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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
As in any other business, somebody's got to be the whipping boy to give the impression there is a watchdog. Unfortunately, Billy's sneaking around everybody, including his family cavorting about under the guise of "gummit business" got him elected to that position.

Community begins with Aloha
Originally posted by gypsy69

The state of Hawaii may have to many long standing and overpaid state employees and contractors receiving extra Gifts with special favoritism. jmo

that article reflects the culture of our state/county employee socity...i'm puck'in here...mahalo for posting g69
You can consider it a given if a mayor attempts to abscond with tax dollars for excessive boozing, hostess bars, 5 star personal travel expenses, large gifts for family members etc..., that he is pocketing even bigger money without a paper trail.

Certain behaviors are straight across the board and not specific to just one segment of a person's life. For example liars will lie to most everyone. Thieves will generally steal from most anyone as well. Stealing with the pcard tells us that Mayor Billy has sticky fingers. Either you have good strong morals and ethics or you don't. Stealing from the county till is a huge indicator that theft is ok in Billy's book if you don't get caught. Where does he draw the line? From his admission of the pcard theft logic tells us that line is drawn way out there somewhere.
long standing and overpaid state employees and contractors

From the article: it took 20 years to run up $2M overpayment = $100K/year.

The "solution" is $15M to "study" an integrated financial system + $millions more to actually implement.

Cheaper to just overpay people and write that money off.
HNN: “When asked by his attorney whether it was his intention to "permanently deprive this county of money," Kenoi choked up and replied, ‘Absolutely not. I would never hurt this community. I'm offended even being accused.’"

Lol.. I needed a good chuckle this morning.
About "prosecuting the staff"...
I used to be an accounts payable clerk, way down low on the totem pole. One of the managers would order stuff without the required Purchase Order. If I paid the bill, the director would yell at me. If I didn't pay the bill, the manager would yell at me. I was stuck in the middle and couldn't get them to yell at each other.

I feel sorry for the staff here!

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As far as "prosecuting the staff," the higher ranking (and likely culpable) officials in this mess have been given immunity to guarantee their testimony against Kenoi. After hearing the rather shaky testimony of the various officials, several of my more cynically speculative friends have decided that the "fix" is in and that the whole trial was a politically motivated sham not intended to produce a conviction. The real intent? To falsely show that our state government is looking out for us and to deflect our attention from any larger crimes by both Kenoi and other officials that might be lurking out there. The punishment of Kenoi's career being badly damaged would be for poorly handling the situation and not for the actual malfeasance.

Of course, one can always believe that an acquittal would simply be the result of incompetence on the part of yet another state agency. This time it would be the Attorney General's office and not the DOT, DHHL/OHA, DNLR, . . . oh, hell, the list is just too long.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" ( loose quote from "Wizard of Oz").

Community begins with Aloha
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

If only we could. Unfortunately, we all glimpsed behind that curtain, for a moment. There he was, The Emperor in His New Clothes, made of the finest weave. One or two quick peeks was more than enough to see the guy was naked, right before his administration and defenders quickly gathered around him in an attempt to obscure the truth and change the narrative.

They shouted to us, "His robe is magnificent! Bought without taxpayer dollars! (After he reimbursed the county for a big bill from the Magic Weavers!) He needs such finery to impress other political figures! It's for the greater good!"

Something is wrong, I know it, if I don't keep my attention on eternity. Mary Oliver
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
That's Quite a conspiracy theory Clunkster.

It's been said, " Power corrupts. No matter how minuscule."
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

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