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HPP road maintainence
"The time you spend here quoting HPP bylaws, reading HPP minutes, knowing exactly what day and which rep resigned, assisting w/our website issues 18 months ago, reading HPP facebook, posting HPP mtg agendas and HPP facebook posts on HPP PT threads.... this is all extremely out of character for someone who doesn't own in HPP.

Try admit it, no shame.

Stop it, Mermaid, please. You have no idea what's in character for someone who owns in HPP. This is the kind of stuff that makes me embarrassed about what HPP residents post here. No facts just made up accusations and straw man arguments. I suspect you are more than capable of being above that.
I understand how you feel and that's your right. I have no beef w/you, and I really appreciated that recent info you shared w/me.

Obie is no innocent in what embarrasses you about these threads so if you want things to stop, you should speak to her as well. She is very capable of protecting herself and she's been an equal flame thrower on both HPP threads. Accusing someone of sending death threats is as low as anyone can go. I know Obie and Obie knows me.


Thanks. I either didn't see the death threat stuff or if I did, I don't remember it right now (sorry, in LA despite the weather and Pam couldn't make it due to the storm - the whole point was for us to meet up, so we're both a little frazzled).

However, I do think there are some things that should be dropped by both sides, and I'm sure you understand why I say this as a scientist. The alarming increase in accusations with no basis just adds gasoline to a fire, and it'll get us nowhere.

I don't like the recent board, I don't like what's happened to HPP in the last few years, but the worst of all is wasting energy accusing others of motives without any basis at all. It turns people off and also makes me wonder if the current board is replaced, things may get even worse.

Forgive me if you think I'm picking on you, I'm not. I think you're very bright and enjoy our conversations here and would love to meet you in person. There are much worse offenders who have tried to turn things into a McCarthy-like witch hunt which has really wound me up.

You're probably not aware, but Obie and I also had some rather harsh words for each other some time ago, it's not as if we're good buddies or have the same opinions, but I've seen stuff in recent HPP threads (not from Obie) that make me feel ashamed to be associated with the place. That's not a good way to feel.

I wish you all the best in improving HPP, I really do, because it's needed. All I want, though, is that in the process all those that might help aren't alienated.
Originally posted by mermaid53

Originally posted by My 2 cents:

Actually, legally yes. As long as the director abstains from the voting (conflict of interest).

HPP bylaws:

Article VIII Sec 11 (a) No member of the board shall vote at any board meeting on any issue in which such member has a conflict of interest. The director shall disclose the nature of the conflict of interest prior to a vote at the board meeting, and the minutes of the meeting shall record the fact that a disclosure was made.
(b) Any after-the-fact disclosure of a conflict of interest on the part of any director shall result in the nullification of any relevant vote of the director and shall be grounds for dismissal from the board."

Yes, I should have been more clear. Declaring the conflict is required in OLCA too. And to me, ethically I think it should be declared before discussion. But that's just me.

Appreciated hearing your thoughts and your perspective. Did see the news about the rain in S Calif. Sorry to hear how that has fouled up your plans. Stay safe.

You seem to think it's a message board for HPP. By pointing out how often you are wrong, I had hoped you people would move this stinking mess to a private site.

Hey, here is a facebook group for HPP. Why don't you join this ???

To each his own Obie...and you are true to form here as well as at HPP mtgs.

PunaWeb offers various forms of communication services. I appreciate that Rob has provided this forum for so many in Puna and beyond. Mahalo~

It also has given HPP members a way of communicating and sharing information. Non members have also shared their knowledge. Since Jul 2014, the HPP communication lines that were progressing came to a screeching halt and has taken us back to the dark ages. The less we know the better?

There were past and there are current board reps who read the HPP PT threads. We've seen how it can create change when board reps get informed here which means it's effective.

Now that Dist 5 members have learned who their new rep is, some want to do a recall. I say, let's see what she's going to do for us. We've not had anyone representing us for 2 1/2 yrs. The new Dist 5 rep, has 5 mos. Write to Dist 5 rep w/your road and easement concerns.

The way the board filled those 2 vacancies was adverse to our bylaws, unethical and a blatant maneuver to stack the board w/like minded people. Members weren't given fair chance to apply, which has become SOP. Whether anyone would come forward other than friends of current board members doesn't matter. The ethical thing to have done was to give members that opportunity. They did this in Jul 2016, Jan 2017 and here it is again.

I was told filling the 2 vacancies was added to the agenda that night, and the pres (new Dist 5's BFF) had 2 applications in hand. Obie sd Dist 5 rep resigned on a Fri, but it was advertised on the HPP website the following Mon. And by Wed's board mtg they had filled the vacancies. Let's see how these 2 newbies do.
"To each his own Obie...and you are true to form here as well as at HPP mtgs."

I have never been to any HPP meetings and I am a 70 year old male !!
You have never met me.

you are true to form here as well as at HPP mtgs."
I have never been to any HPP meetings and I am a 70 year old male !!

This begs the question, how many people do we imagine show up to HPP membership meetings disguised as another person? Or in drag?

In 1976 The Who were designated the loudest band on earth, when measured at 125 dB. Coqui frog: 100 dB.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Thanks for the laugh HOTPE. Made me think of the guy who does "The Cab" commercial.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
That was funny HOTPE! [Smile]

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