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HPP road maintainence
Good post caveat emptor....and right on. Yup, they can't do that.

The 3 reps that have been on the board since 2014 STILL either don't know their bylaws, no excuse, or are purposely being deceptive.

You're right, previous boards prior to Jul 2014 have done a lot of leg work on this topic of mailboxes already but these reps like to start from square 1 than to ask anyone else for assistance. Why would anyone do that?

I for one like the bottom of Paradise location for my mailbox and wouldn't be happy to have to drive to the upper part of the park to get my mail. I thought I recall the board stating over a year ago that there were free mailboxes coming from the post office. ??? What changed?

I haven't gotten my road maint bill yet but heard there's also some extra assessment fee for businesses inside of HPP? I won't get my bill until next week probably...maybe someone whose already gotten their road maint bill can clue some of us in??? I thought I remember the board discussing this in 2015, and members saying they can't do this..some concerns about liability if the board goes through w/it.

It's very concerning that the board is strategically excluding the memberships' checks and balances, the Finance Committee (a membership committee) making big major $$$ decisions w/out FC involvement. If you read the duties of the Finance Committee in our bylaws you'd understand the seriousness of the exclusion of the FC and non transparency w/OUR $$$$.

Dictatorship: "a government or country in which absolute power is held by a dictator or small clique.

Democracy: "a government by the people."

Article IV Objects and Purposes (a) "To ascertain the needs and desires of lot owners of the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision and represent those needs and desires as appropriate."

The intent of this bylaw is clear.

A friend passed this quote on to me recently...
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
What's the allowable use for those lots? What does the USPS have to say about this?
And of course the PITA process of doing change of addresses for all your mailings.
Its absolutely against the bylaws as the HPP BOD et al was created ONLY to maintain roads in this subdivision.
Any other authority can only be granted through the membership and even that would be a difficult process.

I will vote against that.
Puna: Our roosters crow first

I've had more success getting pkgs w/out the confusion I had before by putting both physical and box number in the address.

The court decree says that 95% of mandatory fees must be used for road maintenance . It's a road maintenance association they have no other authority.
What's the allowable use for those lots?

I'm going to go out on a limb, here, and suggest that "mailbox clusters" is not an allowable use under Ag zoning. Is the Board going to apply for an SUP, too?
"What's the allowable use for those lots?" that's a great question kalakoa. And it should be one of the many that people should start asking and that have to be answered by this board. These reasonable questions, I fear, will be ignored, it is their long standing practice. Why ignored? Maybe because, as a whole, they really are as incompetent, arrogant and ignorant as some of us have been revealing for some time now with soooo many examples. Unfortunately, one or two on the board may not be incompetent or arrogant in normal situations, but the one appointed director who put this plan together (as I understand it) is ignorant.
Ignorant in the sense that he does not have any historical knowledge of this Park. He hasn't even lived in the Park for a year yet. And most certainly and demonstratively by this assessment attempt, ignorant of the bylaws.
This board had the duty to ask knowledgeable people for help and they arrogantly and purposely ignored them. As always, they "did it their way" and the Park will pay for it.
Oh happy day. Now not only is the Road fee increased (as out roads turn to dusty, cratered jungle paths) , now they want 150$ for mailboxes! I already have a mailbox that has worked fine for 35 years. I am paying on the Bond for a paved road which I do not have and now am supposed to pay for a mailbox I do have! Where do these people get off? To add insult to injury, now they want to charge everybody who does a business in HPP, to the tune of 100% increases for car repair shops and 3$/Month per student in schools here! Do these people have no shame? Obviously not.

We're supposed to vote on the mailbox issue, but there are no names or lot #'s on ballot, so what's to stop these less than honest people from stuffing ballots to make the vote go the way they want? Maybe the Manager who thinks he has the right to scratch Members names off lists at Membership Meetings because HE "thinks they shouldn't run" for certain committees will count them.

I've been told that what we need in HPP is a Court Ordered Injunction to stop the BOD in their tracks and a REAL Audit so we can see what they're doing with our $. (Spending it on Lawyers so they can defy the votes of the Membership, while the roads go to Hades.)

They can't even cut the grass so we can get onto main roads without getting hit by an oncoming car! We have to go into the hostile office to "request" Road work! What are we paying for?

This is the straw that broke the camels back!
Watamull stipulated that HPP's 20 acre parcels could only be used for schools and parks when the property was transferred. Only Watamull's 20 acre parcels can be used for profit making ventures. What a sweet deal for them...and they only pay one road maint fee for ea of their 20 acre parcels. Even if HPP wants to do any commercial ventures, they might look at leasing land from the Watamulls. I think I heard the Watamulls weren't interested as of a few yrs ago.

I had also been told by a previous board Pres that the 20 acre parcels have to be cleared pin to pin when HPP decides to use the parcels..and the whole 20 acres has to be utilized.

Consider the amount of green waste etc that will come from clearing these four 20 acre parcels. The cost of clearing, the required permits, and hauling of the green waste to a designated place outside of HPP. Who's going to do it? How much will that cost? Who's going to build the infrastructure? This all may be moot anyways since as other posters have stated, the board has no authorization whether members vote for it or not. They should've crossed all their t's and dotted all their i's before this notice/survey (?) was sent to the membership, but that would be atypical of them. Don't mean to sound sarcastic but I'm basing this comment on 2 1/2 yrs of close observation during my involvement and volunteerism w/the association.

$150 x 8,770 lots (correct amt of lots) = $1,315,500. I was told that our budget is always based on 7,980 lots bc of delinquencies, $150 x 7,980 = $1,197,000. Delinquent from the word go in $37.50 (25%) late fee based on # of delinquent lot owners (790) = $29,625. And as caveat emptor detailed, what about the HPP lot owners who live across the street from the highway and those who don't have addresses (undeveloped lots)?

This board Pres has a lot of explaining to do at the next membership mtg 26 Feb @ 3 PM. I think they owe us an explanation also as to why they felt a need to increase our road fees 10%, when the FC was recommending 5%. Lots of fees have risen w/same 3 reps referred to in this thread. Including the renting of the activity ctr. Less people are renting it out and some regular clients are taking their long term classes to other venues bc they don't want to pass on the costs to their clientele.

WE have more atty and insurance costs to cover bc of these reps, and the continued atty consultations costs they've racked up in 2015-2016 alone. Let's not forget chip seal that is on a projected 10 yr plan in which they overturned the membership vote to have a voice on whether we wanted it or not. A lot of spending going on outside the realm of road and easement maint.

Originally posted by Kenney

Oh happy day. Now not only is the Road fee increased (as out roads turn to dusty, cratered jungle paths) , now they want 150$ for mailboxes! I already have a mailbox that has worked fine for 35 years. I am paying on the Bond for a paved road which I do not have and now am supposed to pay for a mailbox I do have! Where do these people get off? To add insult to injury, now they want to charge everybody who does a business in HPP, to the tune of 100% increases for car repair shops and 3$/Month per student in schools here! Do these people have no shame? Obviously not.

We're supposed to vote on the mailbox issue, but there are no names or lot #'s on ballot, so what's to stop these less than honest people from stuffing ballots to make the vote go the way they want? Maybe the Manager who thinks he has the right to scratch Members names off lists at Membership Meetings because HE "thinks they shouldn't run" for certain committees will count them.

I've been told that what we need in HPP is a Court Ordered Injunction to stop the BOD in their tracks and a REAL Audit so we can see what they're doing with our $. (Spending it on Lawyers so they can defy the votes of the Membership, while the roads go to Hades.)

They can't even cut the grass so we can get onto main roads without getting hit by an oncoming car! We have to go into the hostile office to "request" Road work! What are we paying for?

This is the straw that broke the camels back!

Couldn't have been said any better Kenney.
I was anxiously waiting to get a HPP board meeting update. I then thought..."no news is good news".I knew deep down this was an impossibility. So with these posts and my husband informing me that our road fee bill came and what was included I feel hopelessness. The bylaw is for road maintenance only yet the board is forcing us to pay for something they knew was going to be an expense and should have budgeted for it(like we all have to budget our income to needs)Passing the buck illegally onto us yet not touching their beloved confiscated chip seal allotment. They present an ill prepared ballot/fee demand in one. No one will understand it and many will just pay. They can not charge a penalty fee for an illegal assessment yet they will. They once again do not have sufficient information or bids for the project. I don't even think they know exactly what the post office has planned but we need to pay up. I for one will not pay it as what is the promise that they won't come back and ask for more and more and more. Once members pay, what is to stop them from assessing us for all kinds of things. This is NOT a road maintenance project. Jo has a loyal group of followers. To many of HPPOA residents are on the "do nothing"train and will remain that way until they have to sell because they can't afford the fees anymore. "Laid back" is a cop out. I know some here will say that I shouldn't comment if I don't do something. Trust me, I would if I could but I am away from home almost more than I am there right now. I am hoping that enough members are mad enough to unite this time until completion. A little flurry will not get that person out of our hair.

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