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Particularly Nasty Round of Cold Bug
I know two people with pneumonia. One was flown to Honolulu for hospitalization. Both went thru at least 2 rounds of antibiotics. It's extremely nasty and they both were told pneumonia. I had my pneumococcal shot a couple of months ago.
I caught it, presumably from my six year old grand daughter. It's pretty nasty. I take forever to get over a cold, and often lose my voice. Still have my voice so far. My daughter has a bug, and is much worse than I am. Her voice is half gone, very bad cough, sinus congestion, AND, ran a fever for many days. She went it to a doctor and was basically told, it's a virus, and to go home and let it run it's course. She has hardly got any sleep either. I feel vary bad for her. Never got a flu shot, and I'm 63.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I suspect I figured it out - Most colds are caused by a rhinovirus, which is a pretty simple virus and short lived. I think this one is actual an adenovirus, twice as complex and morphs into other things like bronchitis, croup (in kids), pneumonia, and secondary infections. And it lasts way longer. Explains a lot... Today I feel like razor blades in my throat and no voice. No real end in sight. My parents have had it for going on week 3 now! Hacking cough... Wear your face masks, folks, this one's a doozy. I heard a flu bug is going around too. This is definitely not a flu bug. Heaven help us if that comes knocking...

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Have been coughing a lot lately. Throat not exactly sore but phlegmy. Thought it was just me.
My five year old gave it to me. I've had it for three days now, and have to sleep sitting up at night to Melissa said, I'm not going to take antibiotics unless I have to.
I think that's wise, alaskyn - antibiotics prescribed for a virus are a waste of time and bacterial resistance. Unless a bacterial infection comes about as a secondary issue. You can typically tell if there is a longstanding fever (several days), extremely high fever, yellow or brown goop in the mix, or symptoms lasting more than 10 days. It blows my mind how often they prescribe it here when it isn't at all indicated. Kids are the Typhoid Mary's of most households, lol~ But they're so worth it! Our little one isn't even in school yet... shudder to think how many times she and we will get sick once that happens! Eek!

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
I had it. Sick as I been 30 years nasty took me near a month to get over watch the pneumonia I came down with it.

I've had a lot of illness due to flu and colds... Some nasty ones where I thought I was gonna die... Not once, have I gone to the doctor for any type of virus spread through human contact.

I suppose if I was hacking up blood, or something of that order, I'd feel the need to go see the doc, but otherwise, I think going to the hospital over a snivel or cough is just pointless and if anything, one is going to a place where other sick people are and passing on the gift...that keeps on giving.

What helped me from getting sick? .99 cents... It came in the form of a small bottle of Germ-X I can carry with me, if I happen to be in a public event, I can squeeze out a bit and kill 99.8% of all nasty germs that I'd rather not infect myself with.

Now you know!
Thanks, Eric! My magic bullet is called Insure Herbal. It works like a charm usually, but I was all out this round Sad Germ-X is something for your hands I presume?

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Our entire Ohana had this,nasty cough that takes a good month to go away.
Now the vomiting flu bug is going around , me thinks from the boat people ( cruise Ships ) or other tourists from around the world on their winter holiday .
Starts with sore throat and progresses from there .
Our Dr calls it, the cough that never goes away.

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