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Water shortage and restrictions for kona side.
Well played TomK
Mahalo TomK, I loved your reply and thought it was quite funny. I had no Idea that you knew so much about the game of golf or that you had caddied in the past.

Back in the day when the east side of this island (Hilo) had a much smaller population and sugar cane instead of tourism there were three golf courses to choose from. The courses were really affordable to play and the island keiki were welcomed and catered to. Hilo also had many other fun activities for the keiki like a bowling ally, water slide, large fun factory, Cress theaters and more. Now the prices are much higher for keiki to play golf in hilo and many of the fun activities have gone to the kona side. It's hard to take my 5 kids very often to the Imi'loa center at those rates they want. jmo
There's the Normal Folk, Then, there's the HARDCORE.

There's actually a third group, noted for separating people into two groups.
"It's hard to take my 5 kids very often to the Imi'loa center at those rates they want. jmo"

It's $85.00 for a one year membership for 2 adults and 5 keiki under 18.Seems pretty cheap to me.
Just let the golf courses transgress into a tee point, path leading to sprinklered and perfctly manicured Green and I'm good. Who needs carts to haul coolers full anyway, you're golfing, not drinking (much) until the 19th hole.
Gypsy, try googling admission rates to places like Monterey aquarium, Disneyland, museums, golf courses, and count your blessings. In your search for a new home, really look hard besides websites to really get the lowdown on a city or neighborhood, just like if you were coming here. The Keiki are just as bored, even with opportunities abundant, drug use is high in rural, or "burned out" cores of cities, hence a dirt cheap home in an overall rated good city.
Have 25 acres in the NorCal sierras, public school is 45 minute drive into the city proper, bus, if you pay gets them home around 6:00 pm at night. Major shopping is like downtown Hilo, again 45 minutes, no traffic. There is an outstanding hardware/general store, gas station and mom and pop market 15 minutes farther up the hill, but ghetto pricing is everywhere. Moved from there as no work, and wanted to have some change in my pocket when it sells to help the retirement fund.

Community begins with Aloha
Too many thugs on the golf course.
Won't be long before we will be trucking water over from the eastside.
They do water the airport grounds and at least one nearby golf course with treated water, but I'm not aware of any efforts to expand those efforts, so 1.5 million gallons of water a day are dumped onto the ground:

ETA: this quote from article "This is not wise water resource management,” Holmes said. “They’re pouring money in the ground.”

"Mahalo TomK, I loved your reply and thought it was quite funny. I had no Idea that you knew so much about the game of golf or that you had caddied in the past."

I used to play a lot of golf in my younger days until a back injury stopped me from playing. As for the caddying, I did that from 13 to 16 years old at the Sunningdale Golf Club in the UK, one of the most famous courses in England. I even caddied for some quite famous people including some pro-golfers. They allowed us to play the New Course there for free (after 4 pm on weekdays), so as well as making a little money for myself as a kid, I got to play for free!

As to the cost of things, Tink's post is worth reading. When you compare 'Imiloa to similar attractions on the mainland, it's relatively cheap. They have to pay their staff and overheads but also get contributions from the observatories (both financial and scientific) which help keep the costs down.

North Kona customers in the area from Keauhou to Keahole and Honalo to Makalei must restrict water use to health and safety needs only.

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