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Laws on keeping ducks
Aloha everyone,

It's been a while since I have been here. I hope everyone is well. Smile

I have a question about keeping ducks on ag land and I can't seem to find any information. You guys seem to know stuff, lots of stuff. So I thought I'd ask.

Is it required to keep your ducks in a pen? They seem like a free range animal to me but someone told me they had to be restricted a pen on your property. And they told me that the department of health called them a health hazard. This sounds almost impossible as they fly, so the cage would have to have a roof.

Is this just a case of an annoyed neighbor? I really like the ducks, they eat bugs and don't crow. seems like a win to me.

Thank you and have a great day!



News to me.
There are chickens all over the place running loose.
It's always good to keep your animals on your own land, but I never knew there was a law restricting ducks to a pen.
Maybe there is. I haven't seen any loose ducks around.

We love ducks too. Some years it's wet enough for them to run loose, but it seems to me they'd stay pretty close to their watering hole.
Keeping of livestock is a "permitted agricultural use" unless a more restrictive CC&R applies.

If the neighbors don't like your ducks, get some pigs and a few "fancy game roosters", also livestock and therefore permitted by right.
I used to have neighbor's with pigs. When they cleaned the pig enclosure, the muck would run down the road into our place. Yuck. That's definitely a way to keep the neighbor's from worrying about ducks running free.
several years ago someone called on me and i had a visit from the humane society. the man was nice but said i couldn't have my ducks in my fenced yard in a residential neighborhood. i was polite also but said, sorry this is ag land, these are my ducks, they don't leave the property, and i collect their eggs; maybe he should go check again.... that was the last i heard from anyone about it... and yes it was a neighbor who complained...
Welcome back to Punaweb Jen,

We have a variety of animals on AG land in Puna including ducks (some of which just showed up on their own). As others have indicated, your experience is going to be dependent on where your lot is (Not all AG subdivisions are "created equal"). CC&Rs would (probably) definitely mean NO. There are other considerations as well. The best course of action is to make a less general inquiry based on a specific lot in a specific subdivision you are interested in.
When the Human"e" society comes calling, make sure your ducks are lined up.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Mahalo for the levity 8F!
I'm so sorry, seeing the thread title for the first time really threw me off! I just can't believe there are any laws that might prevent someone keeping ducks on their land, but this is Hawaii, so who knows? I hope you don't run into any issues, Cali Hi, because I love the idea of ducks running around, even if they're only in your property. Ever seen kids just rush to see them everywhere else, especially when they have ducklings? What harm could they possibly do? (Not the kids).

Then again, after reading another thread about going back to living like people did centuries ago, I just couldn't help thinking of this:
We had three muscovy ducks show up at our place (3.44 acres of ag land) almost two years ago. We have noticed a definite decrease in the cane toad and slug populations in our yard since the ducks arrived. We now have about ten to fifteen ducks roaming the property.


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