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HPP road maintainence
Originally posted by Katarina

[quote]Originally posted by Katarina

msky,caveat emptor and mermaid are the most sensible, thought provoking and intuitive posters here. I for one miss you and Cathy Fincher in the office. A once pleasant, professional, efficient and intelligent visit to the office has become extremely uncomfortable and unsatisfactory. Thank you for your service while employed at HPP and know that you are truly missed.


Mahalo for your kind words. I'm still trying to get used to being unemployed (but I do enjoy being able to sleep in).
Originally posted by mermaid53

Aloha Morgan
I appreciated your post. You have some interesting ideas and suggestions.. the Bylaw Committee already considered an oversight committee back in early 2015, and came up w/language for it...but we realized that w/an arrogant bylaw breaking board, they'd just disregard this "oversight" committee. Or what would happen if there was a stand off? So BLC canned the idea. # 3, the BLC already talked about tougher requirements for reps. Being that HPP's a multi million $ corp, we need more protection. We could get a criminal w/their hands in the cookie jar, someone involved in a lawsuit elsewhere, or a sociopath reeking havoc for 3-6 yrs. Those that don't mean us well will assess these weaknesses in our system and use them. There's no accountability w/volunteers so that makes HPP very vulnerable.

We have conflict of interest issues w/reps, and ofc staff who are lot owners. Would hiring a mgmt company eliminate a lot of these issues? # 4 used to be handled with a board policy that was rescinded so there's nothing in place today to prevent reps from using the staff as assistants. The structure has changed quite a bit since you worked for HPP. #5 is already on BLC's radar.

Thanks for your thoughts and well wishes. You are welcome to attend a BLC mtg to discuss some of your ideas further.


I forgot to add another time the Bylaws are amended, consider having them recorded by the Bureau of Conveyances. That way any Title Company, Mortgage Company, Realtor or anyone else doing their "due diligence" regarding the transfer of a property, will see the HPP Bylaws and won't be able to claim ignorance about road fees and other issues. Recordation is pretty inexpensive...unless they raised the rate. $26 for the first 4 pages and $1 per page after that. But if that's of interest, someone could call or check their website for verification.
I now think it is more probable that the grader seen on 26th is a rental and the operator may also be hired. If that is true, then I have more confidence that the operator will do a professional job on that road.
We also have to wonder how much it is costing us to rent out heavy equipment and it's operator. We may never know, since the new treasurer, Chis Anderson, canceled the Jan. Finance Committee meeting and I've learned that he won't call a FC meeting until Mar. This means that the Associations FC will not be receiving any financials however, that does not stop individual lot owners in going to the office and "paying" for their copies of the financial reports. And if you do, make sure you get a copy of the "detail report" and the annual audit.

It would also be important to know not just that the new/used grader from Ca. cost $126,000, but what is the actual, total costs of the purchase, which would include shipping?
Mahalo msky for the 2 links...both are very helpful. HOVE's bylaws are very interesting....coincidentally, they have something in their bylaws that was discussed by the current HPP BLC some time ago....if a rep is removed by the membership or their peers, they're permanently banned from any future position on the board. Perfectly logical. And note that EVERY non profit subdivision are entitled to remove a director, with or without cause. So what makes Dist 5 rep thinks she can thwart what is entitled to members?

Removing directors is much simpler as well bc they don't have can be done by a majority vote at a membership mtg scheduled for that purpose, which is the case in many other subdivisions. I believe it was also simpler to amend the bylaws.

Thanks again msky.
If it is here, then that is possibly a violation of our bylaws and a poke to the eye of the board with a sharp stick (unless the board was in on the charade vote of approval), besides the already mentioned violation of bypassing the Finance Committee.

Unfortunately, this is business as usual for these reps AND they're teaching the newbies illegal practices....round and round we go. And that is why these reps like it when newby reps don't know our bylaws and policies. WE DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS.

If the treasurer doesn't have a background in acctg, then this is sorely irresponsible of him, and typical behavior by reps who only wish to manipulate him. I suspect that is why the treasurer who was new in Jul 2016 resigned from the board 2 months later..he had ethics and strong character. And the next one in line was deposed bc he had too much acctg experience. It's really unbelievable that this board thinks we don't see through these maneuvers of theirs. Has anyone read the duties of the treasurer in our bylaws? There's a lot of responsibilities. I wonder if he's read them....

It appears that this board is just biting time until June 2017, hoping they can keep delaying anyone from seeing the detailed financials. By June 2017, it'll be 1 1/2 yrs since anyone's seen detailed financials. As another member suggested, we should have a forensic audit. The annual audit is only as good as what is provided to the auditor by guess who.

The current FC members are experienced and knowledgeable in HPP business and finances, which is what the membership would want and expect. In an ethical world, the board would wish the same.

Meanwhile the majority board will keep spending our $$$$ on chip seal, trucks etc, bypassing our checks and balances (the FC), and ignoring the promise they made to US when they took their oaths to uphold the bylaws... to the 3 who've been on the board since 2014: there's no excuses for you after almost 3 yrs on the board. Dist 6 is now the board Pres after deposing Dist 4's rep while he was on Xmas vacation. This makes evident the kind of characters we have on this board.

How many mtgs has the FC actually been able to have since they were formed in June 2016, given all these board maneuvers and interference? If they were allowed to do their job for US, then WE could attend as well.

Logic tells me only a board and GM that have something/s to hide w/OUR $$$$$$$ would pull these kinds of unethical and bylaw breaking maneuvers, and be so contemptuous towards members who only ask for transparency and to follow our bylaws. They don't seem to get or care that if they did, instead members would be supporting them, volunteering their time to make HPP a happier and safer place for all members. That's why I believe something's going on...something's to be lost and/or discovered...

The next membership mtg is 26 Feb, last Sunday of the month @ 3 PM. Ask questions. They better answer them, it's not a board mtg!
Originally posted by mermaid53

Mahalo msky for the 2 links...both are very helpful. HOVE's bylaws are very interesting....coincidentally, they have something in their bylaws that was discussed by the current HPP BLC some time ago....if a rep is removed by the membership or their peers, they're permanently banned from any future position on the board. Perfectly logical. And note that EVERY non profit subdivision are entitled to remove a director, with or without cause. So what makes Dist 5 rep thinks she can thwart what is entitled to members?

Removing directors is much simpler as well bc they don't have can be done by a majority vote at a membership mtg scheduled for that purpose, which is the case in many other subdivisions. I believe it was also simpler to amend the bylaws.

Someone with a vendetta and time on their hands could easily gather enough participation to to remove a good director. Not that said director would ever want to serve again after such action, just sayin', this could backfire. You also seem to be promoting a simpler way of removing directors, which plays into what I am saying. Don't let the current situation cloud your vision of other potential circumstances.

Thanks again msky.

Originally posted by mermaid53

Mahalo msky for the 2 links...both are very helpful. HOVE's bylaws are very interesting....coincidentally, they have something in their bylaws that was discussed by the current HPP BLC some time ago....if a rep is removed by the membership or their peers, they're permanently banned from any future position on the board. Perfectly logical. And note that EVERY non profit subdivision are entitled to remove a director, with or without cause. So what makes Dist 5 rep thinks she can thwart what is entitled to members?

Removing directors is much simpler as well bc they don't have can be done by a majority vote at a membership mtg scheduled for that purpose, which is the case in many other subdivisions. I believe it was also simpler to amend the bylaws.

Thanks again msky.

Someone with a vendetta and time on their hands could easily gather enough participation to to remove a good director. Not that said director would ever want to serve again after such action, just sayin', this could backfire. You also seem to be promoting a simpler way of removing directors, which plays into what I am saying. Don't let the current situation cloud your vision of other potential circumstances.

Sorry for the previous goof.
Originally posted by My 2 cents
Someone with a vendetta and time on their hands could easily gather enough participation to to remove a good director. Not that said director would ever want to serve again after such action, just sayin', this could backfire. You also seem to be promoting a simpler way of removing directors, which plays into what I am saying. Don't let the current situation cloud your vision of other potential circumstances.

Sorry for the previous goof.

It's not even an option for HPP being that we have 9 districts.
Yes! As I recall we did have a little rogue action one year with 1 or 3 members conspiring to throw big money at a fancy new office building way up at the top of Ocean View, which was of course scheduled to be built by cousins, brothers and nephews (awarded with no submitted bids), etc.
Somehow the word went out and at the next meeting, 2 or 3 people(I cant remember) got dumped. I sure hope HPP gets this issue fixed before it gets out of control!
Ya all need to Pohaku malama together... ALL SIDES.

Set a time to meet together with a 5 gallon bucket of baseball sized pohaku and your dead blow hammers (Dead-blow Hammer has an iron fist in a velvet glove). A non marring hammer that hits with tremendous force) to do a community service to yur roads and create community pride.

Pound a 10ft by 10ft area of the road with your rock and hammers. If by then you are not hugging each other and drinking beer. Then throw the rest of your pohaku at each other and swing the hammers.

Come on.. this road crap will continue to flare out of control for many many moons.

Relax... Let your kundalini flow.

Slow Walker

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