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HPP road maintainence
Exactly, Kalakoa. You are one of the few that actually "gets it".
You are one of the few that actually "gets it".

It doesn't help much.

Lately there's a series of signs ("burma-shave" style) along Road 1.

you have a choice...

you can spend your money on car repairs...

or you can spend your money on road repairs...

Funny thing, if it's my money and I'm spending it anyway, I would rather pay a local mechanic to fix my car: think of it as "direct economic stimulus", whereas the Fuel Tax Revenue vanishes into County bureaucracy, while "private" road corps dues are spent on lawyers and "questionable purchases".

I can also control the frequency and severity of my car repairs by adapting my driving style as appropriate for the lack of road maintenance -- but I can't seem to control which roads get maintained, no matter how much money is spent. (Unless, of course, I go ahead and do my own maintenance -- in which case I get 100% of the value for money spent.)
I can also control the frequency and severity of my car repairs by adapting my driving style as appropriate for the lack of road maintenance

I have always said, if you drive an appropriate vehicle, and drive it appropriately, your vehicle will not need any additional maintenance. People seem to want to drive regular passenger vehicles at 30mph on bumpy roads. Guess what happens. Here come the complaints, because of course it isn't their fault that their car is falling apart.
My 2 Cents wrote:
My issue is with the mechanism that keeps the feud perpetual. When I have offered that the feuding sides should come together and take the fight to the County and State, I am generally met with "that will take too long" or "that will cost too much" or, my favorite head in the sand response, "that's getting old". It seems that most people enjoy the war. They are not interested in a solution that will get the associations out of the road business, thus eliminating the root source of the war and the mismanagement.

And wouldn't it be the association boards that should spear head this kind of movement? What if the board reps lack prof'l experience and knowledge to manage, as is evident in our case for the last 2 1/2 yrs? The HPPOA is in the midst of a serious lawsuit caused by a board in 2014 that has driven our insurance rates up and continues to cause serious poisoning of our association's business. Hardly anyone comes forward to volunteer on committees like they used to and it's difficult to keep good reps on the board any more. Ground zero, "eliminating the root source of the war and mismgmt", is this HPP board. The board has the platform to do great things and unfortunately their unlawful actions instead divides the community. So how can we even conceive the notion to tackle the county? Not an argument here...just asking.
Originally posted by mermaid53

My 2 Cents wrote:
My issue is with the mechanism that keeps the feud perpetual. When I have offered that the feuding sides should come together and take the fight to the County and State, I am generally met with "that will take too long" or "that will cost too much" or, my favorite head in the sand response, "that's getting old". It seems that most people enjoy the war. They are not interested in a solution that will get the associations out of the road business, thus eliminating the root source of the war and the mismanagement.

And wouldn't it be the association boards that should spear head this kind of movement? What if the board reps lack prof'l experience and knowledge to manage, as is evident in our case for the last 2 1/2 yrs? The HPPOA is in the midst of a serious lawsuit caused by a board in 2014 that has driven our insurance rates up and continues to cause serious poisoning of our association's business. Hardly anyone comes forward to volunteer on committees like they used to and it's difficult to keep good reps on the board any more. Ground zero, "eliminating the root source of the war and mismgmt", is this HPP board. The board has the platform to do great things and unfortunately their unlawful actions instead divides the community. So how can we even conceive the notion to tackle the county? Not an argument here...just asking.

It's all there in my statement. "the feuding sides should come together" and "It seems that most people enjoy the war. They are not interested in a solution that will get the associations out of the road business, thus eliminating the root source of the war and the mismanagement."

The key is the feuding sides coming together. If they could, I'm sure that there would be enough intelligence and expertise to make it happen. Ah, but that is a big "if".
"Does anyone out there avoid Makuu and Paradise, if they have that option, when it's dark and esp when you add rain?"

"No, I don't."

Same here. In fact, if I want to go to the Orchidland General Store, I specifically choose Paradise over Kaloli as it's a much safer trip, especially when it's dark and raining. It means I don't have to turn left onto the highway.
"The HPPOA is in the midst of a serious lawsuit caused by a board in 2014 that has driven our insurance rates up and continues to cause serious poisoning of our association's business. Hardly anyone comes forward to volunteer on committees like they used to and it's difficult to keep good reps on the board any more."

Given some of the vitriolic poison posted on this thread and previous HPP threads, this shouldn't come as a surprise.
Originally posted by TomK
Given some of the vitriolic poison posted on this thread and previous HPP threads, this shouldn't come as a surprise.

An amendment to
11) There are plenty of other threads for you to enjoy on Punatalk. I see that you are very active on most of them and have even started some...Discoveries of the telescope is a good one. No one has ever twisted your arm and forced you to read or post on any HPP thread.

You have been an active participant on all HPP threads.

You're an intelligent guy....There have been many posts on all HPP threads stating HPP's problems lie w/issues that happened long ago involving the County...what are some possible solutions on bringing everyone together to fix the root of the problem that all subdivisions share?

Originally posted by My 2 Cents
The key is the feuding sides coming together. If they could, I'm sure that there would be enough intelligence and expertise to make it happen. Ah, but that is a big "if".

My 2 cents, before the arbitration was filed, there was a request by members to meet w/the board to discuss their concerns. Their concerns were valid. The board refused to meet. They not only hired attys but set out to character assassinate these individuals using their board platform, then tried to make them pay out of their own pocket for the entire arbitration costs. This wasn't supposed to be a lawsuit but a mediation process provided by our bylaws. I think the reps should've paid the association back for the exorbitant atty fees.

Luckily for the claimants, the arbitrator was even handed as he was supposed to be in an arbitration process.

So there was an attempt by members to sit down w/reps and they weren't interested.
what are some possible solutions on bringing everyone together to fix the root of the problem that all subdivisions share?

Dare I suggest ... there must not be any solution, or people would be working on that.

All I hear is "lawyers too expensive" and "nobody can sue County" and so forth.

A massive "valuation dispute" might work too, but apparently nobody's interested in that either.

All we have left is complaints on a pseudonymous forum.
In reference to "vitriolic poison" posted here... I am so grateful that we are offered this site to keep informed and yes.. vent some. Maybe a solution(one that will work) will transpire. If you are informed, you will know that previous to the last almost 3 years, there was griping, concerns and a few who despised the former GM(though most have changed their tunes as they see he was efficient, educated and got the job done) posted. That has given way to chaos, lies, constant breaking of our bylaws and state statutes. This vitriol was created by 1 board member. It is not hard to discern this fact. So 1 person has caused all this angst, a lawsuit that she seems in no hurry to get resolved, arbitration that cost individual members and the entire membership(due to the board freely hiring attorneys), threatening letters from board members to selective members, death threats to a board member, illegal hiring and firings, employing a criminal and a family member, hostility displayed to members by the staff, a GM who refuses to due his job, the disintegration of many membership committees,Jo attending finance committee meetings and illegally voting as she was never appointed correctly, the finance committee being totally left out of any business decision, expensive unnecessary truck being purchased, chip seal occurring against the membership wishes, monies being funneled into a newly created chip seal account, our roads in the worst condition ever and our fees escalating. Good reason I'd say and very sad. All members should be outraged. This is not unnecessary and unjust vitriol.

I am on the mainland for many weeks now. Mermaid... or like minded poster. Would you please post what happens at the board meeting and membership meeting?I'd really appreciate it.

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