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HPP mailbox vote
Originally posted by Slow Walker

[quote]Originally posted by mermaid53

Originally posted by Slow Walker
As I like dogs and would not use a "dog in the fight" as I think that is an infraction/pet peeve against canines I will respond a wee bit.

I'm a big animal lover and should've known better....

You are right, we all collectively have very similar issues, some worse some better. I am in awe when I hear there are subdivisions that don't have these issues and it'd be worth looking into to see what they're doing differently.

The sheer scale of HPP is probably one of the biggest components. It always comes back to the same ole thing...can't have volunteers running a multi million $ business...most don't have experience to run a road business, let alone a business. The bylaws and our policies provide a very good guide line IF it's followed.

Mermaid 53,

The bit about "dog in the fight" I knew was not a dis of dogs on your part. It was just some guff on my part like how much of political correctness is.

No association board will be able to pull us out of this mess.
Slow Walker
Originally posted by Dinamight

I'm sorry if this has already been confirmed, but I can't see it in this thread - I was just wondering if this mailbox plan is dead for good now, or if the office still will count votes? In other words, do I still need to submit my voting papers?

Thank you.

It would be wise if you did.

If you do send it in,
don't forget to put your name and lot number on it in the tiny space they left for it, or it's invalid.

Why legitimize the mailbox project by voting? Why not wait to see what the Mailbox Committee has to say FIRST at the membership mtg on the 26th? Since this committee is back peddling on the errors that has transpired thus far, they owe the entire membership an explanation via USPS on what the current stance exactly is. I say DON'T VOTE until we get more info that is due us.

And there's no 3rd party to tally the votes...sorry no confidence in that after the election FRAUD these people were a party to in last year's election. If they tampered w/our district elections, why not this if it fits their agenda? There's a rep sitting on the board in a 3 yr seat that is highly questionable on it's legitimacy...our right to vote for our district reps was taken away by these reps....the discrepancies started from the Nominating Committee on...there was a precedence set in early 2015 (see board minutes) that NO APPLICATIONS will be accepted past the deadline stated in our bylaws, no matter the reason PERIOD.

We were given a fraudulent ballot count by the HPP ofc substantiated by the Eagles who said they never provided one to the ofc.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

How did you end up with the mailboxes that are located in the right-away of your existing roads? Not in the bylaws then they all need to be removed.
They are illegal and have to go asap !!

Space for existing mailboxes is authorized in our Land Court deeds, Exhibit "A":

"Hawaiian Paradise Park Corp., it's successors... to grant licenses, easements, and privileges to others in, over, and across and through, said roadways for utilities, access and other service purposes..."

This was granted for the existing mailboxes. They are legal.

That is correct...which is why we see mailboxes on our easements today. A couple members spoke w/the Keaau postmaster very recently and it was confirmed that there was no intention to remove the boxes on our easements.

Here's a does anyone know what exactly they're voting for anymore on the mailbox "ballot"???? It's a fluid situation now. The land they even intend to use have restrictions they may not have researched and may not be able to utilize....lots of unanswered questions, and I'm sure many will ask at the membership mtg. It seems prudent to get more info FIRST before they get your vote. Again, how does anyone know what they're voting for anymore, right?

I was posting here because I have experience in dealing with the USPS and have set up a mailbox committee to provide mail boxes for an entire subdivision.

Obviously Mermud and her co-conspirators are only interested in obstructing the HPP board in trying to accomplish anything that betters the quality of life in HPP.

So, I am done here.
I am starting a new topic where concerned citizens can complain about how HPP is obstructing highway improvements in Puna.

P.S. I am not a female,I would never in a million years own anything in HPP and I don't know any of your board members.

FYI.Jo resigned from the board last Friday.Who are you going to blame now Mermud ?
Originally posted by Obie

I was posting here because I have experience in dealing with the USPS and have set up a mailbox committee to provide mail boxes for an entire subdivision.

Obviously Mermud and her co-conspirators are only interested in obstructing the HPP board in trying to accomplish anything that betters the quality of life in HPP.

So, I am done here.
I am starting a new topic where concerned citizens can complain about how HPP is obstructing highway improvements in Puna.

P.S. I am not a female,I would never in a million years own anything in HPP and I don't know any of your board members.

FYI.Jo resigned from the board last Friday.Who are you going to blame now Mermud ?

Whatever you say Obe...You started poking at me in a personal way on PT since 2015 when the chip seal war started. We both know each other.

Your claim of not knowing any of the board is another alternate fact Obe. Only an HPP lot owner would get this emotional, as evident again in the above post, over HPP politics and HPP business. Only an HPP lot owner would protect and stand up for her board rep friends as you've shown on the two HPP PT threads. No one gets this entrenched unless they own in HPP.

Your adolescent behavior w/the name calling, mirrors the behavior of your board friends who have just resigned, and those still on the board. Some past reps who resigned over bullying call it Cancer that has spread through the whole board and their supporters. The latest facebook rant by Mr Sodan was the worst ever. I'm surprised you didn't post that one on PT too, as he was ranting and spewing misinformation to the PT HPP posters. His inexperience showed....members can't steal $ from the membership or control HPP biz. The membership is the one held hostage by a bylaw breaking board who controls the purse strings and our association business.

You and your board rep friends can't take the heat called "accountability to the HPP membership" for their blatant alternate facts, bullying, bylaw breaking and abuse of power. IMO, you have shown your lack of credibility w/your alternate facts.
Obie wrote: Obviously Mermud and her co-conspirators are only interested in obstructing the HPP board in trying to accomplish anything that betters the quality of life in HPP.

This is a false statement that's important to address....If anything, it's quite the opposite. I think most of us who are vocal on the HPP threads are those that find there is a need to watch over the membership's welfare as things have gone royally awry since Jul 2014. I think most of you can identify what's truth and what isn't. Please, by all means board, improve the quality of life for everyone, but do it according to our bylaws, articles of incorp and our corporate policy. Let the membership vote on grand scale agenda items if it's going to affect ALL of us. Always hire a reputable 3rd party to receive and tally the votes.

We're in a lawsuit and we'll be in the 3 yr mark this fall. None of us know what's going on w/that yet it has affected and is still affecting HPP business more than you'll ever know. With Dist 5 rep's resignation, being the last board rep involved in the lawsuit, we may get some relief in how business is managed.

We can't handle another lawsuit caused by careless bylaw breaking board reps. What we've been seeing since Jul 2014 is a lot of whacko dictator type decisions and we need to pay attention. We can only blame ourselves if we have allowed this.

Evidence of poor decisions is in the way the park looks today...the board has neglected their main duties for quite some time and chose chip seal. Now we have the mailbox project it is again, had they followed the bylaws this wouldn't have happened.

I don't think I'm the only one that has lost confidence with our board and GM. We outnumber the board. We're in it together as we all own property in HPP. If they'd just fulfill their duties as described in our bylaws AND make sure they employ an experienced GM. No, it won't be perfect but it wouldn't be half as whacko as it's been since Jul 2014.

Dist 5 rep may be gone but there's still remnants of that regime and chip seal is still their agenda.
Your adolescent behavior w/the name calling...
You have done a lot of that. Should people go back and quote all those instances?
We can't handle another lawsuit caused by careless bylaw breaking board reps.

Replace the board with a professional services company.

I know, it's "hard"....

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