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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
Kenoi needed and got help from some unions and/or other supporters to pay up

In which case, it's entirely possible that some campaign funding laws were also broken.
From the first news reports of Kenoi's trial:

"The second witness, former county Finance Director Nancy Crawford who was appointed by the mayor, appeared hesitant when testifying, explaining there were things she wasn’t supposed to speak about."

Oh, boy. She is under oath and has immunity, but still doesn't want to talk about certain things.

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Has anyone been watching the live courtroom feeds.... fascinating stuff.. just watching facial expressions when asked questions of those on the stand..makes it interesting.
Originally posted by alaskyn66

Has anyone been watching the live courtroom feeds.... fascinating stuff.. just watching facial expressions when asked questions of those on the stand..makes it interesting.

ya got ah link to da show? mahalo!

edit spelling
Apparently the court has put a stop to the live streaming..not sure what they have to hide exactly..

..Bad boys,Bad boys what we gonna do...let ya out on bail for a buck or two...
Originally posted by alaskyn66

Apparently the court has put a stop to the live streaming..not sure what they have to hide exactly..

..Bad boys,Bad boys what we gonna do...let ya out on bail for a buck or two...

Updated news and video here of the Mayor Kenoi trial from BigIslandvideo.

The Video of Nancy Crawford was interesting as she kept hesitating to answer a simple question.
294 days before he finally paid back? And it sounds like the payback was prompted by the news that the media was accessing the p card records. Doesn't sound like the actions of an honest elected official to me.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Today the judge dismissed the three charges relating to tampering with government documents. The four theft charges remain. A rather skimpy report which does not explain why is here:

I wonder if this will weaken the case on the theft counts of the indictment in the eyes of the jurors.

"I wonder if this will weaken the case on the theft counts of the indictment in the eyes of the jurors." BAAA-HAAAA!

Watch what transpires; as expected, all will be dismissed except a single count of making a false statement under oath, a misdemeanor. (parking ticket)
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