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HPP road maintainence
Originally posted by Katarina

DT's, let me ask you something. If you order a steak and get a hamburger or buy a certain lawnmower and get a lesser model are you the type that says nothing? I'm not trying to be mean here one bit but this is the mentality that the board(Jo) counts on. The type that lets themselves get walked over for the sake of keeping the peace. You mention that your $313+ road fees are fine because the main roads are taken care of. I have to say, you must not have lived here very long because less than 3 years ago, the main roads were far far better and why should our gravel roads go to hell when they weren't that way before when we were paying far less and not spending $36,000 extra to outsource. What are those employees doing that we pay for when their job is outsourced? We are being fleeced and you are happy about it.

WTF? I never said I was fine with it. I said I would pay it. I will pay it bc I am billed it, otherwise it will open a can of worms that I don't want to deal with. (What kind of can of worms? Late fees, penalties; possible property tax liens; should I ever sell, fees that would be applied to escrow, counter-suit should it come to lawsuit, etc.)

Maybe my statement about the main roads wasn't clear enough. What I was saying was that until this is settled and the roads are once again taken care of, I would have to RATIONALIZE it that our $ will be going to the main roads, and that if they aren't going to take care of encroaching weeds, then g***amnit, we will have to, bc WE ARE NOT LIVING IN A DUMP.)

I am NOT ok with the road situation. I am PISSED. Which is why I called HPPOA with a complaint and posted about it in this thread. (Interesting they told me I was #242 or so and other post here said they'd gotten 400+ in preceding 2 months). Do not forget that I was the one who posted here that the HPPOA person on the phone told me to come to meetings - so the "Board knows they have the backup to raise rates" -- which of course is RIDICULOUS.

As to whether I'm a newbie or not -- I have been here over 7 years, in HPP and on Punaweb, and I remember how the roads were taken care of when we arrived. Our street was nice and flat and covered in red cinder and was taken care of pretty frequently. We would go out and give the HPPOA driver a Coke when he went by, and wave aloha all over the subdivision to the crews.

Today our street is practically unpassable.

So don't tell me I'm fine with it. I am all for fighting this ridiculous treatment the property owners of HPP are given, but I think we need to deal with it by amassing evidence to be used in arbitration or in court. ... I'm going to repeat that bc apparently I'm not being read properly: I am all for fighting this ridiculous treatment the property owners of HPP are given, but I think we need to deal with it by amassing evidence to be used in arbitration or in court.

Do not forget that I was the one who is asking that people video their road and upload to youtube under hashtag #HPProads. (uh, not one video yet. I guess I'll be the first as soon as I'm out of my sick bed.)

We pay for the roads and easements to be maintained. It's as simple as that. I am not ACCEPTING less and I resent the accusation that I am and that I am someone to be walked over.

We will pay our bill bc we will uphold our end of the bargain we have with HPPOA as property owners.

Once again, words on Punaweb are misconstrued to someone's own biases. Stop it. Please read more carefully. We are all in this together and need to present a cohesive front.
Loud and clear DT. The point is that if we all just keep paying and paying what is the incentive for the board to be fiscally responsible and maintain OUR roads, which is their only concern. John is right about just posting here. It really is not getting us anywhere EXCEPT that if enough people read this thread maybe a good solution will present itself. Arbitration does not work.Hiring an attorney is to costly, the AG is not interested unless maybe a couple million dollars are absconded and someone is harmed and then what really could/would they do? Getting all our neighbors on each street to petition each road gets taken care of is probably not likely and as some one said, why should we have to do go through all that to get our street serviced 1x. No decent person wants to be on the board anymore and if one is elected what are the chances of them staying on when they are pressured and receive death threats. We all need to make sure Jo is not re-elected and then it will be easier to silence her followers. Or find a way to get a professional management company to maintain our roads. 1 bad apple destroys it for all.
I agree, but NOT paying is not the answer, either.
Originally posted by Katarina
We all need to make sure Jo is not re-elected and then it will be easier to silence her followers. Or find a way to get a professional management company to maintain our roads. 1 bad apple destroys it for all.

Why wait for the next election? Dist 5 lot owners need to sign their recall petitions NOW. Those that have signed, need to tell the board that they've been denied the right to start a recall to remove their director bc of the sabotaging of a membership process. The board needs to remedy this bc one of their own went rogue including ofc staff. Who knows how many people were given the wrong info since the June membership mtg? There are witnesses to back what the ofc staff has been telling people.

Either the board start the recall w/6 votes or they take the signatures that have been submitted to the recall committee thus far and get the ball rolling. They need to remedy this unethical maneuver that's occurred. It's their job to protect our bylaws and ensure they're followed, not look the other way. Same w/those in Dist 5.
Mahalo Mermaid, for posting the arbitration information.

There of course have been violations of our bylaws and I am very disappointed in reading the outcome.
I still favor disputes being resolved thru arbitration , however it is not just justice we can rely has to be justice and a good attorney.
That of course costs money. And say we do arbitrate and win.......then what? Back to the same crap of having inexperience run our Corp.? Yes, we are all sick of this.....and I believe we would prevail in proving violations. But then what?
And you write,
"See Nov minutes, Dist 5 rep w/out board directive, wrote a policy to change the process of Dist Recall bylaw. Isn't that called circumventing the bylaws,"

Whatever you call it,directives and policies do not supersede bylaws. Wish the Board as a whole had the integrity to stand up to this . Please do not feel the need to defend them, as it is not meant as a personal attack , I do not know any of them....

Upholding our bylaws is each Board member's sworn duty. HPPOA is doomed to stay in this pathetic costly mess until we have a quorum of board members willing to at least uphold our laws and homeowners who will tolerate nothing less.
Originally posted by reni
Upholding our bylaws is each Board member's sworn duty. HPPOA is doomed to stay in this pathetic costly mess until we have a quorum of board members willing to at least uphold our laws and homeowners who will tolerate nothing less.

That is the problem I believe...members are tolerating this mess. Members have to show up at board mtgs and tell this board face to face how they feel about the non transparency of our money, and the neglect of our roads and easements. Ask how this happened, and when they intend to drop road material on the entire road instead of wasting time and money doing band aid fixes on potholes. Show that you're flesh and blood, not "just another frivolous complaint" as one new rep put it in the Nov board minutes.
members are tolerating this mess

I'll play that broken record again here: as long as "we" tolerate this crap from County (and State), the subdivisions' dysfunctional boards have nothing to fear.

Relevant example:

This is a "real, public" road project, now 4 years past the start date, with more delays and another $100M (estimated) cost overruns before it even breaks ground. HPP chip seal is a bargain by comparison.
kalakoa wrote: I'll play that broken record again here: as long as "we" tolerate this crap from County (and State), the subdivisions' dysfunctional boards have nothing to fear.

This is a "real, public" road project, now 4 years past the start date, with more delays and another $100M (estimated) cost overruns before it even breaks ground. HPP chip seal is a bargain by comparison.

I get what you're saying but it still doesn't negate or diminish the concerns that are going on with our association money and the roads we travel everyday. The county is too big a giant to take on coupled with the deep pockets they have for any type of lawsuit that comes their way. HPP doesn't have deep pockets so the board has to be proactive and manage our money and roads responsibly. It remains to be seen how the current board will handle the mess they inherited from the 2 previous boards since 2014. When the board fails to not only follow but fails to ENFORCE our bylaws w/reps that go rogue, or fails to manage the GM and the employees, whom we pay the salaries of, it doesn't look hopeful.

HPP chip seal isn't a bargain. Over $70,000 per mile. In less than a year we have potholes on the chip seal roads. It's failing already. That's OUR $$$$$$$ down the toilet. They've raised our road fees 10% to feed the chip seal monster. Priorities are upside down and safety obviously takes the back seat to chip seal. We're already in a lawsuit and our insurance rates have gone up. We can't afford any more lawsuits.
county is too big a giant to take on coupled with the deep pockets they have for any type of lawsuit that comes their way

WE are the County. It's OUR money. Lawsuits aren't the only solution.

All the subdivisions got screwed on this deal, but somehow each subdivision acts like they're the only one with problems.

Maybe someday enough people will demand the services they're paying for.
"Members have to show up at board mtgs and tell this board face to face "

What is that overused but truthful concept of human behavior? Goes something like..."engaging in the same behavior and expecting a different outcome, is the definition of insanity."
No thanks. This household has done it's time and it started before 2014.
We will continue , with our neighbor's help,to care for own street.
There is no way this current system can work without a quorum of 5 board members "willing" to uphold our laws.

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