attorney General's office wants to make a complaint and file charges on Billy because he lied to them then that should be the story. The Mayor is just violating pCard regulations which means he should have been made to face impeachment by the council or recalled by the people.

When Billy bought people poki and sent a young man to Honolulu I am sure he got lots of Aloha and “mahalo Uncle Billy” but the money that Billy was using to make smiles on peoples faces was the electorate's money who have now found out. Yet again, we are not into anything felonious just violations of the pCard agreement, regulations and procedures.

There is a way for Mayor Billy to have helped, for example, the family who came to him asking for assistance to send their boy to Honolulu for a surfing competition. Unless the event was the next day, Mayor Billy should have filed a SPO-035 form,seven days before the event. This is the process of asking the Finance Director to approve what would be considered an unauthorised purchase. If the Finance Director denies the Mayor's request then it should have come out of his own pocket.

Where's Wally? [Wink]

Wally Lau, a man who has helped manage the daily operations of the Hawaii County administration for the past seven years, as deputy managing director and managing director, got overlooked and is conspicuously missing. Unbelievable yet believable...

Aloha Opihikao back at you. [8D] Things might get good now that Mililani Trask has been elected to OHA- something that should have happened a long time ago. We need more ethical representation in these seats.
Originally posted by RJHampton
There is a way for Mayor Billy to have helped, for example, the family who came to him asking for assistance to send their boy to Honolulu for a surfing competition. Unless the event was the next day, Mayor Billy should have filed a SPO-035 form,seven days before the event. This is the process of asking the Finance Director to approve what would be considered an unauthorised purchase. If the Finance Director denies the Mayor's request then it should have come out of his own pocket.

Which was what happened, he ended up paying for it out of his pocket. Ex-crackheads in Mosha cults shouldn't be throwing stones, no matter how self righteous you imagine yourself to be.

*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by pahoated
Which was what happened, he ended up paying for it out of his pocket. Ex-crackheads in Mosha cults shouldn't be throwing stones, no matter how self righteous you imagine yourself to be.

pahoated, sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. I am always amused by what you say in response to my postings. Is it rewarding for you to share false information about me? Do you get something out of it? I don't know where you are going with all of that name calling. To lie on me doesn’t change any of the facts in this case about our Mayor or any of the other professionals who decided to throw their careers in the toilet along with his. How's that coming from a “self righteous ex-crackhead from a Mosha cult".[Big Grin]

So forget you pahoated and the train you came in on. We are discussing the technicalities of this case and all I want to know is...Where is Wally and how did he escape being subpoenaed?

This ones for you pahoated...

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” -Joshep Goebbels
The article about the 13 subpoenaed and the 5 who get immunity, only lists the names of the ones who get immunity. A guess would be that Wally doesn't fall into the immunity crowd.
Originally posted by leilanidude

The article about the 13 subpoenaed and the 5 who get immunity, only lists the names of the ones who get immunity. A guess would be that Wally doesn't fall into the immunity crowd.

That's not what I get from the article. According to John Burnett's article in today's paper and for those who have not read it yet there were the 5 that were given immunity and...

"Other current and former county officials subpoenaed by Takata include Nancy Kelly, the budget administrator; Melody Parker, a deputy corporation counsel; and Kevin Dayton, a Honolulu Star-Advertiser reporter and formerly a Kenoi executive assistant.
Others on the prosecution’s subpoena list are: Brian Moriki, an assistant vice president and manager of the records management department of First Hawaiian Bank; Daniel Hanagami, the attorney general’s chief investigator; Boyd Sakai, an investigator for the attorney general; Nancy Cook Lauer, the West Hawaii Today reporter who first reported about Kenoi’s misuse of his pCard; and Daniel K. Kailiawa."

So I still have to ask the question...Where's Wally? I think that is a fair question.

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