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Hilo Farmers Market
Aloha, Punacat. The Makuu market is on the makai side of the highway between Keaau and Pahoa about a mile past Makuu Drive as you head toward Pahoa. It is officially open Saturdays and Sundays, but there is very little going on Saturdays. It is definitely a Sunday morning event, and some of the produce tends to get picked over by about 10 or 11am. Amazing variety and friendly vendors are its forte'. Enjoy! Jerry

The Makuu market is also a great place for lunch on Sunday; in addition to the produce stands there is a truck selling steak plates and a stand doing barbecue. If you don't like meat, there are other places doing Thai and Indian vegetarian dishes, and one making crepes. There is limited seating right near the stage, where someone is usually performing. Don't forget Nena's for dessert; her chocolate cake is terrific, and others have raved about her coconut cake too. (Her daughter makes a spicy tortilla soup which she sells at her mother's bakery stand.)

We used to go there almost every Sunday, eat lunch, and bring home dinner.

There is a lady making green papaya salad at the Makuu market that is phenomenal. The best I've ever had. She's right by the crepe and taco ladies. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
I've never tried the green papaya salad, but that lady always has one of the longest lines in the market, so obviously there are a lot of people who agree with you.


Aloha from the Northland!I visited in April and loved the market so much.I had a wonderful time strolling through and checking out all the vendors wares.This is how obtaining one's household needs ought to be.Since I'm a former Puna person,the market just fed my spirit with how life close to the earth ought to be.It will be interesting to watch the unfolding of this project.I am familiar with the indoor markets of Juarez, Mexico, so an indoor market does not seem that strange, but unsure how it would feel in a more humid climate like Hilo-might feel rather "close".


The best organic/fertilized eggs that I know of are available form Howard Dintis, the Bio-Frendly Realtor. Howard even mixes his own feed to ensure that the eggs that are produced are of the best quality. His chickens also get fresh papaya which produces really dark orange/red yolks!!

His number is: 808 965-8118.


Will Peratino
Will Peratino
What a hoot! I was just talking to Howard...we're gonna be meeting him to look at houses end of June...while we were talking I could hear his rooster-boys in the background! He is passionate about the type of roosters and hens he has and says his eggs are amazing...says he has people that just come by he gets 4.00 a dozen! I was telling him we would like to have a couple of laying hens when we get there...he was very informative about them.

Much Light,

Carrie Rojo

Edited by - Carolann R on 05/02/2006 12:37:21

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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