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rate the (4) subdivisions.
Originally posted by Palanakonu

Originally posted by leilanidude

You are missing Leilani [...] which has [...] real roads.

Except for the first two!
I lived on Hapuu St towards the back end, so no matter which route I took my kidneys paid the price in my old beater.

I lived right there on Hapu'u 14 years, and that "bad" road was the reason I chose it. No outside, iffy snoopers, no J.Witnesses, no speeders (except UPS, Dey no' kea about their tires.) And I could do whateveah. I had chickens, built a shed, Ohana cabin, etc. Nobody's business.
Originally posted by leilaniguy I lived right there on Hapu'u 14 years, and that "bad" road was the reason I chose it. No outside, iffy snoopers, no J.Witnesses, no speeders (except UPS, Dey no' kea about their tires.) And I could do whateveah. I had chickens, built a shed, Ohana cabin, etc. Nobody's business.

True. The only people I would ever hear were my neighbors when he was yelling at his boy. And a car coming up the road was definitely not a common sound.
Nice and quiet there... but very wet. My friends just 5 streets down got half the rain we did there.
Originally posted by EricS.
Punatics, what happen to Glassnumber. I was afraid you guys were going to scare him off. Now, if anyone see's him on the streets just smile at him and be nice.

Sunday after last (about a week ago) was the last I posted to him and he to me. This was on a different forum. He should be here in a day or two, if not already.
Seemed like a well intended guy, just got off on a bad foot is all. I hope to see him around locally here as he will be just down the road in a sub where I have plenty of friends and frequent from time to time.

You're asking for a ranking of the four subdivision you listed, but it's almost impossible to get a reasonable result from that. Much better to do your own research, preferably on-island, rather than rely on other's opinions.

To get a well-informed result, people who had lived in all four subdivisions would need to rank them and even then, living in different parts of each subdivision might result in different opinions. For example, I'm sure my opinion of living in HPP would not be the same as someone living in HPP close to the highway. And even then, it might differ depending on our expectations, needs or budget.

I think it's fine asking for people's opinions, but ranking them won't tell you anything useful.
I understand the point you all are trying to make. It is hard to say how a sub feels or even weather patterns in a sub changes drastically.
Especially in one as big as hpp.

I do appreciate the feedback. Ok, today is another day. Work hard, save your money and try to prepare for the future.

Eric S.
" 1. HPP (lots are pricey these days) 1 acre... .... Don't need septic.. "

You DO need septic. New cesspools were banned last year after March 21, 2016. You can only install septic now, regardless of acreage or zoning. Hefty difference in price, so keep that in mind while you lot shop. Best of luck.

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
From makai side of Beach Rd in HPP is Kaloli Pt. Those are all 1/2 acre lots...although I've heard some of the corner properties could be a little less. Some 1/2 acres have 2 sm houses on it.

Which is why one might question how 1/2 acre lots would be considered AG land. So far no goats, pigs or rooster farms although we have irresponsible rooster/hen owners who allow them to run loose in other people's lots in the neighborhood and in the roads. The 8+ roosters crowing 24/7 in a small community can be an irritant. One person had a horse which she would ride occasionally which was cool. Haven't seen the horse in a few yrs or more now.
how 1/2 acre lots would be considered AG land

Because the State says so: they're in the Agricultural Land Use District.

no goats, pigs or rooster farms

That's just simple economics; this particular Ag land is far too valuable... but the keeping of livestock is allowed under the zoning.
Yup, which is why I said "So far...." Any of that would be in your face w/half acre lots.

I would not choose any of those. I chose upper orchidland, for good reason and am happy with it.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management

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