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Water Storage Tanks
Hey soon to be neighbor,

We like ruminating about all this stuff, cause we are here and you are there!!! LOL You know it is just fun and we thank yee for the input, it does help!

Aloha, Mella L

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

I don't we need to be overly worried. Here is a listing of the process municipalities use.

Purification (Water) — Steps taken to eliminate impurities and pollution from water.
Purification Process (Water) — The sequence of steps taken, beginning with unpurified water, which results in
purified water delivered through a water system to the ultimate consumer. This sequence would normally include
most or all of the following:
[1] Begin with unpurified water;
[2] Screening – removal of leaves, sticks and large foreign material;
[3] Pre-Chlorination – removal of disease organisms, bad taste, and odors;
[4] Pre-Settling – settling out large dirt particles;
[5] Flash Mix – a process in which chemicals are added to cause fine dirt to clump together;
[6] Coagulation/Flocculation – a process in which flash mix particles are gathered and made even larger;
[7] Sedimentation – a process in which gravity is used to settle out the large particles formed in
Filtration – removal of any remaining particles; water is at least 99 percent particle-free at this point
in the process;
[9] Final Chlorination – removal of any remaining disease organisms and adds necessary chlorine to
prevent microbe regrowth in the distribution system;
[10] Corrosion Control – a step in which chemicals are added to neutralize the corrosive effects of “soft”
water systems, thereby preventing damage to plumbing and fixtures;
[11] Finally, effluent pumps send the purified water to residential, commercial, and industrial
Purify (Water) — To rid water of impurities or pollution. See Purification Process (Water).

Note that it's basically chlorination and filtration. We might not add chemicals to boost the filtration part, but a multisatge filtration system will work.

I'd also recommend that Water Treatment section of the catchment reference be read in its entirety as pulling quotes out of context possibly presents an incomplete picture.

I really think catchment water can be as safe as public, we just trust that municipal water is OK without really knowing.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
howdy, been drinking Mt. View water out of our catchment since 82 havent died yet..maybe have, seems like paradise... the cement block thing: i raise koi and have brushed many a cement pond to get the lime out.. yes, it does leach out so that is a very temporary solution. use your blocks for your foundation instead... linnette

Here is a little more contextual cud for the chewing. Wink lol Just some fun and very interesting Hawaii based information on Rainwater Catchment. Maui system installer ( ultraviolet info) (Rainwater Catchment System) next to last paragraph page 2 8^0 (Oregon)

Aloha HADave ;^)

Edited by - HADave on 03/05/2006 20:01:39

Edited by - HADave on 03/05/2006 20:05:27
Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

Bringing this foreward for Emorata..

Carrie here is all you want to know about catchment and then some, with links to the university. I suggest you pick up a copy of Guidelines on Rainwater Catchment Systems for Hawaii, we picked up a copy for no charge at the health department in Hilo. Very good reading and gave us the feeling that this was something we could do and be comfortable with. Aloha, Mella L

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Slugs and snail and filters oh my right here on this thread in detail for you.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Thanks for the heads-up on this!!! Just a couple of threads below the one I started, too!!! I guess I must just want the attention, eh? Haaa, haaa...


Carrie Rojo


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
I thought we should bring this thread forward so no one needs to reienvent the wheel as it were, regarding water, so the information won't get too burried. Google and the search function are your friend. Well that is what my SO tell me! LOL

Looking at all the press the Leilani thread is getting, I guess the other subdivisions are keeping themselves secret! LOL Not much discussion regarding the other 120 plus subdivisions on the BI per the ready map book! Aloha

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
had posted this on another thread, but it should be here...Probaby required reading for anyone getting a water catchment system...

Guidelines on Rainwater Catchment Systems for Hawaii.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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