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HPP road maintainence
Reni I think arguing amongst ourselves is counter productive. From what I've been reading here, there is a consensus of what needs to be done. So it's time to work together. I agree with John to not give these board members anymore money for services not rendered. Several pages back you said you were going to continue taking care of your own road.

463.50 for road fees and mailbox is outrageous. The board representatives and our general manager are mismanaging our money. Johnd couldn't have said it more clearly. They're asking for all this money to cover up their mismanagement. Seems obvious that's why the treasurer and board won't let the finance committee meet.
People with things to hide don't like anyone looking over their shoulder, or making suggestions. Perhaps this is why they wouldn't allow the Bylaws Committee to meet last week by refusing them the key to the Library in the Community Center. They were told that "a Board Member" said to withhold the key. Wonder which Board Member left such an edict? Bullies and Power freaks is what we have for a BOD of our Owner's Association. We are not a HOA, just OA.

BTW, the (now) BOD President , Randi, is a she, not a he. (Not at it makes any difference. Bullies come in all guises.)
Many have said the bylaws aren't important if the board doesn't follow them. Apparently the BLC who is working on the bylaws and improving them, is threatening to the board. They wouldn't be threatened unless they understood deep down that bylaws set a standard of governance that they're supposed to adhere to.

It's true that the BLC was denied the library room key for their mtg this past week. The ofc staff at first stated it was at the board Pres's direction and she asked the BLC member, "didn't you know?". The chairperson hadn't been notified. The chairperson tried calling the board Pres w/no luck. He called the ofc and asked who directed the ofc to not give the BLC the key and was told it was a board member. He asked which one and she said she didn't know. The BLC chair then asked who directs the ofc staff and she said the GM. He asked if he could speak to the GM and she said he wasn't in. Which makes me wonder what time the GM leaves work? This was before 3 PM.

This isn't the 1st time the board has meddled and tried to control the BLC. The current board Pres while she was still board secretary, asked Dist 2 rep (VP) to suspend the BLC until the Oct 2016 membership mtg. Based on 1 rep's request, the chair got an email from Dist 2 rep stating we were suspended until further notice. We had 2 board reps on the committee who wouldn't attend, further sabotaging our quorum to have a mtg. There was no board vote and they had no authority to suspend a membership committee.

Apparently Bylaws DO matter to them or they wouldn't be pulling these kinds of unethical maneuvers.

Update: 26th between Kaloli and Paradise was partially chip sealed today. So as you can see, our requests for road and easement maintenance, road striping and reflector maintenance are still falling on deaf ears. They are so far behind, their usual work should keep them busy for a very long time. Why are they in such a rush w/the CS project? A friend of a friend lives on 23rd which got CS less than a year ago. He's a road guy and said the CS is being applied wrong and there's already failure on 23rd.

Where did they get the $750,000 for CS? This was done without working in partnership with the FC, which is concerning. There was no board vote at a board mtg. So where and when did all this happen?
This is a smash hit soap opera just waiting to be written.
This is a smash hit soap opera just waiting to be written.

Perhaps the syndication fees could pay for pavement?
You could not write this stuff! Better to laugh than cry. Thanks to our rogue majority board reps who provides us w/the never ending train wreck script. One never knows what the next episode will be but one can always count on whacko.

Thanks Rob for providing HPP members the opportunity to communicate w/each other.

With that said, I noticed there's a service provided for us to email other people on Punaweb. I didn't initially set up my acct for this. It may be a way for us to contact each other. I see some have the email option. Does it work?

Not paying fees this year. Started documenting my road with pictures and videos taking measurements of our craters. First time in 10 years I will not be paying. When you can see different layers on your way to the bottom of a 6-8 inch deep by 4 foot hole in your road, something is wrong. I will contribute in anyway I can to let these fcks know people aren't going to just open up their pocketbooks for bullsht anymore.

Fine me, try to take my property, whatever. 4 months and road hasn't been touched. Fk em.
This is going to be our first year not paying our road fees. Its been over a year for us. We travel down the middle of our road and dodge ginormous potholes.

Never seen it this bad. Voting NO on the mailbox.
They are fixing the roads here in lower HPP as I write this. I guess this a great place to complain about the roads. Do so and we get instant action. Looks like they got a brand new grader with enclosed air conditioned cab.
I will post this on both HPP threads since the minutes discuss the mailboxes and roads. Please keep in mind that Dist 2 rep (VP) and current Dist 6 rep (new pres) were both on the board during May 2016.

The Finance Committee during this time period was also working behind closed doors; no members were allowed to attend their mtgs, no minutes or reports were provided to the membership on the website or handed out at membership mtgs.

Don't know if Jerry Sodan was aware of the budget approved at this meeting. They only budgeted $14,000 for road MAINTENANCE work = road striping and reflectors?? But had no problem coming up with $300,000 for CS and now as recently reported by the GM, the budget is currently $750,000 for CS. Not adding up. And they wonder why members are up in arms about a potential $150 x 8,800 lots ($1,320,000) getting into their hands before the project even gets started and no membership checks and balances = Finance Committee?

5/18/2016 Board Meeting Minutes

"The Finance Committee completed the Annual Budget and Capital Improvement Budget which was distributed to the Board for inspection as she highlighted the following: Again, for this year, $300,000 has been set aside for dust mitigation, which some call chip seal, but it is actually the dust mitigation project.

The Finance Committee has also put aside $14,000 for the road striping and marking, which might not cover all the roads, but they felt that would be a good start and then the following year, they thought they could do another $14,000. They built in an extra $20,000, in case one of the mowers breaks down or they need to buy something that way. It’s not part of the repairs and maintenance budget, but it is just for purchase a piece of equipment.

There was a $100,000 in the Capital Improvement Budget for the mailboxes property and expense, which also might not cover everything, but it’s for the first year and should be a good start. They did consider Wages, which she explained how they calculated for a slight increase to cover expected raises. They have $10,000 already calculated for the activity center new chairs and tables. They estimated that it would cost approximately $20,000, total, so they allotted half for this year and half for next year. So, that makes the Roads Capital Improvement Budget is a total of $334,000. The non-roads Capital Improvement Budget is $110,000. It was noted that for the Bond requirements HPPOA Budget has to meet or beat 110% and it actually comes in at 118%, so HPPOA should be good throughout the year, even if they should get some unexpected surprises throughout the year. Janice Ashford (District 7) moved to accept and pass the new budget for the fiscal year of 2016/2017. Jo Maynard (District 5) seconded the motion.

VII. GM Report – Don Morris
They’ve had quit a large number of road maintenance requests that they have not yet gotten to do due to some of the equipment being tied up for chip sealing, but all potholes and grading will be started tomorrow and will be worked on until finished. Equipment requires daily repair, which they also work diligently daily to keep on the road, repairing as needed whenever possible. The Backhoe needs new 4-in-1 bucket. They have repaired it several times and it has finally gotten to the point that it is beyond repair. He noted that he gather more than three estimates and the lowest price quote was distributed for Board perusal coming in at $6,245 from East coast, with shipping, but was still $3,000 cheaper than buying one here and it’s very much needed because the backhoe is basically non-functional without it.

Chip Seal Dust Mitigation Update– They’ve completed one layer of chip seal on 23rd between Kaloli and Shower. They’ll be doing the other lane next week, after the first lane sets up. For the detour while working on it, they are trying to maintain one-way traffic flow entering from Shower and exiting on Kaloli to allow for the road to set up."

They're currently CS'g 26th between Kaloli and Paradise. So much for the GM stating at this 5/2016 mtg that, "all potholes and grading will be started tomorrow and will be worked on until finished."
Edited to add last para and correct punctuation.

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