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Obie posts,
"Come on !! Don't feed her paranoia !"
Mermaid has sited numerous examples of our Board unwilling and or incapable of following our by-laws. Most of the time, my interpretation is the same as hers. And yes, I pull out my by-law booklet to read for myself. And yes, I have conferred with more than 1 attorney over specific issues. I am Not part of her group or anyone else's group,
..... just an owner that keeps watching for a positive change.
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With election time upon us soon, thought some of you might want to read up on the election bylaws.
Please note: The duties of the board, the Nominating Committee and the GM are clearly stated. There's no provisions for a board Election Committee. No bylaw provisions for board vetting, "considerations" or board/GM removal of candidates. There should be measures taken on the ballot forms to prevent unlawful duplication. Last year someone I know from Dist 6 said his name or TMK # wasn't on the ballot, he had to write it in, and he could've easily gone and duplicated as many as he wanted and sent it in. The Board's directions for preferential voting was confusing to some and ballots may have been tossed due to error. Please volunteer to observe the counting of the ballots for members' checks and balances. Make sure they call you when the schedule is set for the count. Anyone should be able to get a copy of the ballot count for any district after the results are given. Last year's was blatantly fraudulent, so check it over carefully. Hopefully this year we'll have a lawful and honest election.
Article VIII - Board of Directors
Section 4. Nomination.
(a) Any member in good standing whose property is within the boundaries of a district, may be nominated to be a director for that district.
(b) A minimum of two nominees must be sought from each district due for election. If two nominees from each district are not received, the Nominating Committee, as per Article X, shall exercise its best efforts in nominating any qualified and willing candidates to stand for election to the board in that district.
© The board shall pass all nominations received to the Nominating Committee.
(d) Nominations shall be submitted by the nominating committee to the Association Administration Office for preparation of the ballots. The deadline for receipt of nominations shall be the end of the third week of March.
Section 5. Election
(a) Each year the members in each voting district whose district’s term expires, or whose director’s position is vacant or is being filled by a board appointee, shall elect a new director by confidential mail-in ballot. Prior to the ballot mail-out, the board shall select a reputable neutral entity to receive, count, and report on the election results.
(b) The board shall advise the membership of the districts requiring elections and that applications are open for willing and qualified candidates from those districts to stand for election as per Article XII.
© If only one willing and qualified nominee comes forward within a district, and the Nominating Committee is unable to identify a second candidate, that Nominee will be permitted to run unopposed. If no willing and qualified nominee comes forward from within a district and the Nominating Committee is unable to identify a candidate, the board seat for that district shall be deemed vacant. In that case, it will be filled in accordance with the normal procedures for filling seats on the board which become vacant as per Article VIII. (see below)
(d) Mail-in ballots shall be prepared by the general manager, reviewed by the Nominating Committee and mailed to the members of the applicable districts by the secretary or general manager at least 30 days prior to the date of the election.
(e) The mail-in ballot shall list the names of nominees, their unedited statements of qualification (200 words or fewer), and the date of the election.
(f) The date of the election shall be the first business day of June. To be counted, ballots must be received by the close of business on the first business day of June. The election results are determined as shown in the following matrix and shall be reported to the board within 14 days after the election.
Election Results:
One Candidate - unopposed, winner
Two Candidates - winner by Majority Vote; incase of a tie, candidates draw straws.
More Than Two Candidates - Preferential voting (Each candidate numbered in order of preference)
(g) The results of the election shall be reported to the membership at the June Membership Meeting.
Section 6. Vacancy.
Vacancies in the board shall be announced within two business days on the HPPOA website and bulletin board. They shall be filled by vote of the majority of the remaining directors, even though they may constitute less than a quorum, and each person so appointed shall be a director until one’s successor is elected at the next election by the membership. A director’s position becomes vacant upon death, resignation, removal, incapacity, or when the director ceases to be a lot owner or member in good standing."
The announcement is required to give equal opportunity to all members to apply for the board vacancy. It should be announced at the June membership mtg. Before the selection is made by the board, hopefully at the July board mtg, the HPP ofc must first verify the member is qualified (road fees are current). Dist 5 rep twice now at board mtgs, thinks all one has to do is show up at a board meeting and be considered for a vacancy. Not true! Board vacancies during the term requires the same process to give equal opportunity to members..turn in an application, ofc checks if road fees are current, then followed with consideration by board vote at a subsequent board mtg.
(I couldn't copy and paste the "Election Results" matrix w/in our bylaws so improvised)
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posted by reni:
Obie posts,
"Come on !! Don't feed her paranoia !"
Mermaid has sited numerous examples of our Board unwilling and or incapable of following our by-laws. Most of the time, my interpretation is the same as hers. And yes, I pull out my by-law booklet to read for myself. And yes, I have conferred with more than 1 attorney over specific issues. I am Not part of her group or anyone else's group,
..... just an owner that keeps watching for a positive change.
- - - - -
Ditto. I'm not part of anyone's group, just want to see the board use association money for what it's intended and that's maintaining the dirt roads and mowing the shoulders. According to last year's June budget they're spending far less on road material and shoulder upkeep. Says so in black and white. That explains a lot! What I don't get is why they think they can do that and who gave them permission to deviate?
Thanks for posting the bylaw Mermaid. Does anyone know whether there's someone running in all the open districts this year? How do we volunteer to witness the ballot count? Who's counting the ballots?
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some of you might want to read up on the election bylaws
Yes, that way you'll know exactly what you're not getting.
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"some of you might want to read up on the election bylaws"
It's good advice, Kalakoa.... Mermaid has taken the time to post bylaws pertinent to elections above.
entire bylaws used to be posted on our website, not sure if they are still there. They aren't that complicated.
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When should I expect my ballot to arrive here on the mainland?
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Originally posted by Obie
You might find the answers on the HPP website.
There weren't any answers here Obie. What I read was mumbo jumbo over what happened last year. What I read didn't give me confidence that you all know what you're doing again this year. The election bylaw seems pretty straight forward so what's the problem?
Chas, did you find out when they're mailing the ballots?
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"You might find the answers on the HPP Website", yet in reality you probably won't.
Information there is outdated, inaccurate and incomplete.