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Someone stole my rose bushes
I'm really offended and disturbed by it.

I just planted them a few months ago and they were blooming.

Small bit of color by my farm gate. Pulled them up by the roots.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Put up a sign:

"Whoever stole my experimental invasive poisonous bushes: you should probably see your doctor."
So sorry Rob. Some people have no respect. I'll bet some thorns are headed their way..

Have you ever been in the Pharmacy by Malama ? The pharmacist in there grows roses and always has a bouquet of the most fragrant roses on the counter. He really knows roses and loves to share his knowledge when he's not slammed with customers.

The only ones I can grow here successfully are the green ones, but I know people who have actual rose gardens here in big pots that bloom like crazy.

I finally had to put a fence around my pineapples after they started disappearing.. (Dummy's harvested tiny little green pineapples)

That's sad Rob. When you finally see months of care and effort start to bloom, then, it's gone in an instant. I'm sure everyone who drove along your road enjoyed seeing that splash of color too, as they passed by. It's hard to imagine what a person thinks when they do something like that.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Your story is a metaphor for Puna.
It's not just a plant that someone took from you as some of these people who do these kinds of things perceives. After the labor and care you put into this living thing... also stolen was the satisfaction you'd receive through the lovely blooms for the life of the plant.

Last year a lot owner in HPP located off a main drag planted a hedge of keiki podocarpus on one side of his cleared acre. Someone pulled out every one of his plants w/in a week of planting. He hasn't replanted anything in it's place.
Bored, shiftless, stupid people with a large mean streak. jmo
Originally posted by glinda
I believe it is the courts that condone theft by their leniency.

It's really the prosecutors office and to some extent the cops who make that call not the courts. If the dollar amount is low they don't even bother to prosecute, much less pursue recovery.
That's pretty low!!

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I recently read that a person is more likely to get tetanus from a rose thorn than a rusty nail.

May they get all the karma they deserve.

"Tetanus tends to occur in people following injury. It is caused by Clostridium tetani bacteria (commonly found in soil) that penetrate the skin. Some examples of how this may happen include: a prick from a rose thorn."

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