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HPP road maintainence
Don't forget the association does own the roads you drive on to get to your homes...
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Originally posted by kalakoa

having a professional management company run our affairs here which is roads, roads roads and only roads

Yes: this should be required by law. Perhaps our elected representatives can help get this passed at the State or County level.

"All mandatory road dues must be managed by a professional services corporation."

With penalties for non-compliance.

Cheaper than a lawsuit, and County might even support the idea if it deflects focus on their part in creating the problem.

That would be great kalakoa.

But for now, research needs to be done on property mgmt by a small group of members. It would require summing up total costs of running HPP for comparison purposes, which means it'd have to be a membership committee formed at a membership mtg. All it takes is one person to make the motion at a membership mtg and a majority vote. Explain what exactly the research would entail and approximation of when the task might be done. Give a report to the membership at a subsequent membership mtg w/your findings. If it's cost prohibitive, at least we'd know after the study. All that would be in the motion.
Originally posted by EightFingers

Don't forget the association does own the roads you drive on to get to your homes...

And they are supposed to be maintained AND PAVED after the Corporation secured the bond! So what happened with that? But we are still paying more and more each year on top of it all if we need to go in and our of our homes we have to fix the road ourselves, so what is your point?

Yes,a motion would be lovely Mermaid, but at the the end of the day it is going to cost what it should cost...the alternatives are non existent. And in the meantime what do you do?...and if this board gets even more abhorrent with the motion?

Coming up with new legislation takes years of STUDIES AND THEN SOME MORE..not to say it should not be done, it should, but time is of the essence my dear and what this Board is doing is pretty egregious.

Most folks want it all without getting their feet wet, we'll it does not work that way in the real world.

the association does own the roads you drive on

In HPP, and many others, but not all. Another challenge may be possible here; it's illegal to subdivide property so as to create a lot with no access. If the road mismanagement can be construed as a "lack of access", then all HPP lots are invalid. (Going out on a limb? No further than the TMT protectors... and State is willing to entertain them.)

it'd have to be a membership committee formed at a membership mtg

I thought the whole problem was that HPP had maliciously incompetent management? Besides which, other subdivisions have this problem too, so a solution that forces everyone to behave would benefit all of us, not just HPP -- and leveraging that support might be successful, where each subdivision has so far failed to go it alone.
What good does it do to form another Committee? If the BOD does not like the recommendations of any Committee, they just disband it or won't allow them to meet. The only Committees they allow are the ones they control.
Just sayin...

And, if we default on the Bond, we won't own the roads anymore. The lender will. What then? The conditions of the Bond play heavily into whatever happens here. (Thank you past BOD's.). It's not so simple to go into Receivership (as it was in the 80's) pre Bond.

if we default on the Bond, we won't own the roads anymore. The lender will. What then?

The lender has deeper pockets than HPPOA. They could attempt to lien all ~8800 properties, or they could sue County. Either way is probably an improvement.
Originally posted by kalakoa

if we default on the Bond, we won't own the roads anymore. The lender will. What then?

The lender has deeper pockets than HPPOA. They could attempt to lien all ~8800 properties, or they could sue County. Either way is probably an improvement.

The lender has nothing, but a portfolio of investors. Ask how much it will cost them to fight anything. Either they restructure or they restructure. Or they can sit on an egg and write it off like many banks have done with all those empty decaying homes in HPP and elsewhere. Instead of fixing and selling they wrote it all off! And the Board will have to FULLY disclose the financial since time in memoriam and they could be sued for defrauding lot owners with promises they never realized.

Don't pay the annual fees this year
Vote against the mailboxes

The surest, cheaper way to clean house, Mermaid and Katarina. The rotten apples will abandon ship in a nanosecond and we get a clean slate to work for real in making this subdivision like it should have been eons ago.

Originally posted by Johnd

Originally posted by kalakoa

if we default on the Bond, we won't own the roads anymore. The lender will. What then?

The lender has deeper pockets than HPPOA. They could attempt to lien all ~8800 properties, or they could sue County. Either way is probably an improvement.

The lender has nothing, but a portfolio of investors. Ask how much it will cost them to fight anything. Either they restructure or they restructure. Or they can sit on an egg and write it off like many banks have done with all those empty decaying homes in HPP and elsewhere. Instead of fixing and selling they wrote it all off! And the Board will have to FULLY disclose the financial since time in memoriam and they could be sued for defrauding lot owners with promises they never realized.

Don't pay the annual fees this year
Vote against the mailboxes

The surest, cheaper way to clean house, Mermaid and Katarina. The rotten apples will abandon ship in a nanosecond and we get a clean slate to work for real in making this subdivision like it should have been eons ago.


So Jackie..d,

Do you really think the lender will tell you jack sheet what you ask of them? And if they do then believe them?
So youre expecting everyone to believe what you say as the truth and risk their money and credit scores?

There are plenty RATS on the ship, dont expect them all jump.

The Rat you never figured in your plan will take a bite off your nose like a parrot and eat the lettuce in your wallet like the tax man.

Slow Walker
Slow Walker
Good point John, so how do we go about getting a huge amount of people to not pay their dues knowing the board can start charging interest when we hit the $500 mark.I am only speculating but I would assume it would take 500 members to not pay to make the board notice. Some one would have to draft a professional letter and have it mailed certified to the bond holder informing them of the default.

About the bond. I know a lot of people have strong feelings about it but at this point it might be the thing that actually helps us. When the bond was procured, I do believe intentions were for the good here but the board drug their feet for a long time. To long because by the time they took actions petroleum prices went through the roof. No one could have anticipated this. It was bad timing but we should have learned a valuable lesson with it and that is to stick to maintaining excellent gravel roads. Those who complain about "fugitive dust"( a term used for construction sites that has been abused) need to fall on deaf ears. They bought a house or property on a non-paved road. Slowing speeding cars and using other methods to keep dust down is whole lot cheaper than chip seal(which already is not holding up and they have just begun)

Mao Tse Jo is destroying HPP. By now we know she is really mental yet the other board members are spineless wimps or lap dogs. Go figure how feeble minded they are to continually chose to break the bylaws in favor of not having to put her in her place which in my opinion should be on a deserted island.
Originally posted by Katarina

Good point John, so how do we go about getting a huge amount of people to not pay their dues knowing the board can start charging interest when we hit the $500 mark.I am only speculating but I would assume it would take 500 members to not pay to make the board notice. Some one would have to draft a professional letter and have it mailed certified to the bond holder informing them of the default.

About the bond. I know a lot of people have strong feelings about it but at this point it might be the thing that actually helps us. When the bond was procured, I do believe intentions were for the good here but the board drug their feet for a long time. To long because by the time they took actions petroleum prices went through the roof. No one could have anticipated this. It was bad timing but we should have learned a valuable lesson with it and that is to stick to maintaining excellent gravel roads. Those who complain about "fugitive dust"( a term used for construction sites that has been abused) need to fall on deaf ears. They bought a house or property on a non-paved road. Slowing speeding cars and using other methods to keep dust down is whole lot cheaper than chip seal(which already is not holding up and they have just begun)

Mao Tse Jo is destroying HPP. By now we know she is really mental yet the other board members are spineless wimps or lap dogs. Go figure how feeble minded they are to continually chose to break the bylaws in favor of not having to put her in her place which in my opinion should be on a deserted island.

A default will be a consequence of not paying the fees by a respectable amount of property owners, no one needs to write any letters.

But a motion must be submitted to the Board to put the road association under proffessional management because of their failure to deliver as stated on the bylaws. BTW, whether anyone bought on a paved road or not is irrelevant, the bond was obtained to pave all roads. If your road is not paved, you have been taken for a ride.

I suggested that we set a well written and documented Facebook page to offer connectivity for all HPP owners. We are a huge subdivision with many absent owners who probably feel as frustrated as we are but feel powerless.

The poor souls that still brave those useless member meetings are just insulted and laughed at, just read the is sad to say the least. There is a need for an alternative site (s) as well as a Twitter feed.

We should network with elected officials and seek the advice of legal professionals, not coconut wireless subscribers.

All I can say is, that the process needs to start somewhere and it starts by saying the buck stops here. Not paying dues for a year or two will not harm anyone ( but for few extra dollars), but it will have a profound effect on the Board and the manager. In my view it is the only way to put a quick stop to all the mismanagemenmt and Board abuses.

The process needs to start somewhere else,other than on this thread.


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