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My arch conservative sister in law has decided that the best way to deal with her 14 year old daughter coming out in a very public way is to send her to live with her gay uncles in Hawaii for a while, in hopes she will get over it, or at least not cause another scandal in their church youth group (long story).
Does anyone know which high schools have the best support for GLBT teens and where there is the least bullying over sexual identity? She is part Asian and Hispanic so she looks "local" and was tough enough to go toe to toe with her Texas Beauty Queen mom, but we would like her to be in as supportive of an environment as possible.
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As poor as the schools are here, combined with a very pervasive drug culture, is there a better option available for her than moving her here? How devoted will you be to keep on top of the schooling issue? It really does take a lot of extra work here in that regard. In any event, good luck with what is a very difficult decision.
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HAAS is the answer, if you can get her in...
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I don't know about high schools, but that girl is lucky to have you guys!
Seems like schools are bad all over; my SIL just moved from Sacramento to Tennessee to remove her granddaughter from bad influences. I don't know that will help...
><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>
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Hard to believe that some parents still want to disown or hide their gay offspring away, like they are some kind of freaks or something.
Hats off to you for making her welcome in your house.
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
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As if they forgot where these "freaks" came from!
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Try Kua O Ka La... small campus but very supportive. Our daughter likes it there. The mahu teens there seem happy and respectful. HAAS would be another option if you can get in on the lottery.
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We have already raised my partner's kids from his attempt at traditional marriage and family, droves of Hanai kids over the years, and quite a few foster kids until the last few years when my partner started having major health issues, so we know what the commitment is. We just want the best possible start for our niece and wondered about the current atmosphere for gay kids in the schools in Puna. Kua O Ka La is close but the academics may not be what she needs since she is a straight A honor student taking advanced math and engineering in a gifted enrichment class since 3rd grade in Houston where there is a lot of emphasis on STEM.
Our house rules are simple: no drugs or alcohol, no riding in a car with someone who has been drinking or is otherwise impaired (call home anytime/anywhere and we will come get you) no being mean to each other or to us, go to school and try hard if you are school age, get a job and contribute to the household after graduation, do volunteer work if you can't get a job to build your resume. Be nice to the pets, especially the elderly cat who is very frail but thinks she is the boss.
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Sounds like you are offering your niece a good home with some sound rules and principles. If you can't get her into HAAS, I have heard that Keaau High has been reformed (principal replacement a few years ago) and is now among the better non-charter high schools on this side of the island. I would be interested in hearing others' opinions on this because I had heard only negatives on that school until the last year or so. I know people who used to drive their kids to Hilo High to avoid Keaau, but not any more. Good luck, and blessings on you for helping.
Edited for typo
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Originally posted by shockwave rider
Kua O Ka La is close but the academics may not be what she needs since she is a straight A honor student taking advanced math and engineering in a gifted enrichment class since 3rd grade in Houston where there is a lot of emphasis on STEM.
HAAS will likely be more "academic" than Kua O Ka La, but Hilo and Waiakea have fairly rigorous GT programs of the "speed through the text" variety. Transportation problems aside...
Hope it all works out well.