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New taxes and fees - Democrats at it again
The Democratic Party in Hawaii seems to have never seen a tax they didn't like. This is for much higher gas taxes, weight tax and registration fees.

This failed last year because it was an election year, but we will have no such luck this time around. Remember, this tax increase is for the highway department, the ones who were so inept at spending federal money on time that the feds threatened to take it away. Ige's plan was not to reform them, but give them more of our state funds. Never gets any better, does it?
A search for the word "Democrat" in that story gives 0 results so what are you on about?
Gee PaulW.. Who is in the legislature in Hawaii?

The Senate has 25 members, all of whom belong to the Democratic Party.
The House has 51 members, 45 of whom belong to the Democratic party.
The governor is a member of the Democratic Party.

Where does the blame go for Hawaii's high taxes and inept government?
The blame goes to people like yourself who keep voting this party of taxes back in.
Wait, High taxes? Here? You've got to be kidding me... Vehicle reg is on par with other states, property taxes are generally way lower, income tax is on par... Am I missing something? Yes, it seems that infrastructure projects are high $$ items, but I've seen quite a few projects started and completed recently.
Wait, High taxes? Here? You've got to be kidding me...
You must not have any taxable income here if you make that claim.
Don't worry, Oahu will make up some of that loss by taking money back from the neighbor islands. At least one of the neighbor islands, anyway.

much higher gas taxes, weight tax and registration fees

Weight tax should be higher for any vehicle over 6000 pounds; heavier vehicles do more damage to the roads.

Oh, wait, that's right -- only Oahu has roads.
I blame *THEM for everything wrong.

*choose your THEM
Originally posted by EvilOctopus

Wait, High taxes? Here? You've got to be kidding me... Vehicle reg is on par with other states, property taxes are generally way lower, income tax is on par... Am I missing something? Yes, it seems that infrastructure projects are high $$ items, but I've seen quite a few projects started and completed recently.

Wait a minute, you don't actually live here do you? Have you looked at your State income tax bill recently? If it's "on par" (with where btw?), you must have a unique income stream.
"The blame goes to people like yourself who keep voting this party of taxes back in."

The blame goes to psychics such as yourselves who think they can peer into the voting booth. Don't give up your day job.

All governments raise taxes. It's what they do. Here it just happens to be party X instead of party Y.

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