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HPP mailbox vote
this would come under "ascertain" and "represent"

Absolutely. But it's NOT justificiation for demanding $150.
Originally posted by msky

Originally posted by Chas

Given how vague the insert was, I wonder if people sent in money for the mailbox, and where that money went.

This reminds me of the long gone "Coqui Frog Fund". Folks sent in money assuming their lot would be treated to get rid of the frogs. The fund wasn't for that. The money was put into a fund to buy sprayers and the chemicals for lot owners to check out and treat their own lots. It was a well-meaning failure. Some folks (especially the Japanese lot owners) thought it was a mandatory fee and sent it. It was the result of another poorly worded survey.

That Coqui Frog eradication money collected is now Hpps New Playground.
Amazing they didn't funnel it into their beloved chip seal project.

No one should send money to anything when there isn't a real plan besides, they can't assess us for it anyway. It is the boards responsibility to create a real budget and budget accordingly.
Please scratch my earlier post today except:
I believe that the mailbox project would come under Article IV Objects and Purposes (a) "To ascertain the needs and desires of lot owners of the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision and represent those needs and desires as appropriate."

That's about all the board can do at this point in regards to the mailbox project. It's been ascertained that members need and desire mailboxes in the park. That's as far as this can go as kalakoa had already surmised.

After great discussion w/a few members knowledgeable of our bylaws, we've concluded:

There are no provisions in our bylaws for the mailbox project as our bylaws are currently written. The board can't get involved in construction of the mailbox area nor the purchasing of boxes bc it's contrary to the bylaws. Not covered under road maint activity, road maint, restricted funds, road maint assessments or special assessments.

As the bylaws stand currently, the mailbox project is dead in the water, for now.

We were also puzzled that per a board rep on the Mailbox Committee, the USPS could mandate that HPP had to purchase 8,800 was an all or nothing deal? Doesn't sound right.

Add this to the mix.... as I posted earlier in this thread then recanted in error, the 20 acre parcels can't be parceled out bc of the deed restrictions. And the 20 acre parcels can only be used for parks and schools. The board planned to use 1 acre each in four of HPP's 20 acre parcels.

An environmental impact study needs to be done as well. Solar lights, increased traffic on the cross roads and main drags....

So for now, we shouldn't legitimize the mailbox project by voting and/or sending in $150. The board has no authority and there are no provisions in our bylaws currently.
It's going to be great once we get our new mailboxes. Some people will enjoy the convenience and some will enjoy having something to complain about. Perhaps a few will even be able to do both.
Looks like you are safe from having to buy mailboxes.

"Jerry R. Sodan Sr.
21 hrs
Well all you experts win. I have just submitted my resignation to HPPOA Board of Directors. All I ever intended to do was to try to make life better here in HPP for all of us. I had no hidden agenda, no Special Interests (The wrinkled up Cheerleader and her Whiner Boy) but I did my best and was second guessed by the Poisonous 10 at every turn.
The remaining members of the BoD are decent hard working people. I might add much more hard working than the majority here. The vast majority, or at least most vocal among you, has made it impossible. I strongly suggest you the naysayers and scribbling note takers (Ms. Wrinkledup Cheerleader and Whiner Boy). So in keeping with the prevailing attitude here in HPP I would like to say "Screw you. I have a mail box"
I think Mr Sowdan and Obe are missing the point completely. This isn't about naysayers per se and I'm not one of them. This is about doing it right since the board has a history since Jul 2014 of moving too quick w/out crossing all their t's and dotting their i's. We already have a lawsuit on our hands, want another? But Mr Sowdan wouldn't be aware of this. Members are worried about legal repercussions if not done right! That's good and prudent business.

If Jerry Sowdan had read my earlier post, it did relay Mr Sowdan, that you and the other rep had good intentions to help members that need mailboxes in the park. I think all members will agree this is an ongoing problem so don't lump everyone together.

The supposedly more experienced board didn't guide you as they should've in following our bylaws, getting full board approval, per our bylaws first, called going rogue, to ensure the info relayed to the entire membership was accurate. As Dist 2 stated, who was on the mailbox committee with you, said you didn't have all the info ready yet. Your other mailbox committee member agreed what the membership rec'd looked like a done deal asking for $ while asking for a vote.

Members aren't to blame here...The board is for being reckless yet again in not gathering the correct info first and allowing this to be mailed to the entire membership. Who's in charge here? Who went rogue? This shouldn't have happened. It's not your's the pres's fault and the full board.
Originally posted by CatFincher50

Originally posted by msky

Originally posted by Chas

Given how vague the insert was, I wonder if people sent in money for the mailbox, and where that money went.

This reminds me of the long gone "Coqui Frog Fund". Folks sent in money assuming their lot would be treated to get rid of the frogs. The fund wasn't for that. The money was put into a fund to buy sprayers and the chemicals for lot owners to check out and treat their own lots. It was a well-meaning failure. Some folks (especially the Japanese lot owners) thought it was a mandatory fee and sent it. It was the result of another poorly worded survey.

That Coqui Frog eradication money collected is now Hpps New Playground.

Ahhhh, I knew the balance got re-routed to another fund but couldn't remember which one. Thanks Cath!!!!
Originally posted by Obie

Looks like you are safe from having to buy mailboxes.

"Jerry R. Sodan Sr.
21 hrs
Well all you experts win. I have just submitted my resignation to HPPOA Board of Directors. All I ever intended to do was to try to make life better here in HPP for all of us. I had no hidden agenda, no Special Interests (The wrinkled up Cheerleader and her Whiner Boy) but I did my best and was second guessed by the Poisonous 10 at every turn.
The remaining members of the BoD are decent hard working people. I might add much more hard working than the majority here. The vast majority, or at least most vocal among you, has made it impossible. I strongly suggest you the naysayers and scribbling note takers (Ms. Wrinkledup Cheerleader and Whiner Boy). So in keeping with the prevailing attitude here in HPP I would like to say "Screw you. I have a mail box"

So unprofessional and it's very evident Mr Sowdan was drinking the nasty koolaid spoon fed to every newbie that gets on the board since Jul 2014. It's prob for the best that he resigned. He hasn't been on the board very long and is spewing the same ugly koolaid we've heard over and over since Jul 2014 by Dist 5, 6 and 2. He said from day 1 on the board he was going to do whatever the board told him to.....
Originally posted by mermaid53

Originally posted by Obie

Looks like you are safe from having to buy mailboxes.

"Jerry R. Sodan Sr.
21 hrs
Well all you experts win. I have just submitted my resignation to HPPOA Board of Directors. All I ever intended to do was to try to make life better here in HPP for all of us. I had no hidden agenda, no Special Interests (The wrinkled up Cheerleader and her Whiner Boy) but I did my best and was second guessed by the Poisonous 10 at every turn.
The remaining members of the BoD are decent hard working people. I might add much more hard working than the majority here. The vast majority, or at least most vocal among you, has made it impossible. I strongly suggest you the naysayers and scribbling note takers (Ms. Wrinkledup Cheerleader and Whiner Boy). So in keeping with the prevailing attitude here in HPP I would like to say "Screw you. I have a mail box"

So unprofessional and it's very evident Mr Sowdan was drinking the nasty koolaid spoon fed to every newbie that gets on the board since Jul 2014. It's prob for the best that he resigned. He hasn't been on the board very long and is spewing the same ugly koolaid we've heard over and over since Jul 2014 by Dist 5, 6 and 2. He said from day 1 on the board he was going to do whatever the board told him to.....

... The contempt is remarkable! Don't let the door hit you on the way out Jerry.

He makes a good argument as why we have to have a proffessional management company taking over.

The nerve...

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