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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
Originally posted by Punatic007

The creepiest part of it all is that most everyone I know, knew Kenoi and his family are mob related and dangerous at the time he first ran for mayor, AND HE WAS STILL ELECTED??? We were shocked as we watched him get the majority of the vote. This does not speak well for our local population, not well at all. What are the values of the majority of our population who voted him in? Actually I don't want to know, it will be easier not knowing to stand next to them in line at the grocery store.

Question: was the vote count fair and square?

Does anyone else see it as ironic that our Mayor will be stepping into court to defend himself two years to the day that he finished IRONMAN? Now he looks more like the TINMAN. Let's see how well he does in court riding his technicality on that bicycle he bought in the name of the people. Maybe the technicality will be Billy claiming that he thought the pCard came with the keys to the kingdom.

I can't help but wonder if this is his pCard bike? [Big Grin]

I find this front page photo very revealing. I don't know if I am allowed to say this but It confirms the fact that our Mayor does have giant kahonies. I guess he would have to to do the things that he has done with his county pCard and now wants to get off on a technicality.
Here is a little something, for everyone to review, that kind of sealed the Mayor's fate. It is the reimbursement document that Deana Sako, who now has immunity, hastefully put together.

It's no wonder that the Attorney General's office, via the grand jury indictment, is getting ready to prosecute the Mayor. What a sloppy job our Mayor and his crew did in trying to cover it all up. All of you can inspect these forms and see for yourself the amount of tampering and deception that is displayed and contained within them. This reimbursement document starts at the beginning of his administration in 2009 and continues through 2015. The Mayor's documents were modified in 2015, as soon as, the reporter Nancy Cook Lauer, put in a freedom of information request to view the Mayor's pCard spending. It took a year for the Mayor's office to produce this document. There are many changes, things that have been written in and scratched out in pencil and ink, inconsistencies, different fonts on the same document, and no detailed explanations of the purchases made. This should give you all an idea of the misuse and abuse they have been eluding to in the press.

Page 30 is really interesting. That is where one of the Mayors executive assistants, who now has immunity, supposedly “erroneously” used the Mayors pCard, to spend over $900. It doesn’t even say what the money was spent on. It looks like the Mayor is reimbursing five different pCard accounts. See people, my suspicions are, that our Mayor is guilty of “panelling” pCards. In other words, the Mayor used other peoples pCards, to pay for his jaunts to avoid going over his pCard spending limit and to hide what he was spending it on. Procurement pCard fraud is like giving your money to the bank. Interest charges are all paid for by the state. Do you like giving your money to the bank? 18% interest with a variable rate, when you use the pCard for cash, which our Mayor did.

It takes a whole village to raise a child and it took the finance director and the executive staff to keep the Mayor's misuse and abuse out of the news. It will take a lot of cooperation to find out the truth just like it took a lot of cooperation to cover it up. For eight years there was no oversight and now we are going to have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to know what they know.

This is such a scam only a lawyer could have come up with such a plan. And today those officers, who were appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the county council, who turned a blind eye to his fraud and credit corruption, are getting immunity. I don't know why any of these people got immunity. Is it because they were being threatened with termination if they didn't go along with the Mayor or the managing director, who is really the one who runs things. And where is Wally Lau? A lot of this went down during his stint as managing director. He's not being mentioned in this and I what to know why?

From the bottom to the top we have really made a mess of this county. We have allowed our Mayor ,to forsake the office and his fiduciary responsibilities, for a surfboard or a dinner out on the town.

For every bribe he gave, for every person he wined and dined there was nothing in it for us, folks. It was all just to help our Mayor climb up the political ladder. How much did it cost the people, with interest, to satisfy a man with a hunger for power and an insatiable appetite?

Now its all blowing up in our Mayor's face and he wants to get off on a technicality. It doesn't fly in my world.

Jmo but these are good ones and I hope you will find them interesting.
The short answer as to why some of Kenoi's underlings were given immunity is that the prosecutors felt it was necessary to get testimony to convict Kenoi. Without immunity, these characters could have invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and refused to testify. In a perfect world these people would be held accountable for any cover up, but in the hideously imperfect arena of the Hawaii criminal justice system, this is the best they can do. And there's a very real possibility that Kenoi could still walk.
And there's a very real possibility that Kenoi could still walk.

Or a plea deal. From the NY Times:

In the workaday world inhabited by prosecutors and defense lawyers across the country, 97 percent of federal cases and 94 percent of state cases end in plea bargains, with defendants pleading guilty in exchange for a lesser sentence. Courtroom trials, the stuff of television dramas, almost never take place.

No fathers or mothers think their own children ugly; and this self-deceit is yet stronger with respect to the offspring of the mind. -Miguel de Cervantes, novelist (1547-1616)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
things that have been written in and scratched out in pencil and ink

How telling that County doesn't use computers for this.

when you use the pCard for cash, which our Mayor did

Certainly explains all the even dollar amounts; any legitimate purchase would have pennies at the end due to GET if not the transaction itself.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Or a plea deal.

Kenoi and his lawyers have repeatedly denied that there will be a plea bargain, but that could just be posturing, especially if things look grim once the trial is underway. I think it is more likely that they are hoping to sneak at least one hard-core good old boy sympathizer onto the jury and get a mistrial by hung jury. If they can get several hold-out jurors on a first mistrial or get a second hung jury at a retrial, the prosecutors would probably give up and let Kenoi walk.
"Page 30 is really interesting. That is where one of the Mayors executive assistants, who now has immunity, supposedly “erroneously” used the Mayors pCard, to spend over $900. It doesn’t even say what the money was spent on. It looks like the Mayor is reimbursing five different pCard accounts. See people, my suspicions are, that our Mayor is guilty of “panelling” pCards. In other words, the Mayor used other peoples pCards, to pay for his jaunts to avoid going over his pCard spending limit and to hide what he was spending it on. Procurement pCard fraud is like giving your money to the bank. Interest charges are all paid for by the state. Do you like giving your money to the bank? 18% interest with a variable rate, when you use the pCard for cash, which our Mayor did."


Interesting observation RJ, we shall see what happens in court. I can only wonder if immunity is enough to get Billy's "people" to talk. Perhaps a bribe? If they had any sense of ethics they wouldn't have worked for him, period. Any honest person would have resigned upon the first signs of his impropriety. But if they aren't related, their friends are related and up till now the Big Island has been unable to clean up it's own backyard, littered with nepotism and poor ethics right along with the rooster fighting and short chained dogs.

Eventually when enough educated "immigrants" from the mainland or where ever move here the tide will finally turn. That is as long as they don't get sucked into the black hole mentality of "white guilt poor Hawaiians", a cowardly phenomena that just keeps making excuses for bad behaviors. Lots of folks either on welfare generationally or they have a very very cushy government jobs.
Or a plea deal.

More likely, a book deal.

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