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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
I have no problem with the mayor giving gifts and throwing parties, as long as he/she is honest in their execution of other government duties. Perhaps the answer going forward is a separate card for such things, with clear rules and limits.
What I do remember reading is that the Mayor of Kauai stated purchases of alcohol with Pcards are prohibited per their county policy. I would like our county to adopt and uphold a similar policy.

Here's a few sections copied from the State of Hawaii Purchasing Card Program...........


The purchasing card program is managed by the State Procurement Office.

....Any of the following reasons which may also subject the cardholder to
disciplinary action:
The pCard is used for personal or unauthorized purposes;
The pCard is used to purchase alcoholic beverages or any substance,
material, or service, which violates
policy, law or regulation pertaining
to the State or counties; "

So my questions are.....
.what does it mean that this program is "managed" by the State?
What branch of government administers the "disciplinary action" and how?
When is it considered a violation of State law when one purchases alcohol with his Pcard?

Further troubling me is this quote, (Tribune Herald Oct. 26)
"The defense has argued the county code "authorizes" the mayor to purchase alcohol with county funds. Prosecutors say the code doesn’t mention alcohol."

The COUNTY code doesn't appear to have much of anything, much less oversight and enforcement. It's the fox guarding the hen house . Is there truly no State involvement with this????
a separate card for such things, with clear rules and limits

Right. Because the current "rules and limits" were so effective.

Maybe a new rule that states "the rules and laws are for everyone, even the Mayor".
If you are born and raised here, you are taught that a government job is the ticket! As soon as you get on the gravy train, it's 'all good'. Taking down one figurehead is not going to change the endemic culture of fraud at the County, State and often the Federal level here in Hawaii. Just laugh it off and enjoy our 3rd world culture!!
interesting info at this Hawaii freepress site ,,, speaks directly to your pt. kj...
an btw...billy took an oath to us and trampled all over it...
what's becoming clear, between this issue with the mayor, donald trump running for president, and all the police shootings, is that rules and enforcement of those rules only applies to those without a lawyer to argue til the cows come home. you can get away with murder (and anything up to that) as long as you have the bankroll to argue via litigation or bribes.
Its a credit card.
Surely he realized there would be a digital/paper trail.
He's not stupid.
Just make him pay back any charges that aren't sponsored or in question.
His punishment is that his political career is over.
Quit spending even more tax dollars on prosecuting him.
He's basically a good guy.
Just made some bad mistakes.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
It wasn't his money to spend, period. That money comes from hard working residents of the Big Island. I bust my azz, collect taxes which go to the local government and pay income taxes. 5 times a year I write fat tax checks. And I take huge offense at Billy's extravagant spending habits with our money. I have senior friends who have a hard time getting around Puna due to the bus service being underfunded. One is hitch-hiking, she's in her 80's and that makes me furious. Billy's party money would have been much better spent taking care of our elderly. Shame on him.
Hah! a good guy?! A weasel with power over the police and some real shady crimes get looked the other other way when scummy politicians are related to criminals involved.
...Hanging in the tree months decomposed with a fresh written suicide note just when the FBI are about to get involved... Yeah right. jmo

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