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HPP road maintainence
Invoke County rather than rant on a forum.

It's possible this has already occurred. Rant? I'm hoping to prompt members to ask the board tough questions. Hopeless, maybe.

Apparently if you want paved roads and/or responsible management, you simply "choose" to live somewhere that has these things.

Simple as that: it's a choice.

When we bought our lot and literally built our own home, there were no lawsuits or arbitration or CS'g going on. Asphalt was the option for road improvement. There was road striping on the main drags and after RTSC got involved came the reflectors. The former GM and board were moving forward on improving our dirt road material w/lower dust.

There was at least some sense of normalcy, following of bylaws, road maint and road material being dropped on the entire road (not just filling potholes), more transparency etc. Who could've forseen a lawsuit coming that would affect the association so profoundly for yrs? Who could've forseen that some of the very reps who got us into a lawsuit would then get us into an arbitration all in 1 yr and a half, then bypass the membership arrogantly to CS our roads which would result en masse road and easement neglect?

So given that kalakoa, would you then just shut your mouth and pick up and move away?
The unfortunate reality is: the HOA already has your money, and they have legal authority to force payment if you attempt to withhold that money.

They do not need to respond to "tough questions", so forum ranting (or "prompting") is irrelevant.

HPPOA bylaws form a contractual obligation, which contract has been breached by non-performance. Seek legal representation.

Yes, I would leave the subdivision rather than continue to sacrifice my health, well-being, and money towards an unwinnable battle against the Rogue Board.
Originally posted by mermaid53

Invoke County rather than rant on a forum.

It's possible this has already occurred. Rant? I'm hoping to prompt members to ask the board tough questions. Hopeless, maybe.

Apparently if you want paved roads and/or responsible management, you simply "choose" to live somewhere that has these things.

Simple as that: it's a choice.

Just remember that there was a pile on those employees to get them out and they really did do a good job.
Now most of the defendants in the law suite have moved back to the mainland and left you guys holding the bag.

When we bought our lot and literally built our own home, there were no lawsuits or arbitration or CS'g going on. Asphalt was the option for road improvement. There was road striping on the main drags and after RTSC got involved came the reflectors. The former GM and board were moving forward on improving our dirt road material w/lower dust.

There was at least some sense of normalcy, following of bylaws, road maint and road material being dropped on the entire road (not just filling potholes), more transparency etc. Who could've forseen a lawsuit coming that would affect the association so profoundly for yrs? Who could've forseen that some of the very reps who got us into a lawsuit would then get us into an arbitration all in 1 yr and a half, then bypass the membership arrogantly to CS our roads which would result en masse road and easement neglect?

So given that kalakoa, would you then just shut your mouth and pick up and move away?

Just remember that there was a pile on those employees to get them out and they really did do a good job. I think they were call thieves or crooks or something like that.

Now most of the defendants in the lawsuit have moved back to the mainland and left you guys holding the bag.
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
The unfortunate reality is: the HOA already has your money

Here's a partial list of entities that take my money and give me almost nothing in return:

* County of Hawaii
* State of Hawaii
* Geico
* Home Insurance
* US Treasury
* ...

Netflix on the other hand provides me with more return on my $10 a month than the sum total of all the above.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Mermaid if hpp has it's workers doing the chip seal work it does not matter in order to do the work there must be a licensed contractor representing is the state law private roads or not doesn't matter ...however I know for fact the hpp workers are only doing the prepping of the roads.also don Morris the maintenance mngr is NOT a licensed contractors the office has tried to tell me in the past and I bet he nor anyone else on the board stated in the last meeting that legally they are not allowed to chip seal seeing as they are all being investigated!!! Check into that rumor at the next meeting might shake em up.
Take a look at it this way... roads being built by a maintenance crew and unlicensed person...i tell you what even if it states on signs that these are private roads the public is using them and not if but when something goes wrong then what??

HPPOA bylaws form a contractual obligation, which contract has been breached by non-performance. Seek legal representation.
- - - --
Who has money to get legal representation against the board who spends road fees to hire attorneys to fight members? Isn't that what happened in that arbitration? The board does have to answer tough questions about HPPOA's money. They are in a contract with Hawaiian Paradise Park the Association.

If anyone doubts we got a money pit going on due to mismanagement of HPPOA road fees, go check out 26th and all the roads with no gravel. We drove on 26 Paradise and Makuu today. Sections along the edges have fallen apart and there's lots of potholes down the center. Mermaid said it's only a few months old.

My road got graded and rolled and it's dustier than it's ever been. Kenny said they're prepping to chip seal 25th? Maybe it's time to call the DOH since the board isn't going to do anything about it.

Who has money to get legal representation against the board who spends road fees to hire attorneys to fight members?

Having breached the contract, board no longer has authority to collect road fees; these should be deposited into an escrow account, thereby de-funding the board.

When the board seeks liens, challenge their authority to do so.

there must be a licensed contractor

I believe this is where County issues a "stop work order" (if they feel like it and it's not too much trouble).

There's also just whinging on forums and hoping the problem goes away. How's that working out for everyone?
Mermaid if hpp has it's workers doing the chip seal work it does not matter in order to do the work there must be a licensed contractor representing is the state law private roads or not doesn't matter

At the last membership mtg, a member asked the board whether there was a licensed contractor involved w/the CS work. Dist 3 rep replied that HPP is a private subdivision so it's not required. The member responded sarcastically that if that was the case, then anyone who works w/in HPP doesn't require a contractor's license bc it's a private subdivision? I think most of us got that the answer was NO, HPP doesn't have a licensed contractor, and that Dist 3 was either clueless or wasn't being honest. So it appears having a licensed contractor means nothing to the board and GM. They knew he was unlicensed from day 2 yet moved forward. (Many people informed the board in early 2015)

I bet he nor anyone else on the board stated in the last meeting that legally they are not allowed to chip seal seeing as they are all being investigated!!! Check into that rumor at the next meeting might shake em up.

That's interesting but I'm sure the board won't discuss this openly at a board mtg...

There's also just whinging on forums and hoping the problem goes away. How's that working out for everyone?

Actually kalakoa, a tide has turned. As noted in the last board mtg's GM report, lots of members are submitting requests for "road material" now....NOT only requests to fill potholes as was reported over the past year or more. Could it be that this thread had something to do w/that? The dots could be connecting. People are looking at their roads w/new eyes and realizing there's no rock on their road! It's been so long since road material's been dropped on roads that some have forgotten what it used to look like. New people have moved in and never saw what it used to look like. There's no question that HPP's prevalent pothole problems are connected to lack of rock material. People are seeing that filling potholes, and grading and rolling is a band aid fix. I strongly believe it's also a waste of association money and road crew labor. There's lots of new reps coming in soon and members should reach out and email or speak to their reps.

There's at least 1 current board member who posts on PT. There are current reps who read HPP threads, and there could be incoming reps reading. The # of hits can be quite high at times which indicates people are reading. So I feel it's a worthwhile venue. (Mahalo Rob for providing us this service)

I don't believe it's just a coincidence when someone complains about a road maint issue here on PT, and 4-5 days later (after 2 yrs of no action) it gets taken care of.
OMG!!! It's a total dust bowl down here. The road crew scraped and rolled all of Kaloli Pt a couple months ago down to just powder. What pathetic rock we had left on the road is entirely gone. NEVER had these kinds of dust issues EVER. A trailer truck hauling a backhoe passed our house this aft and the grey dust hung in the air for 3-4 min..

The previous board's plan is this and so far is still in motion: To fend off further DOH dust fines, they told them they'd water more, AND CHIP SEAL to mitigate dust. The CS schedule is this: start from the top and work their way down. They're doing 23rd right now. Which logically means they won't be addressing the mid to bottom sec of HPP for quite some time, which are the drier areas. Most of the upper roads are paved, now they're putting CS on the upper dirt roads. It's impossible to lay CS quick enough to mitigate dust and fend off DOH fines w/limited funds what about the rest of us in the park? We all paid the same road fees.

If they'd get back to their jobs and put road material on the roads, we wouldn't have the kind of dust that brings on DOH fines. I heard the people that are complaining to the DOH are explaining the dust is due to NO ROAD MATERIAL left on our roads.
We all paid the same road fees.

We all paid the same fuel tax, too. What's your point?

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