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dispensaries: running joke
I come from a family of medical (M.D.) doctors. Basis for my opinion. Marijuana does not have to be smoked to get the "medical benefit".
Anyway, why not just legalize it instead of using this so-called "medical" use excuse?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Originally posted by glinda
Marijuana does not have even the potential to be that harmful to individuals or society as a whole.
There's a member on here who lost his ability to walk and lost his business resulting in his employees losing their jobs, due to a vehicle accident caused by someone who was supposedly high on marijuana at the time... glinda, would you not say that to them marijuana can not only be as harmful but moreso?
Though I have not seen him post in a while. Just bringing that to light in case you missed his tirade a few months back on the subject.

In fact what I find the most destructive about marijuana is right winged idiots that are able to be manipulated into believing otherwise, and what they do with their unfounded, uneducated, fears whenever they are in a position of power.

Can we not also assume that these people may have had their opinions informed by their own experiences?
My wife for instance is very anti-marijuana because her parents were, as she put it "worthless potheads who spent more time in their basement with their friends than taking care of their own children". She grew up in poverty and tells of times that her parents could not afford clothes or toys for them but always had pot to smoke.

I on the other hand have the luxury of not having an opinion on the matter really. I just don't care. The perks of having a mental disorder I suppose. But I do find the subject fascinating and as an outsider looking in see it from all sides, even if those yelling at the top of their lungs refuse to.

As a caveat here, I used to smoke marijuana, and enjoyed it quite a bit. But as I grew older I lost all interest in it... as with other things. So I honestly have no issue with responsible people that still use it.

Just to be clear, I am not taking a side to advocate on here, or talking down to you or trying to troll you. I am being serious in all that I say and ask... in case I may have come off that way. After rereading my post it almost seemed that way.
Kalakoa @ 14:41:54

an insider project for well-connected rich guys

...who are being taken for a ride. It's not clear how they will ever make back their investment, maybe they know something we don't?

Aside from the article you presented, I also saw a news report, I think it was KGMB. The dispensary owner said that they had harvested 3 crops and are working on their 4th. They are packaging and storing, but it has a shelf life. The first thing I thought was that this will turn into a legal battle where the dispensary owners will collect damages from the state, which means we the people will pay for it.....
I agree with EightFingers.
If weed no longer got one "high", you would see the number of "medical" permits drop by 90% plus.
There's a fair bit of instability in this area, especically now. Many people running state authorized facilities were raided by the DEA even under Obama. The banks can't handle their money. And there doesn't seem to be anything really changing at the federal level. Even people on medical marijuana lists are worried since they are exposed they could be investigated now.

Just today we found out, Jeff Sessions said he wants permission to go after medical marijuana providers. This was detailed in a letter he made this personal request to congress:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is asking congressional leaders to undo federal medical marijuana protections that have been in place since 2014, according to a May letter that became public Monday.

The protections, known as the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, prohibit the Justice Department from using federal funds to prevent certain states "from implementing their own State laws that authorize the use, distribution, possession or cultivation of medical marijuana."

In his letter, first obtained by Tom Angell of and verified independently by The Washington Post, Sessions argued that the amendment would "inhibit [the Justice Department's] authority to enforce the Controlled Substances Act."

Lau Ola scrapped plans to reconfigure its open-air banana packing house to grow marijuan ... now laying the groundwork to instead build from scratch a 35,000-square-foot grow center ....

That delay means it now anticipates being up and running by April or May 2018, Ha said, adding that's still "just an estimate."

Hawaii's medical marijuana patient count surpassed 17,000 in May, up from about 14,000 a year ago. About 40 percent of patients are located on the Big Island.

Must be nice to afford to pay construction + payroll + permits and still not be in a hurry.
With Sessions threatening patients, it might be a good time for Hawaii to delete all records of card holders, and allow use by all adults. Addicts will be addicts whether a substance is illegal or not.
Originally posted by randomq

Addicts will be addicts whether a substance is illegal or not.

VERY well said!
when marijuana is smoked or vaporized

Not equivalent; combustion creates interesting new compounds as a side effect, where vaporization is closer to "pure" { TH*, CB* }

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