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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
Why are we paying the finance director, the managing director, the third party pCard administrator, and the supposed auditor if they can't detect a bicycle or a surfboard until now...
Those are individual items that would be on a receipt, not a category of merchant. I am curious as to where the surfboard and bike were purchased though.

Is Safeway or KTA blocked by merchant code? Is a restaurant blocked? No, of course not.
Face it dude, What are you really gonna do once you know, just whine and bitch more or what ?

Same question goes out to all of you on this thread.
Mahalo for all the comments; there is so much sapience here... If only some of you were in charge of the government, life would be perfect.

Now here, just for the gusto..... WHAT ARE YOU PERSONALLY GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

Will you organize a revolt to unseat the corrupt system?
Would you get off your computer to talk with the community?

Kenoi knows YOU won't, that is why he did it. He knows the little people are very busy and super entertained with their irrelevant and rather puny existances to do anything about it, but just talk and talk, and talk some more about it.

Proof of this? Kim just won another! term. As incredible as that is, that a total nincompoop would ever replace a total arrogant thief... It goes to show that either we are really not interested to have a real effective,community minded government or we are just plain and simple.,..talkers.

Kenoi is nothing else but the product of the local yakuza and we don't have the balls to break the feudal system that exists in this island.

Personally... I don't care if the government is
Corrupt.. I just get my jollies bitching about it.

.. I guess I'm just to old to care.

..Bad boys,Bad boys what we gonna do...let ya out on bail for a buck or two...
it would then be up to the County oversight process to verify

That same (lack of) "verification" process could well be focused on those who complain, hence the silence. Make enough noise, you might have to leave the island.
If only we could vote people off the island!
Originally posted by leilanidude

Is Safeway or KTA blocked by merchant code? Is a restaurant blocked? No, of course not.

Supermarkets, whether it is Safeway, KTA or any food establishment has a merchant code that is blocked on the pCard. It doesn’t have to be specific. Food is absolutely prohibited to buy with a government pCard. The 'p' is for procurement and it's for small purchases only. Food, gasoline, travel and personal items are not allowed. In government, food is handled by per diem but that means you have to ask. Look at the (MCC) blocked merchant list below. How was the Mayor exempted? Even the Governor is sworn to adhere to its rules and procedures. After this program was started, the taxpayers realized a savings of $1.5 million in the first year as it reduced the opportunity for misuse. This is a good law. This system is so in place, folks.

How do you spell relief? R E C A L L !

The office of the Mayor has been compromised. Bottom line. Maybe some think the State and County should foot this bill and continue to pay him a salary while he fights this case brought down by the Attorney General. Why should we continue to pay Billy a salary when he compromised our executive office? He should be impeached by the County Council or recalled by the people.

Let Billy defend himself from outside of the office, without the title of 'Mayor', as it is stated in the Hawaii County Charter. If the County Council won't do it then we need to exercise the power that has been placed in our hands. It is up to US the electorate. All we need is 2,100 signatures from valid registered voters and We the People (or what is left of us) can do it. Or not. Chapter 2 of the Hawaii County Charter tells how to do it. Lets have a Recall party! Or not.

We could also make a complaint against every member of the County Council for not doing their job mandated in our Hawaii Charter and State constitution. ( Except Margaret Willie. We might have to call her as a witness Or not. [Big Grin] )


The following is a list of restricted purchases and Blocked Merchant Category Codes
(MCCs). At the request of the agency and to the card issuer, additional categories of
merchants can be selected so that some or all of the agency's pCards will not work at
those establishments.
Restricted Purchases:
1. Any purchase over $__________
2. Automotive gasoline
3. Cash
4. Goods and services for personal use.

Blocked Merchant Category Codes:
1. Entertainment/Recreation
2. Financial services
3. Food
4. Hotels
5. Laundry/Cleaning Services
6. Entertainment

Exceptions to the above may be granted by the Purchasing Card Administrator on a
limited basis upon a showing of sufficient justification or extenuating circumstances.
If it appears that a merchant has declined the pCard in error, the cardholder should
contact the card issuer for assistance. If the matter cannot be resolved, the cardholder
should terminate the purchase, find an alternate payment method and inform the
Purchasing Card Administrator for the department or the jurisdiction.
Originally posted by Johnd

Mahalo for all the comments; there is so much sapience here...

I can feel it too. It's getting bright in here. [8D]
Although Kenoi may have been given an apparently verbal exemption by Ms Crawford to the general pCard requirements, this special treatment appears to break several county and state regulations regarding equal and fair treatment as well as not using public funds for non-public purposes.

Or at least the auditor strongly believes so based on her report:

Those who created and administered this unique arrangement specifically for the Mayor's Office were given blanket immunity for a reason. The upcoming testimony should be interesting now that many are no longer on the hook for the situation.

More technicalities. This is getting so deep, I'm gonna have to put on my boots to wade through it, cause my flip flops just ain't gonna get it. Smile

The Mayor admitted to the County Council that he did something wrong when he misused his pCard on personal items (and Lord knows what else) which is a breech of his fiduciary responsibilities and the Council has to decided to let him off the hook. These so called professionals are making a mockery of the state constitution, the Hawaii County Charter and our Hawaiian codes and somehow they are able to get away with it.

Do you see the joke, folk? After the trial is when the County Council wants to consider impeachment? He won't be Mayor any more (his mentor will be). Then what? The Hawaii County charter says you don't wait. I think the Council got it backwards and they are letting him get away. Billy is supposed to be defending himself from outside of the Mayor's office. The office has been compromised. Its not an issue of whether Billy is guilty or not of some statute in the circuit court but whether or not the people should have to pay the Mayor's salary to have to watch this drama go down. I say NO!

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