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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
I don't think you could find a more appropriate song..HOTPE

..Bad boys,Bad boys what we gonna do...let ya out on bail for a buck or two...
Billy testi"money" part 1
This case will play out as it is suppose to...he cannot run for Governor as once planned. That was the purpose of this case, he is done in politics (at least for awhile).

Now, he just needs to preserve his law license, which is also at stake. It may be his only "bread and butter" to feed his family after this case.

My continued heartfelt aloha for his keiki, and for his wife. I feel terrible for them, and what his actions have caused for their daily life. His children are younger, and have to live with their peers who taunt them due to their father's actions. I can't even imagine what his wife is going through, and bless her for her backbone.

There has to be something left in all of us that feels some pity for his family, at this point. Let us remember Kenoi's actions are questionable, however, his wife and children should not be chastised for his doings. It is my hope that we extend our aloha to Mrs. Kenoi, and her children during this trying time.

Mayor Billy's extravagant spending's were not for the benefit of the Big Island, that's the smoke screen his attorneys would have us all believe. There are two factors at play here: he simply could not control himself with the pcards(plural) and he thought he could schmooze his way to a greater political career paying for infinite booze parties. Like an addict with a bag of coke or an alcoholic at an open bar Billy is out of control, he needs professional help not public office.

Perhaps his wife could have been more proactive in their relationship, especially when he was frequenting "hostess bars". If my husband pulled that crap I don't care if he was the POTUS, he'd be out on the curb not on the proverbial sofa. And if he had an addiction problem, that would have been on the table as well...from the very beginning. Women of this island have much to learn in regards to self-respect and what they will and will not put up with from their partner.

And some women will forsake it all, simply for the sake of money and popularity.
Kenoi was not thinking about his wife and his kids when he went on the county funded spending spree. He wasn't thinking about the taxpayers or the dignity of his position, either. What Kenoi was thinking about was purely his own pleasure and aggrandizement. Now there will be consequences, whether he is convicted or not.

Word among the politically connected has it that the shine was off Kenoi's apple in the eyes of the big players in Honolulu when he barely defeated the virtually unfunded Harry Kim in the runoff in 2012. Some think that the trial was the result of some bigger players wanting to keep Kenoi from climbing too fast, and not a real gesture toward justice. Can he come back from this? Well, stranger things have happened, but it could only happen if he walks away without a felony conviction.

Whatever the outcome, the pCard regulations need to be tightened. It was so galling to have supposedly legitimate officials sit on the witness stand and say, "Well, the mayor can basically do whatever he wants." That disgraceful situation has to stop and needs to be the first priority for the new council.
The alcohol addition thing seems to stand out in this whole thing..
You don't need alcohol to impress other politicians or dignitaries.
You don't need alcohol to show gratitude for people that did a good job at whatever event.( He could have bought them pizza or something).

.. for all the people is was trying to impress... Alcohol...touchy feely bars...What did Hawaii County gain from it exactly.

..Bad boys,Bad boys what we gonna do...let ya out on bail for a buck or two...
No doubt big players are involved with this......whether it is a shot across the bow or a shot to his outboard motor remains to be seen. Any candidate needs to march to the party instructions ... heavy drinkers tend to forget that stuff.
I still would like to know about the P-card program. I find it hard to believe that the State would simply provide a template for all counties to use....if they chose to.
This absolutely needs to addressed with our new well as the acceptance for "cash" within our parks system.
And his family doesn't not need our sympathy, they need Al-anon or something similar.
I recall about 8 years back the County put on a "convention" for all employees at the Hapuna Prince, and boy o boy what a party it was. Drunk and disorderly was putting it mildly, unfortunately.

Community begins with Aloha
FYI When I was in Japan, the subway late in the evening was full of red faces, drunk "Salary men". Going out and drinking with the boys, and the boss, was virtually required for any kind of future with the company. We were told that if a man returned home sober at 8 PM his wife would panic because he wasn't fitting in at the office, and give him a ration of Tawagoto.

I got heat from our group for not joining in the saki drinking contest. I was informed it was considered rude to the host mot to join in. I thought it was rude to expect me to get buzzed on hot wine, which I can't stand. Different cultures, different expectations. When in Rome, and also when with Romans.

I don't see the big deal about booze unless you are in the WCTU it's part of socializing.

In my opinion the outrageous stuff isn't even addressed in this case.

With these charges of corruption on his record Billy is unlikely to be elected Governor. He would have a good shot at President however.
Did anyone else catch the part where Sam Choy talked about the Merrie Monarch after party Kenoi hosted in the parking lot, he said the "hottest ticket" of the event was getting invited to that party. I remember when the neighbors had to call the cops again and again because of a loud party tent in the parking lot after Merrie Monarch. It turned out the cops were turning a blind eye because it was Kenoi's party. I wonder who paid for all that booze and the tent?

My grandfather was mayor of a mid sized city for decades. He did a fair amount of hosting people at the Mayors' conventions and conferences, but he told me he always paid for booze out of his pocket, the city paid for food and other entertainment for guests and dignitaries, but he paid out of his pocket when it was his turn to buy rounds. He said he didn't think his city's citizens should be paying for him to trade buying rounds with other mayors.

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