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HPP mailbox vote
Originally posted by kalakoa
...and the membership remained silent.

Silence = consent, right?

In all fairness, not all were silent. There was a push by the board and their supporters to move on with the mtg. The angry guy (former rep who ran the power pt at the mtg) was sitting right next to the mic to intimidate members and as I had said before, called a member a name while he was at the mic. He had an agenda as was evident in his body language before the mtg even started... which was confirmed after reading his facebook post:

"This is the General Membership Meeting and it is the member's responsibility to approve them. There are those in this community who will not allow the minutes to be passed. They want to subvert any progress for their own selfish agendas. I will be there and I promise you, as a member, I will fight them so we can proceed."

The board has had a bad habit since Jul 2014 of not posting membership mtg minutes in a timely manner. Sometimes they're not posted at all and then they pass them out as handouts at the mtg and expect the membership to approve 9 pages front and back right then and there. Of course the membership won't approve them under those circumstances.

Good example: check out HPP's website...the last board minutes posted is "unapproved Nov 2016" minutes, how many months ago is that now? And contrary to what Obie sd is the process for posting unapproved minutes. The "unapproved" BOD minutes are posted right along w/the approved minutes.

At the Oct 2016 membership mtg, the then pres (before he got deposed by this board while he was on xmas vacation w/his family), stated that from there on out all the DRAFT minutes would be posted 7 days before the membership mtgs to give ample time to the members to read beforehand and then approve at the membership mtg. After all, the board has 3-4 mos to post them before the mtg. Draft minutes weren't getting posted until a day or two prior to the mtgs as well. This is to be done per HPP policy.

Here's what I found when researching why we had so many unapproved minutes backed up....Has NOTHING to do w/members being obstructive to progress as Dist 6 rep, brand new male rep and former rep are alleging. They are deflecting their own responsibility as you will see in the minutes below.

30 Oct 2016
IV. Approve Past Minutes – Judy Sumter moved to table the minutes 10-25-15 General Membership Meeting Minutes. Steve Crawford seconded. Discussion: For members not present, the approved minutes are put on the website. It was discussed that having the Draft of the minutes is okay to put on the website as well and they will make sure that is done, too. Judy Sumter amended her motion to also table the February and June 2016 minutes to the next General Membership Meeting. Steve Crawford seconded. Discussion: They will be posted and easy to find on the website. Vote: Yes-57, No-7, Abstain- 2. Motion carried.

26 Jun 2016
IV. Approve Past Minutes – Agenda was amended to postpone Minutes Approval to later in the meeting. Jeff Finlay moved to approve the past Meeting Minutes after New Business. Jerry Sodan seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-45, No-0, Abstain-0. Motion carried. Quorum was ultimately lost during the meeting before the October 25, 2015 and February 28, 2016 General Membership Meeting Minutes were approved.

(Most of us experienced members know that quorum can easily be lost if you don't take care of business in the front end of the meeting which is why approving minutes is normally done that way)

28 Feb 2016
IV. Approve Past Minutes – Craig Crelly (District 6) moved to approve the past minutes of the General Membership meeting of 10-25-15. Jo Maynard (District 5) seconded the motion. Discussion: There were some corrections that were desired and due to conflict about them the approval of them was tabled to next meeting.
From HPP website:

There will be a Special Board of Directors Meeting on Friday, March 10, 2017 in the Activity Center Library at 11:00 am held to discuss legal matters.

The Board will recess to Executive Session “Legal” upon calling the meeting to order.

There will be no other items on the agenda

Agenda to be posted when available.

It is an HPP requirement to post the agenda 7 days before the mtg is held.

What it's about is anyone's guess. The lawsuit? Mailboxes? A diff lawsuit?

Obie provided this info on the HPP Road Maint thread regarding the receivership. In reading the case, you'll find current Dist 2 rep was mentioned w/in the court files. Heard she was on the Road Maint Committee back then when the roads were managed by that committee.

case id 3CC960000038

Obie posted:
From reading the court record and meeting minutes from then it looks like it cost HPP thousands in court fees and fees to the temporary master.This thing drug on for 4 1/2 years and the end result was a re-write of the bylaws to require all money collected to be used for roads.

So if the board provides this info to the atty (as they should) to get an accurate atty decision, I don't understand how the atty will say the board can use Special Assessments to fund the mailbox project...assessing 8,800 members $150.00 ea = $1,320,000?

Keep in mind that when we were in receivership many years ago, we didn't have a bond. This brings a different aspect into the picture of receivership today.
mermaid writes, "So if the board provides this info to the atty (as they should) to get an accurate atty decision, I don't understand how the atty will say the board can use Special Assessments to fund the mailbox project...assessing 8,800 members $150.00 ea = $1,320,000?"

An attorney giving a legal opinion will request and review all pertinent legal doc.s If we the Association are paying the attorney, we the members of association are entitled to the opinion in writing.
I would NEVER, on any Board, attempt to collect over one million dollars in special assessment without the protection of written legal opinion. It's not fun being sued for wilful misconduct.
My husband told me he drove down (I think he said 26th and am unable to verify) and that it has been prepped for chip seal but.... there is no base coarse laid down and rolled. We are being hoodwinked big time.. How long will chip seal last on dirt.
Katarina, will you post this under HPP Road Maintenance as well? I don't know if members are reading both threads....

We are being hoodwinked big time..

This thread suggests that there are enough HPP residents who "like it the way it is"...
It's hard to imagine that that their $$$ is being flushed down the toilet...??? and OUR $$$ not being used for road material for our dirt roads that have none? Hard to imagine.

It's hard to imagine that kalakoa....

No, it's really not.
Aloha Kalakoa. Very few of the 8000+ HPP owners post here.
You really can't accurately gauge owner's acceptance of
the status quo here. I have neighbor/owner friends in Oahu, Maine, Washington and. beyond and you can take this to the bank, NONE of them is happy
with what they're hearing from HPPOA. Neither are the old timers. I have one friend here 90+ years old, who
has lived here over 50 years. He doesn't post but is getting the shaft and he knows it. We advocate for those who can't or don't.


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