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Island Coffee farms looked at by ICE officials.
Originally posted by PaulW

"But I do see that you are very emotionally tied to this discussion"
You're the one comparing the legal entry of immigrants, which made this country and state what it is, to slavery and murder.

No sir I most definitely am not, and I take personal offense to you stating as much! My post was very clear and what I said was thus:
Just because someone's great-great grandpappy was something or did something does not mean their descendants should follow suit.
The rest was (and I even labeled it as so) purely anecdotal in order to drive that point home.

For you to purposefully take it completely out of context and then attempt to use that statement as a straw man for your own argument is disgusting to say the least.
I am sorry that you are unable to have an adult conversation, you truly are what people have come to expect from Punatics, and I wash my hands of this ignorance.
Good day!
Now who's getting emotional?

I apologize if you feel that way. But you did set yourself up for it with a poorly chosen analogy. You could've picked voting rights for women, for example.
It's the internet, we debate robustly here. Again, my apologies if you felt insulted.
Palanakonu, good evening to you. Please don't sweat PaulW's PW Trolling. PaulW rarely adds anything constructive to any threads while purposely trying to offend the newbies. My guess is that PaulW is a tired officer of the law who really does not care much about the majority of folks living in the real world. Best to ignore PaulW and his constant trolling behavior.


I'm so sorry I just read that...

No worries gypsy69, it's easy enough for me to wash my hands of something/someone... especially on an internet forum.
Been around long enough to see things for what they are.
From wikipedia:
"Since 2000, legal immigrants to the United States number approximately 1,000,000 per year, of whom about 600,000 are Change of Status who already are in the U.S. Legal immigrants to the United States now are at their highest level ever, at just over 37,000,000 legal immigrants."

I couldn't find numbers for Hawaii, I assume that per capita it would be higher.

It seems like a lot but 1M per year is less than one third of 1 percent of the population.
The country is better for it, the whole history of the USA shows what immigration can do to a country.
Yes, PaulW, the country is better, as a result of LEGAL immigration. Thank you for helping make the point.
Originally posted by Palanakonu

No worries gypsy69, it's easy enough for me to wash my hands of something/someone... especially on an internet forum.

No worries Palanakonu, most of us already washed our hands of gypsy and his conspiracy theories years ago!
In the event I failed to clarify, I do not support a complete halt to all legal immigration--a wildly impractical and indefensible idea. I support significantly reduced legal immigration and a halt to illegal immigration, including use of deportations. But I would grant deportation exclusions for folks with say 10 or more years in the U.S. (and I stated this before).

Sorry that you have such a hateful bigot here on Punatalk.

Palanakonu, I sympathize with your comments. Misleading argumentation is the norm for some posters.

I was accused of writing “statisticians are dishonest.” I actually wrote: “Many statisticians have been dishonest here”--here referring to the specific topic of whether immigration (legal and illegal) has affected job prospects for African Americans. (And so many other examples of misleading writing I have lost count.)

Don’t take any of this too personal, Palanakonu. You have had a run-in with the Thought Police. They are trying to push Punatalk into moving into a new era--safe public space. They will attack with a variety of insults and dishonest writing if you do not conform to proper and correct thinking.
You have had a run-in with the Thought Police. They will attack... if you do not conform to proper and correct thinking.

I wouldn't worry about either of those things.
The Thought Police are unarmed, while the demand for proper and correct thinking is generally minimal.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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