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Any recommendations for a electrical contractor to install two power poles to the back of my lot in Leilani? HELCO charges approximately $7,000 per pole, wanted to get some quotes to see if electrical outfit can do it cheaper.
If I go the route of a contractor, HELCO will set a remote meter base on the pole by the road, and then the electrician will run the power back to my house, approximately 2 poles in.
Appreciate any feedback, mahalo nui loa - Dot
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For $14K, off-grid was my first thought too.
Note that if HELCO installs poles on your property, they remain property of HELCO, so they might hook up a neighbor's house.
If you do your own, they're "yours", and you can (last I checked) get away with 4-inch pipe.
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I had to put in 4 poles. The first was the 6 inch pole. Helco tied from their pole to my 6 inch. Jimmy Enoka drilled for and set all of the poles for me. Hirayama Brothers strung my wire and connected me to the house. Big expense due to house being 450 ft in from the road. Expect 1800.00 - 2200.00 per pole. Wiring and connect thousands more. I needed to be able to work from home and quickly so I went grid tie.
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yes, i had 2 poles, think i paid 1800 a piece. think i used Dig it Hawaii to drill and set poles. then i own poles. HELCO ran to the first pole ( must be within 100 feet of their pole.) my sspp was already paid, so no charge for that. the electrical i paid to do the whole house and that was figured in the price... You must have HELCO come out and do a site inspection, and especially if you are on the opposite side of road from the nearest HELCO pole as it will determine how tall your pole must be. make sure when you have them drill for the poles you have them drill for the 2 copper rods, i didn't realize they needed 2 and a 8 foot rod through lava is a _____.
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Thanks for the info, house site is about 340' in on the lot, I got just a bit carried away when I had my lot cleared. I knew privacy comes with a price....oh well, it will be nice when it's all done!
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For those people that put the house waaaay back in their lot, make sure you consider that the person behind you, may decide to do the same...
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Geeze for those prices I would research to see how much it would cost to bury the line. If just a few thousand more it might be worth it. Or go solar.