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HPP road maintainence
Are you all going to the HPP member meetings?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
People individually cant do squat. If a whole subdivision Starts raising a stink.. things might get done.

I know people who've threatened not to pay their road fee if the crew didn't get over to their place and maintain their road and easements immediately. That's worked for them.

Show up at the membership meeting Oct 30th @ 3 PM and speak up. The majority board thinks you all don't care when you don't show up...or that everything's fine with you all. That the few that do show up and stand up for the membership are just troublemakers. That those that show up and vote aren't to be respected because it's just the minimum voting on important issues, therefore, the board can over turn the membership votes. How sad is that?

It's time to show up and let the board know you're very unhappy with the conditions of your roads and easements. They would have to pay attention if there's more of us.
the road grader made a pass down 15th between paradise and kaloli recently. no new gravel was placed. just scraped the old gravel, but it was better than nothing
Originally posted by EightFingers

Are you all going to the HPP member meetings?

What for? They follow an executive meeting format, they do not speak people's language and they dont give a rat's behind about owner concerns; they never did. Invariably the pres and the rest of the board members are either former bureaucrats, banking sector or the proffessional types who generally talk mumbo jumbo, look down at the rest of us and get nothing done...kind of reminds me of a certain politician...

I would like to know more about who is doing the board member recall. Anyone has contact information please?

Years ago a neighbor said to me that if we did not have this "association" our roads would go to hell. Well they have gone to hell,and we are paying more every year, so it makes no difference. They cozy up with Ilegan the Worthless for their own personal reasons while the subdivision is reverting to jungle. Now they have even added more fees if one is to build in the future. We are paying high fees for the wrong decisions of some that got their roads built at our expense so they could sell and relocate yo the mainland. We are paying increased fees so someone could draw a salary for doing very little and for some to wear a ceremonious little crown once a month, in order to justfy their boring retirement.In short a lot of folks will never have pavement on the streets and that is given to anyone that owns on a dead end road

Personally i would like to see HPP dissolve and put into the hands of a third party. This is in fact valuable real estate with 0 infrastructure, shouldnt we have real visionaries and doers in charge? If i need to buy a 4x4 to get in and out of my home I personally dont owe anyone a road fee.

Other Puna communities are clamoring for a second road like Railroad to open up; great opportunity to have the County take over HPP main roads in exchange for access
Thank you, Johnd, for summing things up rather well. I used to attend all the membership meetings and a good many board meetings. That is now a worthless exercise in futility. At one time, owner input was valued, but the last few boards not only don't listen, but they overturn membership votes.

Unfortunately, most of the remaining well-meaning activists who urge us to attend meetings really hope to be placed in charge themselves rather than admit that the HPPOA is a failed enterprise that needs to be placed in administrative receivership and possibly abolished. The only HPP related effort I would now support will be if and when someone raises money for whatever it takes to end the current arrangement.
I understand the meetings can be dysfunctional, but let's take your idea to the extreme and say no one attends the meetings. What then?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
The only use I can think of for someone to attend a meeting would be as a witness to whatever the board might be doing. Even then, this and previous boards have had a habit of taking things into executive session when they didn't want us to know what was going on.
What then? How many homeowners attend now? There is a need to form a shadow association with all those homeowners that would agree to work together and take the legal steps to abolish the HPPOA as it stands.That means connecting with the vast majority of homeowners and reach a clear consensous regarding a class action lawsuit agaisnt the HPPOA. A single individual cannot do that alone. The vast majority of owners were dupped with the promise of paved roads and that was a blatant lie. We cannot continue to be saddled with a debt that was incurred under false pretense, with a Board that does not work and a decaying road situation. This is what i call a neverending issue and it makes sense that we ought to end it, specially now since the roads are not even getting proper mantainence.The kiddie's park may be very nice but none of our road fees should go to pay for that as well as any other projects that do not entail roads. Having a court appointed administrator seems to be the best option to get out of this ongoing mess.The fees are not going to get any lower regardless, but at the very least we could have transparency and accountability.

I never thought my dead end road would get paved, but I did expect continued maintenance at the same level as when I bought the property, instead it is as bad as the roads in subdivisions where paying for road maintenance is voluntary. The list of where the money goes the office is giving out seems designed with an eye towards raising road fees. I want to know what is being spent on lawyers due to the legal cases being brought against this board.
"Thank you, Johnd, for summing things up rather well. I used to attend all the membership meetings and a good many board meetings. That is now a worthless exercise in futility"

This is also my position. I have volunteered, attended meetings, served on committees and met with friends who wanted to sue. We decided instead to pursue arbitration.
Then the board members changed and the new President assured me our concerns would be addressed. They were, partially, and we backed off. The President resigned, other board members changed and after a few short months we were right back to square 1 with a board failing to uphold our bylaws.
The longer you live here, the more you will see this scenario play out....over and over again.

There is just no way a nonprofit Corp. that grosses over 2 million a year can be properly managed in the hands of inexperienced volunteers meeting once a month.
It is foolish to assume that it can be.
Until we are in the hands of at least 5 board members who comprehend how to run a Corp. , are willing to meet more than once a month, are willing to educate themselves and FOLLOW the laws that govern us , this nonsense will continue.

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