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HPP road maintainence
why the new Board Members we (the Membership) elect keep getting "dismissed" by the BOD, and they, not us, appoint a new one?

It's almost as if the board doesn't really represent the needs or desires of the community.
Most don't care or know- Kind of a miniature of national politics- but worse since it's local
and the membership can step up to the plate and throw all those clowns out.
Its your HOA, your BOD. The only reason it goes on is the members don't assert their power and authority.
For whatever reason.
Know more than a few people in HPP, so this situation is obviously insane. I'll let it go at that.
There is only one obvious solution to combating the agents of KAOS and that is to get smart by running for the 5 open seats for this year's election. And I mean people who have the ability to be fair, open minded, willing to listen to more than one side of controversy unlike what this association has been a victim of for the last 2 1/2 years. If you can not listen to and ask appropriate, smart questions (for whatever reason) to 2 sides of an issue, than you are going to be part of the problem. I have just described in part, professional or professional minded people, those willing to learn the bylaws and not abuse them.
These are the 5 districts: 3; 5; 7; 8 and 9. Here is a link to the HPPOA web site showing a map of the districts.

I can not stress enough the importance of electing a new director in district 5. That is Chairman Mao's (aka Jo) district. And even though I heard that she said at the last politburo meeting in Dec. that she "was going to be out of here in 6 months" that was only said to the weak minded, the ones who believe her. If she had no plans to run again, then why spend so much energy and lying to convince the weak minded politburo directors to adopt a bylaw violating policy written by her and for her?
kalakoa wrote:
It's almost as if the board doesn't really represent the needs or desires of the community.

Interesting that the dots just connected! Or is this sarcasm?

caveat emptor wrote:
The new Politburo president is now Randi Lazalere, District 6 (and should be subject of a recall). She is one of the most consistently angry, rude and bylaw ignorant directors we have ever had. However, she does have her place, she is a reliable mouth piece for Chairman Mao. She still has 2 and half years on her term.
Kiss any road maintenance hopes goodbye.
Next, the Stalinists removed the treasurer and replaced him with a brand new appointed director by the name of Chris Anderson, who has no experience, no HPP history and no knowledge of the bylaws. BTW, the now old treasurer had 25 years experience as an accountant. That is the reason he was removed.

Agree caveat emptor, things have gotten a lot worse. Now we really have a bunch of reckless and inexperienced reps making decisions for over 8,500 lot owners. These recent turn of events makes that crystal clear. This is very concerning.

punaticbychoice wrote:
Most don't care or know- Kind of a miniature of national politics- but worse since it's local
and the membership can step up to the plate and throw all those clowns out.
Its your HOA, your BOD. The only reason it goes on is the members don't assert their power and authority.

That's what we've been trying to impress on this thread. That's it in a nutshell and is the total crux of the problem. We have a membership mtg next month.
There is only 1 solution. Whether you like it or not and are in a district that will have a vacancy you have to run for the office. If you can learn the bilaws and care about helping clean up this mess run.... or help find a competent willing person to serve. There is no other way. There already will be a huge factor with the board constrained election committee. Please, nothing will change till the trash is removed.
Stalinists, Politburo, Chairman Mao and what next?

Arthur Miller must be spinning in his grave.
TomK: Pol Pot?
Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong IL or Kim Jong Un ?
HPP, setting for a new version of "The Crucible"?
"Ghost written" of course. Couldn't resist. Sorry.
Originally posted by TomK

Stalinists, Politburo, Chairman Mao and what next?

Arthur Miller must be spinning in his grave.

And you've shown up right on cue. Do you live on a paved road on Kaloli Pt? Do you have endless financial resources to pour into the chip seal money pit? Most of us don't.
Interesting that the dots just connected! Or is this sarcasm?

Both; same truth applies to County.

Ignoring the obvious inequality in fuel tax collected vs roads built, consider the cost of recent road projects, all measured in $millions per mile, schedule delays, overtime costs... meanwhile the "private" subdivisions can't even get an alternate egress (Eden Roc, Fern Acres) and all of lower Puna is a cul-de-sac.

Dysfunctional subdivision road corps provide a great benefit, here: if all roads are managed equally poorly, there is no impetus to excel, nor basis for meaningful comparison. Everyone accepts the status quo, and it's a pretty crappy baseline.
Why doesn't HPP surrender all its' roads to the County? What is the benefit by keeping them 'private'?

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