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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
It's a stereotype but little people often are stubborn little bullies to compensate.

Did you even go to this page?:

Do you even know the structure of Hawaii county government? Now, you are off on this tirade of involving Wally Lau in it. Wally Lau was the Director of Planning. The pCard is under Director of Finance. Yeah, Punacrack can make that an obvious conspiracy right there, both are under Hawaii county, and pCard is a mandatory state program.

Guess the shipment of good stuff came in, enhanced with OxySilver.

*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Gee, Ted, you're even more hypocritical and off base than usual. It's really rich for you to call somebody else a bully, and you are absolutely wrong about Wally Lau being the Planning Director. Until he resigned to run for mayor, he was the County Managing Director. As such, he would have at least some theoretical oversight of the pCard in the county heirarchy, but I will concede that he probably wasn't responsible for monitoring routine transactions.

Ted's name calling is really getting out there. I can't wait to see what he calls me next.
Originally posted by pahoated
Do you even know the structure of Hawaii county government? Now, you are off on this tirade of involving Wally Lau in it. Wally Lau was the Director of Planning.

At the time that most of the offences occurred Wally Lau was Mayor Billy's managing directer. Chunkster is absolutely correct Wally was NEVER the planning director. Here is a link to satisfy those naysayers...

Do you even know the structure of Hawaii county government?

At the time that most of the offences occurred Wally Lau was Mayor Billy's managing directer.

Meaning: almost all department heads reported to Lau.
Originally posted by kalakoa
Meaning: almost all department heads reported to Lau.

Your spot on, kalakoa. [Big Grin] The managing director is over every department head (including the finance director) and he gets paid to keep track of them for the Mayor. By leaving Wally Lau out of this case the Attorney General is leaving out a very important person. Wally was the managing director from 2012-2016. He must have something to contribute to this case. They have given immunity to Bill Takaba and Randy Kurohara, both were managing directors for the Mayor. So where is Wally in all of this? Is it possible that his hands are clean?

My reasoning sense is that County Council didn't do their job and execute the powers of their office. As soon as the mayor admitted misuse it was the County Council's duty to start impeachment hearings according to the statue from the Hawaii County Charter. I guess the Council didn't read the Charter.

After the trial is when the County Council wants to consider impeachment? He won't be Mayor any more. Then what? I think they got it backwards or the Council lowered the bar and was willing to look the other way. Why take an oath of office or even have one?

This is what the County Council would have found if they bothered to look...

The Hawaii County Charter IMPEACHMENT (page 26)
“Section 12-2.1 Impeachment of elected officers.  Any elected officer or officer appointed
to a vacancy in any elected office may be impeached for malfeasance, misfeasance,
nonfeasance or maladministration in office.
While Wally Lau's absence from the witness list is indeed puzzling, I find the extension of immunity to several other officials more interesting overall. Generally speaking, immunity is given in order to compel people to testify who might otherwise refuse based on their Fifth Amendment right to avoid self incrimination. I can't help but wonder what these folks might be worried about in the way of incriminating themselves while testifying. A coverup and/or conspiracy come to mind, but I have nothing to base that on other than sheer speculation. Is simple failure to report malfeasance a crime in Hawaii? This case just gets "curioser and curioser" as Alice would say.
After the trial is when the County Council wants to consider impeachment? He won't be Mayor any more.

I believe that's exactly the plan.

Why take an oath of office or even have one?

Remember this next time you're begging for permits...
A coverup and/or conspiracy come to mind, but I have nothing to base that on other than sheer speculation.

That's good enough for me! Please, continue. At least we'll have something to talk about until a few contradictory "facts" from both sides trickle in.

- Be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. - Work slowly. - Refer all matters to committees for "further study and consideration. - Hold conferences. - Make travel as inconvenient as possible. - Haggle over precise wordings of communications. - Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and avoid haste. (Excerpts from the WWII OSS Simple Sabotage Manual)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

A few days ago you wrote;


"As I recall from a much earlier forum thread on this same subject, besides the Mayor other senior staff were granted exceptions."
There's this thing called Google which you can use to search stuff, including Punaweb. It allows one to post evidence backing up their claims. It'd be nice if you could do that.

While I'd like to appreciate your helicoptering in and dropping some snark as an appropriate interjection to an obvious error or omission I can't. You could not have had any way of knowing this but I spent over a 1/2 hour using the Search option on this Forum to find that posting. After that frustration I chose to make a generalized response to HOPTE.
With your fine advice I went to "The Google" and did just as you recommended. Perhaps you hadn't done that prior to your advice? If you had perhaps you would not have extended it?
Or perhaps you have a more powerful logic and you can frame your Search better than my illformed, uneducated one? If so, please provide that comment from that thread and let's move the conversation forward. BTW, I could not find that information elsewhere, whatever the source of it was, including these;
(that last one from one of your earlier posts, just to show I get around)

I also respond due to our last interaction some months ago, wherein you suggested that I was being hypocritical, that I had missed the "irony" of providing advice that I then did not follow myself. I didn't bother to respond at that time since there had been no irony. I thought you were just being snippy. Perhaps based on an active or latent hostility towards our Mayor? Anyhow, that's how I dismissed it at the time.

If you wish to go back and dissect what I had said and try to establish that there was a notable lack of self awareness on my part, leading to "irony, go ahead. If you can show that I had criticized others for their behavior and then made similar mistakes of hyperbole, or ad hominem attack, or a just plain ignorant statement, then use the Search function and bring it. I don't think it will be worth your while.

While I no doubt make mistakes from time to time I always try to raise the level of discourse on this forum. Your comments to me seem to suggest that you think I troll, or have a blind spot, or somehow don't meet a reasonable standard of discourse. So be it if you do....Peace Out.

FYI; I find your commentary on these threads well reasoned and reasonably delivered. However I seem to be a hair up your keister similar to gyp and ted.
HiloPuna - I have asked you several times. Does the lack of receipts not bother you? How is it possible to account for the expenses without itemized receipts? Was that exempted as well?

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