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HPP mailbox vote
Originally posted by kalakoa

My own road would be impassable if not because some of us are maintaining it

Form your own road corps, and send an itemized invoice to HPPOA showing how you've deducted these receipts from your dues, after which they owe you money.

Yes, we are keeping such records on our files, waiting for a better time to produce them.

Originally posted by Johnd

The notice is clear:"every lot owner".
If you don't want to be counted among the 600 signatures they need to impose this assessment to everyone, make sure you seND back your response by ticking you oppose option.

Yes, planning on making a copy of the form and submitting one form per parcel # w/ a note on it that that's what we did. Selecting "no" on both.

ps, I wonder if out-of-state owners received the form. Or were they only sent to local addresses? Any out-of-state HPP owners on PW? Did you receive the form w/ your road bill?
The board is required to send the mailbox billing to all lot owners..

The bylaws the board quotes in the mailbox bill is a little confusing. Does it mean if they don't get 600 minimum votes that the whole thing's a no go?
Originally posted by DTisme

Originally posted by Johnd

The notice is clear:"every lot owner".
If you don't want to be counted among the 600 signatures they need to impose this assessment to everyone, make sure you seND back your response by ticking you oppose option.

Yes, planning on making a copy of the form and submitting one form per parcel # w/ a note on it that that's what we did. Selecting "no" on both.

ps, I wonder if out-of-state owners received the form. Or were they only sent to local addresses? Any out-of-state HPP owners on PW? Did you receive the form w/ your road bill?

one of my kids got it in the mainland
He wants to know what is the "minimum maintainence" they refer to...great question.
That line has been removed in the revised letter. .pdf link is somewhere above.

Edit: here ya go:
Can you imagine all the junk mail building up in the boxes of unimproved lots? What if some food item is mailed but placed into the wrong box, festering in the hot sun, attracting those vicious p.o. box ants.
I guess if you own 18 lots you have to check 18 boxes, going all over who-knows-where to pull all the...uhhh...mail.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I commented on the "Road Maintenance" topic. For those of you who do not have the facts or are new to HPP and trying to decipher what is honestly going on please read my post.
Shockwave I’m posting below 3 comments, in their entirety, from the HPP Next Door Facebook page, by BOD director Jerry Sodan who is one of the directors heading up the board’s mailbox bylaw violation scheme and apparently the director you are referring to at the beginning of this topic. I would appreciate if you would reply to his accusations against you on Facebook.

On a side note, I have noticed that neither he, the new board President Randi Lazalere or the 2 board defenders on this site, have bothered to answer one of the most obvious questions some have raised on this site and on the Facebook site concerning how it is the board thinks it can seemingly misuse a bylaw to misinform the association members in order to get them to vote on a very expensive project that they have no authority to get involved in in the first place? Please, answer that question Mr. Sodan and Randi.

Below are only 3 of Mr. Sodan’s comments.

Jerry R. Sodan Sr. So I would like to comment on a post on Mr. Shockwave Rider, if you are going to talk about me or something I spoke to you about please have the honesty to tell it as it happened. Also if you had any moral courage you wouldn't hide behind that asinine name. You and I both know you are not telling the truth about the conversation you had with the office staff or with me.

Jerry R. Sodan Sr. Ladies and Gentlemen, The naysayers have won. I just submitted an email to the HPPOA Board of Directors in which I have strongly suggested we withdraw the "Mailbox Proposal". There is so much negativity in this community. Everyone wants only to complain and point fingers. I honestly felt the Mailbox Proposal was fundamentally good and a way for us to move out of the 19th century and into the 21st. Well all the complainers are such experts I guess I'll next ask the membership for $2.95 so we can put up a horse hitch at the office. Of course we should tear up all the pavement so the horses can get some traction when they are pulling the wagons. Sorry folks I honestly tried and am totally discouraged with this community and all the so called experts who would rather complain and nitpick things to death than to work together and move forward. The measure is not dead, the BoD will have to decide that. I am tired of saying the same things over and over because the majority of people in this community can't seem to see beyond their own personal agendas. I AM DONE. I sincerely apologize to all of you who have a community vision. I will continue with the powerpoint presentation at the General Meeting as scheduled but my heart is no longer in this project or in the community. Thank you very much to all of you who have supported me in this measure but the mountain was too steep and the enemy too entrenched. I kind of think we should change the name of this subdivision to "DTTMTB" (Don't Try To Make Things Better)
Like • 1 • January 27 at 7:39pm

Jerry R. Sodan Sr. Terri Stratton I'm sorry Ma'am. When people call me and my fellow members of the Board of Directors liars and thieves how can you not take that personally? The clown who hides behind the name Shockwave Rider is a total jerk and liar. I am a simple man and speak plainly. I am trying very hard this very moment not to revert to "FULL DRILL SERGEANT MODE" and use my very colorful vocabulary to
SWR, I appreciate your humor and suggestions and agree with you more than not. I too am trying not to revert to " colorful vocabulary" (language) as we discuss why a new Board Member, presumably with good intentions, is tasked by the Baord with mailboxes instead of ALL the BOD working on how they are going to Maintain the roads.
If you are going to copy and paste from facebook why not start with the original post ?

Jerry R. Sodan Sr.

"Good Morning All
I would like to spread the word in the community about the mailbox initiative. The forms you received about it with your road maintenance statements are misleading and I apologize for that. The president of the board has revised it and I think she will be posting it soon. I will keep you all informed on when and where she posts it.
Next I want very much to squash all the misinformation, rumors and down right untruths going around.
1. The ballot is simply for you each to vote yes or no.
2. Please do not vote until you get all the information we have.
3. Please come to the General Membership Meeting on Feb. 26th.
4. Patrick Murdoch and I will be delivering a Power Point presentation on this issue.
5. The present mailboxes will not be removed until and only until construction of the new sites are complete. This is of course if the measure passes.
6. If the majority of us vote "NO" nothing will change.
7. If the majority of us vote "YES" everyone living in HPP will be able to receive mail here. The mailing address will be the same as your street address.
I could go on and on but am going to leave this up for you to pose questions. If I can answer them I will. If I can't I will not lie to you. If I can find the answer I will and I will get back with you. Keep in mind I am simply a resident like everyone else.
Please start asking your questions. Lets all just calm down and try to think logically and have open minds."

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