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HPP mailbox vote
I support the building of the mailboxes. It's become obvious that the improvement of HWY 130 isn't going to keep up with growth. Everyone wins when we reduce trips into Keaau.
"Don't feed the troll!"

Who's the troll Carol ?

I have been pointing out some of the things I have found out from a few years of helping my wife coordinate the mailboxes in my subdivision !
We were told at least 6 years ago that the USPS would not buy us anymore mailboxes.We deal with the Pahoa post office.
The road association board said they couldn't pay for mail boxes,so we formed an informal mailbox association.

No one forced anyone to join or pay but if you didn't, you wouldn't get a mailbox !

From what I have read of USPS rules, your roadside boxes days are numbered.
Even if everyone goes along with this mailbox thing, it's still illegal. What I'm thinking is that the very act of "voting" on this implies it's ok. Best reply is to say "I can't vote ON this, it violates the bylaws.". If you say," I can't vote FOR this", then you are justifying this illegal action.
You have to be very careful of your wording.

I think we should all take heed in how we move forward as eightfingers points out. Some of us who've been posting on HPP threads have known for quite awhile that we have a less than honest majority we've seen them in action at board and membership mtgs for over 2 yrs now. Remember, we're also in a lawsuit bc of board members and paying high insurance rates as a result.

The board needs to show us how they think this is a legal venture justifying the expense of over 1 million of OUR dollars. Then they need to show us THE PLAN. The board pres has a lot of explaining to do and she should give us a presentation at our next membership mtg. It better be on the membership mtg agenda as a board presentation.

This is yet another expensive project which the board has thrown together in a reckless manner w/out dotting every i and crossing every t before they sent this "ballot", (w/an ad on it). They have no right to impose any late fees upon us until they make their case w/us and we approve the plan.

Another troublesome concern is who's going to tally the ballots? I don't trust them...why should any of us trust them after the election fraud, the non transparency that's been going on for over a year with OUR $$$$ and the chip seal project? League of women voters, a prof'l 3rd party needs to be involved and guess what? Nothing like that is in place. So the vote IMO is already flawed.

This is reckless management. The chip seal project started out the same, w/out giving the membership any solid information, plans, costs, no board VOTE at a board mtg, no membership vote, before spending thousands of our $$$$ and diverting OUR road maint $$$ to chip seal. Strong arming it then and here we are again w/the mailboxes. Dejavu. This is outright arrogance...bylaws? What bylaws?

Why wasn't the FC involved in this major financial decision?
Why should we hand out any more $$$ to this reckless board? They're out of touch w/reality if they thought the membership was going to take the raised road maint fees, demanding $$$ for mailboxes and doing an increased road assessment for businesses located in HPP all at one time. Is some of this $$$ going to be feeding the CS monster as well? I'm sure it will.
It's just a vote to see if 600 owners are interested at that price.

If there are 600 yes votes it would go forward.No road funds involved .Everyone has to pay cash upfront to join the HPP Mailbox Association.
Originally posted by Obie

It's just a vote to see if 600 owners are interested at that price.

If there are 600 yes votes it would go forward.No road funds involved .Everyone has to pay cash upfront to join the HPP Mailbox Association.

HPP members, this person supposedly doesn't live in HPP, they said so themselves, doesn't attend any of our mtgs....doesn't know our board or how they do business...

If this board was really just putting feelers out, they wouldn't have threatened us w/a 25% late fee...
The first people to sign up usually get a discount is how it works.We put up money to buy mailboxes and the people who came along later had to pay more.
Originally posted by Tom.Yost

I support the building of the mailboxes. It's become obvious that the improvement of HWY 130 isn't going to keep up with growth. Everyone wins when we reduce trips into Keaau.

As long as your preference does not impose on the rest of us with special assesments that by no way shape and form are allowed under the bylaws.

The fee increase,coupled with the serious decrease of mantainence is a huge problem that the Board is not addressing like it should. The bylaws are crystal clear on this one:the fees are for roads. HPP IS NOT A HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, it is only, a road association.

Not to say that having better mail delivery would be great, but not at the expense of feeding a lazy dragon that is unable to fulfill it's prime obligation.

BTW, who gets mail every day or has the post office deliver packages that a once a week trip to a private mailbox would represent such a hassle. Personally, I prefer to have a more secure place to pick up my mail, out of the rain and away from the side of the road.

Granted 150 dollars for a box is not that bad but the fee increase is bad enough at a time there is 0 road maintenance. A no vote is a no confidence vote on the Board.

BTW isn't the postal service obligated to deliver our mail without making us pay for boxes. Shouldn't we be able to get our mail at our physical address? Even in the middle of rural Nebraska folks get their mail by their door.

Obie,I mean Jo, you have reexplained, reinvented and changed the true ballot/bill (extortion) for the mail boxes. This is typical behavior on your part. Just change the narrative as you go so the real meaning is convoluted. I am looking at a copy of the bill/vote/demand and the only way anyone can take it is to pay and vote at the same time or pay a penalty. In the real world, memberships look at various proposals with documented facts and figures and vote on 1 plan knowing the real costs. Your board is demanding that members break the bylaws and pay for a non road project with out a single fact. I feel sorry for those who just blindly pay and how incredibly awful that this money is due at the same time as the inflated road fees.You have no shame. How does it work anyway if every lot has an address. Ate you thus forcing those that have multiple lots to pay for multiple boxes they will never use? Nothing has been thought through logically. We HPP residents want what is best for our community but since you and your and your hand picked flunkies have rose to power the members have been ignored and nothing has been done in our best interest.
I had the same thought Katarina. Extortion. A written threat (pay now or pay more.)
How does it work anyway if every lot has an address.

"Not well-thought out", indeed:

Every lot technically has a minimum of two street addresses, of which most people only use one. Corner lots have eight or more potential street addresses.

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