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HPP mailbox vote
Katarina, if you are referring to the guy on FB that is happy about the job on his road and whose comment about it was posted Feb. 17, then you would be wrong. The new director appointed to district 3 to replace Sodan Jr. on the board is Jeffrey Finley. And he did post a lot of very positive comments and accolades concerning Mr. Sodan Jr.'s attempts to persuade the association to vote on taxing their neighbors for something some want and some don't... namely the mailbox scam.

I would go so far as to say Mr. Finley paid a high price for his temporary position on the board, possibly his soul (yes, yes that's hyperbole). Poor Mr. Finley has only lived here less than 2 years, so he is a perfect replacement for Mr. Sodan Jr.
Jerry R. Sodan Sr. Kathy not until the wrinkled up old cheerleader is exposed for what she is. A mean spirited old witch that would rather cause discord than unity. She is a memberof of the "Poisonous 10", and doesn't have the moral courage to stand up and take responsibly for her conniving actions.

A friend sent this onto me....from HPP FB Next Door. Told me Mr Sodan is also inciting people to go to the mtg to see the poisonous 10. And Obie referred us to go here? The irony of it all. This is a perfect example of what members have been dealing with over the past 2 1/2 yrs by board reps.

FYI Mr Sodan, Dist 2 rep is the one who penned the name "group of 10" in retaliation back in Jul 2015 in her President's message to the entire membership, bc she didn't like that members asked questions about the chip seal biz and wanted a voice to vote on it. No one was nasty to any of the reps, just persistent to get answers.

As we can see it's now morphed into "Poisonous 10" and Mr Sodan is perpetuating it. Other names they've used, "the enemy". Another one is "the anti christ". If reps were seen talking to any of the "10", their peers would bully them, tell them they're not to speak w/the "enemy" and risk getting shut out just for chatting w/"the enemy". Not lies Mr Sodan...FACT, 1st hand info.

If Mr Sodan is inciting members against members, it's not in the best interest of the community.
If Mr Sodan is inciting members against members, it's not in the best interest of the community.

County's denial of subdivision self-governance isn't in the best interest of the community either.
"If Mr Sodan is inciting members against members, it's not in the best interest of the community."

And what are you doing ?

It looks to me like you are making allegations against people who are not here to defend themselves.I am surprised Rob allows it.

It's why I suggested you join the Facebook group and you can then post your concerns and discuss them in an open forum.

Guess you and Kat and Cav would rather snipe from here.
Here's the membership mtg agenda. Looks like Dist 2 is back on the mailbox committee and they have more people on it. Take note of the heading emboldened. Members weren't allowed to record video or audio since Jul 2014. If they can, we can. Looks like members will be able to view the mtg on the website, like county council mtgs.

FYI: Any member can add something to the agenda if they wish during the approval of the agenda...but before it's approved.

Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners’ Association N o t i c e o f M e m b e r s h i p M e e t i n g
February 26,2017

Notice is hereby given that there will be a Membership Meeting of the Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association at 3:00 pm on Sunday, February 26,2017 in the HPPOA Activity Center at 15-1570 Maku’u Drive in the Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision, Kea’au,


I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approve Agenda

IV. Approve Past Minutes – October 25, 2015, February 28, 2016, June 26, 2016 & October 30,2016

V. Vice President Report – Ruth Mizuba

VI. Treasurer Report – Chris Anderson

Community Resource – Judy Houle Committee Reports (limit 5 minutes per Report)

All Motions MUST be submitted in writing

1. Bylaws

2. Nominating / Elections

VII. Unfinished Business:


VIII. New Business:

1. Mailbox Presentation – Ruth, Patrick, Leilani, Jerry & Don

2. Albezia in parking area – Sandra Collins

3. Line if sight & Missing and damaged signs – Sandra Collins

4. Overhead Fans for the Activity Center – Leilani

5. Bond – Chris Anderson

IX. Owner Input: (3 Minutes per Owner)


1. Next Board of Directors Meeting is March 15, 2017

2. Next General Membership Meeting is Sunday, June 25,2017

Randi Larzalere, President; Ruth Mizuba, VP; Chris Anderson, Treasurer; Richard Solie, Secretary; Leilani Crelly; Larry Kawaauhau; Patrick Murdoch; Jeffrey Finley: Mike Dickerson
And aren't you doing the same Obie? Go read your posts. It's obvious your motive is to protect board reps and push their agendas. You know way too much inside information. Every time you post it confirms that. Your anger proves it.

No one's inciting anyone here. It's called information sharing. The board messed up w/the mailbox thing. The result is members are upset. There's no one else to blame but the board.

See you at the mtg.
Obie Posted - 02/15/2017
I was posting here because I have experience in dealing with the USPS and have set up a mailbox committee to provide mail boxes for an entire subdivision.

Obviously Mermud and her co-conspirators are only interested in obstructing the HPP board in trying to accomplish anything that betters the quality of life in HPP.

So, I am done here.

That was 6 days ago.

Thank you for posting the agenda mermaid53. Videoing the meeting's a good idea. That'd be great if they start videoing the board meetings too.

Per the agenda, "All or PARTS of the meeting will be recorded. "
ALL seems like a good idea IMO. Picking and choosing which "parts" to record would seem to nullify the purpose of recording. (Transmitting accurate information to the Membership through a complete recording.)
The letter below was put in to all Board member boxes 0n February 20, 2017. Please review & possibly consider some points for discussion at the upcoming meeting

February 20, 2017

Open Letter to Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association Board of Directors:

Hawaiian Paradise Park Mailbox Project

I commend and thank the Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association Board of Directors for considering the current and anticipated needs of HPPOA members, and their willingness to address the issue of a lack of mailboxes in HPP and proposing a project to install new mailboxes in HPP for HPPOA members.

However, I believe that this is too important of a project to rush into and approach haphazardly; therefore I request that the Board and HPPOA members consider the following:

• Whatever we get, we will have to live with for a very long time.

• Project options, including a recommended plan as well as plan alternatives should be presented in complete detail to HPPOA members for comment and a vote to a preferred plan.

o All options presented should include an engineer’s estimate for design needs, development and actual construction cost, and completion timeline.

o All options presented should include an engineer’s estimate for recurring costs, including anticipated annual costs for maintenance, repair, vandalism and graffiti abatement.

o All options presented should include pros and cons to ease of use for HPPOA members, and potential security issues associated with each site.

#61607; For instance, would one centrally located building or lanai, a structure equipped with lighting and security cameras located near the HPPOA Offices, be less prone to vandalism and graffiti (therefore less anticipated maintenance and repair costs) and less prone to mail theft or harassment of those picking up Social Security checks?

#61607; Would on site lighting at remote mailbox sites throughout HPP or at a building near HPPOA Offices be an inconvenience to adjacent neighbors?

o Do, or can, any of the options provide provisions to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities? Do we need a written opinion from a qualified consultant regarding accommodation requirements, to defend against and avoid potential future litigation?

• Should the Mailbox project initiate new contract negotiations with the US Post Office:

o Are there costs involved? If so, do costs vary from one plan option to another?

o Can a contract be negotiated for onsite (home) delivery?

• Once voter approved, and accurate project costs are identified and a legal funding mechanism established, costs for the project should be equally divided and spread to all the owners in HPP.

• Spending HPPOA member money deserves to be and must be done only after complete and thorough research, analysis, presentation, and HPPOA member input, to ensure that HPPOA members are getting what they believe they are paying for, and are receiving the best quality and best use of that for which their money is spent. The HPPOA members deserve explanation and complete detail as to how and why their money is being spent, and they deserve opportunity for constructive input.

I recognize, support and appreciate the need for a mailbox project, however I will Vote No for the current proposal due to incomplete specifics and incomplete actual details provided to costs, design options and project timeline.

I will continue to Vote No, and recommend the other HPPOA members Vote No, until such time as thorough, clear, concise and accurate project options are presented to the members for contemplation and comment.

Thank you for you time to consider my thoughts.

3rd Avenue

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