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HPP road maintainence
I agree Mermaid. There are a few posters here that I skim over always.They never say anything valuable. Obie has said enough over a long course that leads me to deduce she is a board member. Always in defense of the indefensible. The last comment cinched the deal. We all know that the board,(the one continually discussed here) runs to lawyers only when they get caught breaking the bilaws or when they are plotting to break them in advance. And, we all know that you can go to 10 attorneys and get 10 different opinions so her last comment is ridiculous. Obie is Jo or Randi. Just keep that in mind here posters when you are reading here. With over 11,000 posts on this link, only someone involved in the illegal activities would comment to shut this down. They are in to deep to turn back so just expect more and more of their garbage. They never learned that it is far easier to be nice and honest than lie and cause destruction. It is a developmental flaw.
They never say anything valuable.

I'm raising a serious question here:

If the problem is that "nobody follows the bylaws", then what, exactly, is the value of those bylaws, or any expectation that "more laws" will fix the problem in any substantive way?

"Thanks for your post Obie... so which board member are you? Randi? The emperor Jo herself?... possibly Ruth?"

I feel as though I'm watching the Salem witch trials...
How quickly despondency has set in on this thread! If all that energy would actually be used to elevate the dialog instead of attacking people who have a genuine reasons, we could actually get somewhere.

Lets be clear about this, the legal interpretation is clear for a 2 year old to understand and it boils down to this most simple concept:fees for roads! Paved,and well maintained roads! Now we could extrapolate all we want the why's and why nots until the usual stupor of non action sets in once again. If that is your cup of tea, by all means carry on, but do not pretend some of us are paying attention to it.

Invariably always someone has two put their two cents full irony and disdain towards other'opinions and contributing nothing to the conversation. The original question on this thread has value because it opened up a much needed dialog for those who OWN in HPP. It would be really useful if more OWNERS open up in regards of an issue that greatly affects our livability and property values.

I personally get absolutely fkall from attending association meetings or even venturing to the GM'office,how many owners actually attend those farting meetings at this point? The current Board might as well be sitting on Mars for all what they do, but the decay of our roads is very real...this is a situation that will become increasingly difficult to ignore.

The essence of the association is based not only in the upkeep of the roads, but paving the rest of the subdivision. It is clear that neither will happen anytime soon, and it is a SERIOUS concern! It will certainly not happen under the current board and certainly not under the current manager. If these folks cannot deliver and perform then the have no reason to exist, pure and simple.

The time has come for the membership to enter into a serious dialog and reach concensus on how to protect our assets. The board and its manager count that we are too isolated to form a coalition to change all the shait they have been producing for years. Well, I would not count on that. The fast approaching day when owners have to fork out increased fees, while they have to hack away vegetation to get through their roads, is when they will begin to look at thus board more closely. The bubble will burst one of these days... That is a given and when it finally does, I personally would not want to be sitting on that Board

While I respect others opinions on this thread, I personally do not appreciate that this forum is being hijaked by worthless negative sarcasm, insulting other people with bad a*s remarks brings nothing to the table. I do thank Rob for allowing this thread to be open to a discussion that is well needed.

the legal interpretation is clear for a 2 year old to understand

Solution: replace the board with 2-year-olds.

worthless negative sarcasm

Usually serious, but always with the dumb questions ("why can't you just follow the laws that you yourselves have written and paid for").
JDO I feel I am just stating facts here and feel fortunate to do so. Could I sugar coat it ... sure but honestly, we have been drug through the mud by the board that is the topic of discussion here and why protect them? My road is a disaster and has been for over a year. I've seen the inferior chip seal and see the money pit that has been created by it. I have witnessed to many bilaws and state statutes broken over the last 2.5 years to list here and heard board members call out publicly those members who they want to embarrass and/or intimidate. Sorry if you find it degrading, just facts. Jo has manipulated everyone and everything she has touched. The GM is useless and the rest of the board is impotent. Things are not improving one bit. The board is being manipulated and if you don't believe me... well just go to our website and take a read of current sneaky doings by the few. I ran across it unintentionally while looking at something else. Open your eyes HPP. The leader of the pack has a tight grip and it is only getting tighter.
Could I sugar coat it ... sure

Not necessary.
It's also not essential to poison coat it.

"One may pretend knowledge of philosophy more successfully than that of arithmetic." -Last Aphorisms (or how about, one may pretend knowledge with an opinion more successfully than with facts)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
If we thought the board was bad before, it looks like things just got worse. According to the HPP web site (and this may have been what Katarina was referring to) the Stalinists on the board, maybe they prefer the term "Politburo"instead of board, must have had an executive session massacre right after the Dec. politiburo meeting.
While the board president was reportedly on the mainland and missed the meeting, the board went into executive session and summarily executed him by removing him as the president. Very brave to do that when he wasn't there to argue his case. But then, it was already a done deal as schemed, no doubt, by Chairman Mao (aka Jo Maynard, District 5 subject of a recall). The new Politburo president is now Randi Lazalere, District 6 (and should be subject of a recall). She is one of the most consistently angry, rude and bylaw ignorant directors we have ever had. However, she does have her place, she is a reliable mouth piece for Chairman Mao. She still has 2 and half years on her term.
Kiss any road maintenance hopes goodbye.
Next, the Stalinists removed the treasurer and replaced him with a brand new appointed director by the name of Chris Anderson, who has no experience, no HPP history and no knowledge of the bylaws. BTW, the now old treasurer had 25 years experience as an accountant. That is the reason he was removed.
Does Mr. Anderson have any background in finances or accounting, I seriously doubt it? All I have heard about him and what every one saw for themselves at the last Membership meeting in Oct. was an out of control young man who had no idea what he was ranting about concerning the bond. But more about him and what he thinks of HPP members in another post.

I wouldn't want to bet on the finance committee ever meeting again. And that folks, is the reason Mr. Anderson is the new treasurer. He will (has, I mean) believe every word out of Chairman Mao's mouth and from that of the new politburo president and dutifully follow his instructions.

One has to wonder why the new Board Members we (the Membership) elect keep getting "dismissed" by the BOD, and they, not us, appoint a new one?

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